
Why we're doing this


Did you see ABC's 7:30 last night?

It was a critical reminder of why we all began the campaign for safer poker machines. This campaign is for Getup members like Helena and Karen, featured on last night's program. 


Three years of hell - Rex Bellotti Jnr's first interview

Gerry Georgatos
(This is the first time Rex Jnr has given an interview)

Rex Bellotti Jnr was fifteen years old when a police-four-wheel-drive struck him grievously near midnight on a March night in 2006. In an unfettered debacle since the tragic event the Western Australian police have refused to admit adequate culpability and the now 18 year old is still waiting for the State Insurer's payout.

I have written over 70,000 words on this young man and of the incident that wrecked many of his dreams.


What's more important? The Queen's discontent or ten million Congolese dead and counting?

You cannot claim a moral compass if it is skewed and bent.

Our news media is crucial to our national consciousness, and to our children's form and content. An Australia-wide lead news item was the Queen's alleged discontent at honeymoon photos of her grandson being published.

However the news media makes just about zero mention of the 10 million Congolese who have been killed since 1996. Many of you will think, "10 million Congolese murdered? That's genocide, how wouldn't we know about this? This is more than 12 times the genocidal deaths in Rwanda during 1994.

Bimblebox and Beyond Zero Emissions come to the Fraser Coast

Five local community groups are collaborating to bring the thought provoking film, “Bimblebox” to the Fraser Coast next Thursday, 19 July. The film documents the proposal to turn the Bimblebox Nature Refuge into the China First open cut coal mine and explores the big picture issues surrounding coal mining.

“Premier Campbell Newman has recently said that Queensland is “in the coal business”. The Bimblebox film gives us a taste of what this means for communities throughout the state,” explained the event coordinator, Cecile Espigole from the Greater Mary Association Inc.


Wrap up of the week's nuclear news

Information and source links for these items can be found at and at


South Australia. Police including anti terror unit now blocking off roads, despite agreeing to rights for huge protest rally at Olympic Dam uranium mine. People travelling from far and wide. Renowned film-maker David Bradbury will document events. Dr Helen Caldicott to give public speech at Roxby Downs

Bankers behind bars

Big banks have been caught in a massive scam to rig global interest rates, ripping off millions of people on their mortgages, student loans and more! We'd go to jail for this, but Barclays bank has only been fined, and just a fraction of their profits! Outrage is mounting -- this is our chance to finally turn the tide of the banks' reign over our democracies.

Plea from a death in custody family

the following letter is from ms. marcia mason-hopkins and her family in their attempt to honour the death in custody of mark mason who was shot by police in collarenabrie on the 11 november, 2010.

this is not the first time that deaths in custody and social justice issues has been incorporated into the aboriginal rugby league knockout during the october long weekend as the watch committee sponsered a team during the late 9o's but to my memory this is the first by a death in custody family.

Picket of workers at Toll Coles Distribution warehouse begins

A picket by workers at Toll warehouse in Somerton in Melbourne began on July 10th. The workers are paying parity of conditions and pay as workers in other Coles warehouses. Workers at Toll are paid significantly less, do not receive RDO's, are forced to work on public holidays and suffer from poor health and safety. A Community Assembly has been called to back the NUW led strike. Differences in terms of tactics exist with many leftist groups urging support for the NUW leadership of the strike whilst the Socialist Equality Party is calling on workers to break free from the NUW and form independent strike committees.
Related: Coverage in The Age -- Analysis from the Socialist Equality Party -- Photos on Flikr -- Solidarity protest at Coles stores -- Workers Solidarity Network fliers -- Updates on strike from Socialist Alternative


Afghanistan aid conference signals indefinite foreign occupation

The article below from the World Socialist Website gives accurate analysis on the recent "aid conference" in Afghanistan. The Australian press covered the conference focussing on Australia's committment of $250 million a year in aid. The media, such as in this article from the Australian also pushed the lie that 2014 will see Australian troops return to Australia and the effective end of the Afghan War.


Moree sovereign union government gathering

Establishing the Goomeroi Sovereign Embassy in Moree


Saturday Jul 28
8.30 - 9.30 Registration of delegates and participants at Moree Embassy
10am. March through main street of Moree then to Embassy
11am welcome to Country and Dance of the Warriors
11.30. Introduction to Sovereign Union & Interim Government agenda for
28 - 29 July by Michael Anderson Euahlayi/Gomeroi
11.45. comments, questions and suggestions, additions and alterations to
Proposed agenda. Adopt agenda.

ABC's 7.30 tonight on GetUp!'s pokies campaign, including interviews with victims

Tune in to ABC's 7.30 tonight - they've put together a great feature on our pokies campaign including interviews with GetUp members who bravely share their very personal stories about how problem gambling at high loss poker machines has affected their families.

We will be in touch shortly with more on the campaign.

Erin for the GetUp team

Chch spontaneity likely to ruin NZ's planned parasitic culture: ethical human rights for a revolution in ideas.

Chch spontaneity likely to ruin NZ's planned parasitic culture: ethical human rights for a revolution in ideas.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.,
Auckland City.
Ph: (0064) (09) (940.9658)

Most of the following comments were made on Michelle Helliwell's 'Christchurch Earthquake Stories' Facebook page, my Facebook page as well as twitter and linkedin.


Robbery - carbon tax

Government robbery – now called a carbon tax

This short piece of the Adelaide road shows about 30 lamps fully on in a mid day. Those lamps at that spot are on very often whole day. Sometimes only they are off.
Typically such lamps have 100-400W each. So one may argue that it is only 6kW of power assuming a 200W per lamp. It is not much comparing to a total power consumed by Adelaide and to total wasted power. Is it only a 6kW?


WGAR News: "Japarta Ryan’s plan to stop Intervention" National Indigenous Times

Newsletter date: 9 July 2012

* NIT: Japarta Ryan’s plan to stop Intervention
* Emma Purdy: Labor lays the groundwork for another apology
* ABC Video: Bankstown residents oppose income management
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Aboriginal elder Ossie Cruse: An Australian identity starts with a "Treaty"
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement
* Interview with Tent embassy fire man, Robert Corowa

Mexican Democracy is at risk!

International public opinion,
To whom it may concern,

With great concern we feel the need to inform you about the way millions of Mexicans feel regarding the countless irregularities that have occurred during the electoral process in Mexico.