
People smugglers they are not, lawful and heroes instead - we have to change the language

Gerry Georgatos
The misappropriation of language and abuse of semantics in reference to ‘perceived people smugglers’ has to begin to change so we do not further erode compassion, and continue to skew the moral compass, bend and circumvent the rule of law- domestic and international.


The fantasy of wishful thinking

By Suvendrini Perera

Supporters of offshore processing say they want to prevent asylum seekers from drowning. Remembering the SIEV X tragedy reminds us that rescue and monitoring processes are what save lives, writes Suvendrini Perera

Amal Basry reminded us often that her name meant hope in English. In the last few weeks I have kept thinking about her, this rare survivor of the boat that came to be known as SIEV X. 353 of her fellow asylum seekers died when SIEV X went down just over a decade ago. Many unanswered questions remain about its sinking.


A history of mandatory detention - presented by the Refugees Rights Action Network Perth

As part of the 20th year anniversary of mandatory detention, Refugees Rights Action Network Perth hosted a special forum examining the history of mandatory detention of refugees, the case against it and the role activism has played in challenging it. Guest speakers included activists who have been involved in the campaign for 20 years, who have seen the political and public landscape surrounding refugees transform into what it is today. The growth and change of the campaign against it was also examined.

Lizards revenge: The South Australian government ignores its founding document, the Letters Patent from Britain, as though it never existed

Lismore, NSW, 18 July 2012 -- The recent demonstrations against expansion of the BHP Roxby Downs uranium mine in South Australia, led by Arabunna Elder, Kevin Buzzacott, highlight how governments and mining companies ignore and completely override the sovereign rights and human rights of First Nations Peoples, writes sovereignty activist, Michael Anderson. 


WGAR News: Lizards Revenge media updates from camp; Uncle Kevin Buzzacott declares Sovereignty

Newsletter date: 18 July 2012

* Background to the Lizards Revenge
* Lizards Revenge media updates from camp
* Video: Uncle Kevin Buzzacott declares Sovereignty
* Audio: The Wire - Protesters stand firm against uranium mining [Featuring: Uncle Kevin Buzzacott]
* Lizards Revenge in the media
* Indymedia: Solidarity Demo in London for Lizard's Revenge
* Background to expansion of Olympic Dam mine challenge
* Chris Graham: White man’s democracy is a black man’s dysfunction
* Other articles


- Background

Ethic of Western journalism: The evolution of Chen Guangcheng’s “escape” stories

- 16 escape stories with only one that makes sense

The blind Chinese dissident, Chen Guangcheng has finally “escaped” the “brutal” treatment of the Chinese “regime” and landed in the “free” world. The world in particularly the American media called this a human rights win for America.

Sea Shepherd's Steve Irwin on its way to save the Kimberley's coast amidst allegations of sham politics to build the Gas Hub

Gerry Georgatos
The Sea Shepherd, Aboriginal Elders, Dr Bob Brown, the Australian Greens and Kimberley residents have condemned the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) report and recommendations on the proposal to give the go-ahead for the Browse Basin gas hub at James Price Point, and they described the environmental assessment process "as a sham."

"This report and (the) recommendations need to be rejected by the Federal Government. How can anyone expect the results of this sham of a process to be taken seriously?"


Campaign Coalition welcomes the NSW ALP conference’s rejection of compulsory income management

The campaign coalition - Say No to Government Income Management, Not in Bankstown, Not Anywhere – today warmly congratulated the NSW ALP State Conference for its historic weekend resolution calling on the Federal Government to halt the imposition of compulsory income management in Bankstown or in any community.


Possible Next PM Of Australia mp3

The opposition leader and his ilk satirized, parodied, commented and sung about

samples of:
Paul Mc Dermot Good News Week, Hamster Wheel, Little Britain, Clarke Dawe, S. Micalleff, Horrible Histories, "Madmonk" written by J. Bampton

29:23 mib 128 kbps stereo 28 MB

White man’s democracy is a black man’s dysfunction

By Chris Graham, managing editor of Tracker magazine*

A big part of the reason why Aboriginal people are so disadvantaged is because Aboriginal politics is so factionalised. At least, it is if you ask the average white Australian commentator.

I was reminded of this ‘white truth about black political life’ during a recent event at the National Press Club in Canberra, where Dr Dawn Casey was speaking on the future of Aboriginal economic development.

Lizard Rises Day Two - Stand off with police as mutants march

Day two (July 15th) of Lizards Revenge saw the numbers at the camp swell to around 500 people. A "zombie" or "mutant" march occurred as protestors tried to reach the "gates of hell" otherwise known as Olympic Dam. However the march was thwarted by police who would not let the Lizard sculpture (a converted car) with Uncle Kevin Buzzacott in it be pushed within the march. They said it violated the "no vehicle rule". A three hour stand off with police ensued before protestors abandoned attempts to reach the gates for the day. See good coverage of the march on the
ABC news including video
Related:Lizards Revenge Website -- Lizards Revenge on Facebook

The Lizard Rises at Olympic Dam - Day One march to the gates of hell

After an early visit to the gates on July 12th, the Lizard's Revenge kicked off in earnest on July 14th. As promised the Lizards Revenge took its party to the "Gates of Hell" on July 14th. Hundreds marched to the gates of the mine including Arabunna elder Uncle Kevin Buzzacott. The numbers camping has swelled from a few hundred on the first day to approximately 400-500 campers by day two.
Lizard Revenge Website

Solidarity Demo in London for Lizard's Revenge

Demos at Australian High Commission in London and outside the London headquarters of mining giant BHP Billiton in solidarity with opponents of expansion of Olympic Dam uranium, copper, gold and silver mine in South Australia occurred on July 13th. Groups taking part included Kick Nuclear and London Mining Network.

Rally outside the ombudsman's office on 28/6 and other matters

several members/supporters have asked about the rally outside
the ombudsman's office on 28/6 and on other matters also so i
shall take this opportunity to make comment on the questions
asked along with other matters of relevance.

on 6/6 i attended a bail forum at the teachers federation that
was strongly supporting the proposed changes to the nsw bail
laws being put forward by our attorney-general,greg smith, but
being opposed by premier barry o'farrell. i shall have more to
say on this matter in an upcoming post as i need to get some
documents scanned.