
4 July - Independence from the USA Day. No more Australian blood for US wars!

Peace Bus Media Release: July 4th 2012 A professional SAS killer of too many seasons gets killed in Afghanistan and PM Gillard goes on Tv dressed in widow weeds to claim the nation is mourning for his death.

"More Gillard lies!" is the response of Graeme Dunstan, organiser of the Independence from the USA Day Speak Out at the gates of Robertson Barracks, home of 1st Brigade and also (temporarily) Fox company of the US Marine Corps.

TODAY 12.30 - 2 pm Robertson Barracks
Thorngate Road, Holtze, Darwin

Rael commends German court ruling that circumcision constitutes ‘bodily harm’]

Media Release

LAS VEGAS, July 2 – Rael, spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement, today commended a German court’s recent ruling that the circumcision of young boys for religious reasons amounts to bodily harm.

“Circumcision for men, like clitoral excision in females, constitutes sexual mutilation and should be forbidden,” Rael said. It is a position he has taken for years. He also favours a Norwegian political party that is currently seeking a ban on circumcision in Norway.

Carbon Tax tips the scales for Munmorah coal power station closure

Delta Electricity this afternoon announced the closure of the 45 year old Munmorah coal fired power station at least partly due to the introduction of the carbon tax. The power station is located on the shores of Lake Munmorah on the central coast of NSW between Sydney and Newcastle.

Reasons for the closure being cited by Delta Energy include the reduction in energy demand in NSW resulting in an excess in electrictiy supply, the aging nature of the infrastructure and the high cost of maintenance, and that "the carbon tax further erodes its viability."


WGAR News: Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra: Stronger Futures - We Are In Mourning

Newsletter date: 3 July 2012

* Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra: Stronger Futures - We Are In Mourning
* Interview with Dr Djiniyini Gondarra about the Stronger Futures legislation
* Video: Djiniyini calls to fight "Stronger Futures"
* Audio of Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra, Barbara Shaw and Monica Morgan
* Lawyers Weekly: ALA criticises intervention extension
* ALA: The Stronger Futures Legislative Package - Assessment of Non-Compliance With Human Rights
* ALA: Stronger Futures Policy Requires Human Rights Review
* ANTaR: Stronger Futures defies Aboriginal community aspirations

Is Premier Campbell Newman really an honest and true Christian?

Mr Newman said his" first 100 days in office had been a lot of fun and very, very rewarding to get on with what we'd said we'd do, particularly on the cost-of-living stuff".

I am so relieved the Christian Premier Newman, who told the media he prays every night, really enjoys his very powerful job.

And I wonder if he prays for my innocent, victimised and repeatedly falsely locked-up, falsely prosecuted and systematically suppressed son Jordan every night also?

Does he really care about all the harm this did to Jordan and me?


Background to Mabo and Native Title

Last updated: 29 May 2014

WGAR News: "What about our sacred sites?": Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer (29 May 14)
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: "What about our sacred sites?"
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Dissenting voices rise against single largest native title offer
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Toogarr Morrison says it's Bibbullmun and not Noongar
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Marianne Mackay backs Toogarr Morrison - "we're Bibbullmun, not Noongar"


WGAR News: "Why only a 'sovereign treaty' can provide justice in constitution reform" M. Anderson

Newsletter date: 2 July 2012

* Michael Anderson: Why only a 'sovereign treaty' can provide justice in constitution reform
* SBS interview with Michael Anderson for NAIDOC Week
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement
* SBS World News: Muckaty nuclear waste case adjourned
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Amnesty: Stronger Futures puts shame to Australia’s human rights record
* Greens Penny Wright: Stronger Futures Legislation Speech
* Greens Scott Ludlam: Speech on the Stronger Futures in the NT Bill

direct action resources

WHENEVER there is a large or small action planned, people bring there experiences, tactics, etc with them. Here is a list of stuff that could be useful for people doing action for first time or building on there skills and resources.
Below is a compile of resources for direct actions, it covers logistics, skills, decision making models, pepper spray, media etc It could be of use for anyone preparing for direct action.

Spokes councils , affinity groups, diversity of tactics.


Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 4 events from 3 July 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 3 - Fri 20 July 2012: Bendigo & Roxby Downs
Road Trip for Change
- Step Out(back) and Learn from Country
"In July the South Australian Student Environment Network
will be running a series of epic road trips that will take you
on a journey of learning from Adelaide to Australia’s
biggest grass roots Environment Conference:
Students of Sustainability (SoS), then via the great
SA outback to Roxby Downs for the
Lizards Revenge Music/Art festival."


Sydney & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 17 events from 2 July 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Mon 2 July 2012: Bankstown, Sydney, NSW
Rally and Vigil [Mon 2- Fri 13 July 2012]
Outside Bankstown Centrelink
Say No to Government Income Management!
Speakers include:
Mark Boyd, Chris Christodoulou, Sue Gillet, Paddy Gibson,
Brett Holmes, Sally McManus, Senator Lee Rhiannon,
Gerard Thomas, Representatives from local organisations
Event details:

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 25 events from 2 July 2012

Newsletter date: 1 July 2012

Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia
- 25 events from 2 July 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 4 May - 8 July 2012: Circular Quay, Sydney, NSW
Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud
Photographs by Jagath Dheerasekara
Curated by Sandy Edwards
Head On Photo Festival
""The photographs are excellent. They are a moving
portrayal of Aboriginal Australia that all Australians
aught to know about on an issue that wont go away."
- John Pilger, Writer and Filmmaker, January 2012"

Let us remember Galang and Hei Ling Chau and other regional camps - and who stood up for asylum seekers fleeing the 'killing fields' and persecution

Let us honestly remind ourselves of the 1970s and 1980s in how we treated and resettled our Asylum Seekers, and who really stood up for them however let us not revise the past in some Camelot like myth as is happening by some and by others too young to remember, and by people ignorant of Galang and Hei Ling Chau and other like regional camps.

The hysteria around Asylum Seekers is deplorable and the result of perceptual modifications.


WGAR News: Intervention laws pass the Senate; Dr Gondarra in High Court challenge

Newsletter date: 30 June 2012

* Greens MPs: NT wakes to sad news after Intervention laws pass the Senate
* Senate Hansard on Stronger Futures - Thursday, 28 June 2012 - pp 67-145
* NIT: Intervention - Gondarra in High Court challenge
* Tracker: Stronger Futures is a "war on democracy": Gondarra
* Congress Statement: Passage of the Stronger Futures Bills
* ACM Sydney: A sad day for democracy but the fight will continue
* ACOSS: Wrong way, go back: Communities seek a change of direction on income management

WGAR News: A Day of Mourning: Yolngu Nations Assembly and the Alyawaar Nation media release

Newsletter date: 30 June 2012

* Deni Langman: A letter to the Politicians of Australia who will Debate the Stronger Futures Legislation, June 2012
* A Day of Mourning: Yolngu Nations Assembly and the Alyawaar Nation media release
* Interview with Rosalie Kunoth Monks: A day of mourning for Stronger Futures
* Interview with Barbara Shaw, member of the NT Intervention Rollback Action Group
* Greens to oppose NT Intervention expansion
* Tracker: Anti-intervention campaign standing strong
* CAAMA: Graeme Mundine on Stronger Futures Bills which are before the Senate this week

Stronger Futures is a “war on democracy”: Gondarra

Dhurili leader Reverend Djiniyini Gondarra is an outspoken opponent of the Gillard government’s controversial Stronger Futures policy. (AFP PHOTO/BEN STANSALL)

A respected Yolngu leader has slammed both major parties for passing the Stronger Futures laws, stating they have both “stolen the authority and responsibility of Aboriginal people” and started a “war on democracy”.

The Stronger Futures laws, which extend and expand many aspects of the NT intervention, were passed in the Senate early this morning, following a marathon debate surrounding the asylum seeker crisis.


WGAR News: community petitions: Putting Australia to the human rights test

Newsletter date: 29 June 2012

* community petitions: Putting Australia to the human rights test
* Congress letter to Parliamentary Human Rights Committee
* Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights: Chair's Statement to the House of Representatives
* Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service calls for human rights scrutiny on income management national rollout
* 'concerned Australians': Stronger Futures or human rights: will FAHCSIA remain closed?
* ACM Sydney: The ACM endorses requests to send Stronger Futures for scrutiny by Parliamentary Human Rights Committee

Videos: Rally against Baillieu new coal plans and HRL coal power station

June 28, 2012: Up to 300 People gathered on the steps of the Victorian Parliament house to show opposition to new coal projects which would destroy prime farmland and triple Victoria's contribution to greenhouse pollution.

Residents from Bacchus Marsh and south Gippsland attended to show their opposition to new coal mining projects and plans to use an experimental drying technology by Exergen to open up further mining and the export of brown coal.

Related: Latrobe Valley Coal Power and Climate Change | Carbon capture and storage and the Melbourne earthquake | No coal mine in Bacchus Marsh - locals and activists halt exploratory drilling | Photoset on Flickr
