Tell Queensland not to turn itself into a dumping ground

Queensland is beautiful, with wide expanses of beaches in the north and lush river valleys in the south. But soon, all that could be buried under a load of rubbish, thanks to Queensland's decision to get rid of the industrial waste levy.

Tell Queensland not to to turn itself into a dumping ground. »

The levy, which went into effect only at the end of last year, "brought Queensland into line with other mainland Australian states,” says the government’s website.

But effective July 1, the $35 per tonne tax will end, making Queensland the most dump-friendly state nationwide.

One waste collector in New South Wales told the Sydney Morning Herald, "Come July 1, everything will be going to Queensland."

But this won't just affect Queensland. Throwing away this levy undermines levies throughout Australia, meaning that waste may soon bury all of the states and territories.

This can't happen. Tell Queensland: don’t turn your state into a dumping ground. »

Don't Turn Queensland Into A Dumping Ground!

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