RANZCP - Re - Stronger Futures Legislation

WGAR News: A Day of Mourning: Yolngu Nations Assembly and the Alyawaar Nation media release

Newsletter date: 30 June 2012

* Deni Langman: A letter to the Politicians of Australia who will Debate the Stronger Futures Legislation, June 2012
* A Day of Mourning: Yolngu Nations Assembly and the Alyawaar Nation media release
* Interview with Rosalie Kunoth Monks: A day of mourning for Stronger Futures
* Interview with Barbara Shaw, member of the NT Intervention Rollback Action Group
* Greens to oppose NT Intervention expansion
* Tracker: Anti-intervention campaign standing strong
* CAAMA: Graeme Mundine on Stronger Futures Bills which are before the Senate this week