
Stronger Futures passed - "Sad day for democracy but the fight will continue"

Graeme Mundine, Executive Director of the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, Sydney Archdiocese, has lamented the Senate's passing of the Stronger
Futures Legislation on Thursday evening (28 June). "This is a sad day for all
Aboriginal people in Australia and it is a sad day for democracy," Mr
Mundine said.

"The Stronger Futures legislation has now passed through both Houses of
Parliament despite comprehensive opposition from Northern Territory
Aboriginal Nations, community groups, Churches, welfare groups and others.


"Will you tell your grandchildren how you destroyed the lives of so many First Nations People?”

A letter from Deni Langman, a traditional owner of Uluru, to the politicians of Australia about the Stronger Futures legislation being discussed in the Senate and read out in full tonight at the onset.

Palya Everyone, I never thought I would be so affected by this statement from Rosalie and Djiniyini. It is like having everything I dreamed of disappearing from my sight.

Urgent: asylum seeker petition on TV today

-- Yesterday, another boat capsized north of Christmas Island. An estimated 150 asylum seekers were onboard; 130 have been rescued and one person has been confirmed dead. Parliament debated late into the night on a bill for offshore processing in Nauru and Malaysia, but that bill will today be defeated in the Senate. A new approach is urgently needed. --

Solidarity gathering for the Honduran resistance

On 23 June 2012 on the Iberoamerican Plaza next to Central Station, Sydney, 40 people gathered as a community in solidarity with the people of Honduras against the continued political killings, human rights violations and environmental exploitation that has been driven by an internationally coordinated military coup since 28th June 2009. The coup was to ensure conditions to allow business to do whatever they want without regard for human lives and the environment.

Groups urge world leaders to reject “Green Economy” in Rio+20 summit

MANILA, Philippines - Various cause-oriented groups warned the Philippine delegation and world leaders attending the three-day United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil not to fall into the trap of believing that the proposed "Green Economy" is "a tool and mechanism for sustainable development."

Asylum seeker tragedies predictable due to the Australian political landscape and migration walls - They did not have to drown

Gerry Georgatos
Basarnas, the Indonesian search and rescue agency has for more than a decade informed the Australian Government that it does not have the boats, nor the quality of vessels, or the resources to manage ocean rescue, and Basarnas has long asked Australia for provision of quality vessels and resources in order to assist in search and rescue and in order to monitor its ports for boats departing.


Force the States and Territories to means-test fines!

A fine is a weapon of class warfare. For a rich person, a fine may represent minutes of earnings or savings. For a poor person, it represents days of earnings and weeks or months of savings. Thus the poor are punished more harshly for the same alleged offence. That's the idea.

Nuclear news that was, for the past week, by Christina Macpherson

Information and source links for these items can be found at and at

Court proceedings on Muckaty nuclear waste dump adjourned till end of year, or later, - elderly Aboriginal traditional landowners waiting - (till they die?)

Carbon tax system to start on July 1, estimated to help rather than hurt, financial status of lower and middle income earners. But Tony Abbott revs up his rhetoric against it.

Funding for new low emissions energy projects in Western Australia

The Western Australian Government announcement of $12.7 million funding from the Low Emissions Energy Development (LEED) Fund for new low emissions energy projects in Perth, the Mid-West and the Wheatbelt has been welcomed by the Sustainable Energy Association of Australia (SEA).

"Stronger Futures legislation will cause great suffering in our hearts"

MEDIA RELEASE (27.6.2012)by the Yolngu Nations Assembly and the Alyawaar Nation

Should this Stronger Futures legislation pass through the Senate and become law, it will be a day of mourning for all Aboriginal peoples. This legislation will be the cause of great suffering in our hearts.

For those of us living in the Northern Territory the anguish of the past five years of Intervention has been almost unbearable. Many have simply given up hope. We have been burying people who can no longer live with the pain and despair.


Cuts to Queensland solar feed in tariff a logical market evolution

SEA Media Release – 26 June 2012

The reduction of a solar feed in tariff in Queensland announced by Premier Campbell Newman is a rational, timetabled change to the feed in tariff structure says the Sustainable Energy Association of Australia (SEA).

‘The Premier has offered forward notice to the industry and customers, allowing forward planning and a 12 month installation timeframe for installations, and provides solar businesses the opportunity to make structural adjustments in an evolving market,’ says SEA chief adviser Professor Ray Wills.


An extraordinary meeting of Woolworths shareholders to fight problem gambling

GetUp members are embarking on a completely new kind of campaign. This posting is a little longer than usual, but please bear with us so we can explain what you need to know about this new strategy, and how you can help.

Today, for the first time, hundreds of GetUp members have come together to use their shareholder power to call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of a top 20 ASX company: Woolworths Ltd. An EGM is a meeting of a company's shareholders; just like an Annual General Meeting, but held at an irregular time.


We've won some big ones together

Ever bought a Kit-Kat (made by Nestle), a Band-Aid (made by Johnson & Johnson), an iPod (made by Apple), opened a bank account, or joined Facebook?

I’m guessing the answer to at least one of those questions is "yes". And that’s the basis for We have relationships with thousands of corporations in our daily lives -- which also means that we have power over them: The power to hold them accountable.