Nuclear news that was, for the past week, by Christina Macpherson

Information and source links for these items can be found at and at

Court proceedings on Muckaty nuclear waste dump adjourned till end of year, or later, - elderly Aboriginal traditional landowners waiting - (till they die?)

Carbon tax system to start on July 1, estimated to help rather than hurt, financial status of lower and middle income earners. But Tony Abbott revs up his rhetoric against it.

Lynas rare earths - Australian company still hampered in its Malaysian venture, but Malaysian govt has set new "flimsy" condition sfor the project. Meanwhile Lynas is pulling out of a similar venture in Africa.

International relations. As Pacific Island nations pledge to renewable energy future, Australian govt quietly promotes nuclear energy for South East Asia.

Distributed solar energy already having its effect on Australia's energy utilities. CSIRO report shows that it is not responsible for electricity price rises.

Julian Assange seeks asylum in Ecuador. Australia's Foreign Minster Bob Carr gives mixed messages on whether Australian govt will help Assange. Carr denies knowledge of USA govt's wishes to convict Assange of espionage.

Queensland Premier Newman intensifies his attack on renewable energy, particularly solar, breaking election promises. Queensland to maintain its ban on uranium mining, despite pressure from Tony Abbott.

New South Wales - govt entices Aborigines to get involved in the uranium business

Victoria. Cathy Oke, Greens candidate for upcoming by election, campaigns for scrapping of Baillieu govt's anti-wind power laws. Moves for community owned solar farm in Bacchus Marsh, and wind farm for Macedon Ranges

Western Australia. Uranium nining development there is far from assured, still many hurdles.


Renewable energy. Lots happening. Desertec's grand plant to renewably power Europe. Solar plant for Fukushima area. A second long distance solar-powered flight. Rio conference - UN's Sustainable Energy For All” initiative, with private sector committing over $50 billion. Clean energy pledges, especially from Pacific Island nations.

India - the power generating arm of India’s largest conglomerate, the Tata Group, announced that it was shifting its investment strategy from coal-fired thermal plants to wind and solar renewable projects. Solar-powered scheme for in Obulapuram and surrounding villages.

Japan Fukushima nuclear plant - in danger of a new catastrophe. Thousands protest against restarting of Oi nuclear reactors. Seismologists warn of earthquake danger if nuclear reactors restarted in Japan. Radiation hotspots in Tokyo park.Little chance for Fukushima nuclear victims to get legal redress. High levels of radiation in Fukushima area's fish.

USA. conflict of interest as DOE researches radiation effects. Hanford nuclear waste site - more costs, more safety problems. Vermont State loses court case to stop relicensing of Vermont Yankee nuclear plant. San Onofre nuclear plant closed for months, might never re-open.

Uranium price stays on its downward slide. In Central Africa, rebels attack AREVA's uranium site.

Iran. USA hawks and Israel want military approach to Iran. Russia warns against attacking Iran.