"Will you tell your grandchildren how you destroyed the lives of so many First Nations People?”

A letter from Deni Langman, a traditional owner of Uluru, to the politicians of Australia about the Stronger Futures legislation being discussed in the Senate and read out in full tonight at the onset.

Palya Everyone, I never thought I would be so affected by this statement from Rosalie and Djiniyini. It is like having everything I dreamed of disappearing from my sight.

I am so upset at this happening to us and after all the hard work we have put into trying to stop the Stolen Futures Legislation getting passed in Parliament and becoming Law.

I don't know yet if it has been voted on in the Senate, but when I think of politicians in Canberra, who never bothered to get to know First Nations People or understand our Culture and simply don't care that we are human beings as they are, it makes me very sad and my heart aches for all those who have never known freedom in their lives and the deaths of the children who saw nothing but despair in their future lives and ended it with a rope or other form of suicide, I can only cry from the pain they felt and the hopelessness they looked forward to.

I can only ask those politicians who don't care for their fellow human beings;

"Do you feel good about what you are doing to the First Nations People today?"

"Does this power you have over our lives make you a better person?"

But most importantly, "Will you tell your grandchildren, what you did to the First Nations People this day and how you destroyed the lives of so many First Nations People and caused their deaths prematurely?"

"Will you have the guts to admit what you have done, to your granchildren, or will you hide this truth from them when they ask you, that question of curiosity".

"Who were the First Australians in this Land?"

"Will you feel the shame of Generations of First Nations People being trampled underfoot by your political policy of Racism and Discrimination and greed and how you used your power to keep them forcibly shackled to a yard or fenced in area away from their Country and Communities, all because you wanted their wealth in their Land ownership?"

That wealth you will never know!

I wonder how you will tell your grandchildren these atrocities you did to the First Nations People.

If you will tell the truth to them.

If you will finally say you are sorry for what you did and mean it.

If you will shed a tear for the People who only wanted to live their old age in freedom on their Traditional Lands and teach THEIR grandchildren the wealth of knowledge they had.

These beautiful People are no longer with us now. They died of broken hearts and Stolen Dreams by politicians who never cared to treat us like human beings.

You will have to look into your grandchild's eyes and see the emptiness they feel of losing such a wonderful Heritage and Culture forever, for your greed.

DENI Langman
Traditional Owner of Uluru