
Re Let's Get Behind Our Ethical Politicians

Response to New Matilda: Let's Get Behind Our Ethical Politicians

the article easily encapsulates what is wrong with the federal government's stance on asylum seekers from bob hawke to julia gillard. we, as a country, have little to guide our thinking on these human rights issues. historically there were the original boat-people of 1788 and the

More than 70% community programs in December Indigenous health conference

The fast-approaching 2012 National Indigenous Health Conference: Many Pathways, One Outcome, designed to bring together government and non-government agencies working in the field of Indigenous health, announces two great additions to its more than seventy percent grassroots community programs in the conference agenda. International speakers from the

Royal Commission into the AWU allegations and Gillard's involvement long overdue

Prime Minister cannot continue to leave an example of 'trust me' and 'I was young and naive' while other Australians would have come before the justice system

Julia Gillard claimed that she was young and naive while her then partner, Bruce Wilson, siphoned members' funds from the AWU but instead she was a 36 year old lawyer, and a partner in the burgeoning law firm, Slater and Gordon.


White supremacists at Melbourne militaria and weapon fair

This booth is present at each Melbourne Arms and Militaria Fair, held twice yearly at the Melbourne Showgrounds and organised by Jeff Pannan. Photos are from 7 July 2012.

Presence of Nazi memorabilia, firearms, antiques and replicas is expected as the fair has a strong historical focus, however this stall sells only modern T-shirts, flags and a small selection of knives, which were also of modern design. I attended the same fair last year but did not bring a camera then. The stallholders rant constantly about killing refugees, asylum seekers, Muslims, homosexuals, immigrants, Jews, Greens etc to any who will listen.


WGAR News: "Stronger Futures legislation may not comply with Australia's human rights obligations"

Newsletter date: 3 August 2012

* Amnesty: Resolutions passed at our 2012 National AGM
* Background: Calls for 'Stronger Futures' laws to be subject to Human Rights scrutiny
* Geoff Scott: In the Trenches: A nation united in harming our most vulnerable
* Tracker: UN pressure continues on Gillard’s Stronger Futures
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Adam Brereton: Olympians Can't Leave Politics At Home

The Shortwave Report 8/3/12 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (August 3) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

National Cattle Day

Over the centuries, cattle have been of tremendous benefit to mankind.Cattle can be raised on land that is not suitable for cropping.Beef is an extremely nutritious food as it contains a complete set of proteins,B12,haem-iron ( far more easily absorbed and utilised by the human body than vegetarian non-haem iron), zinc and cholesterol - a necessary ingredient of sex hormones!*Beef is an aphrodisiac food?.

Significant nuclear news of the week

Australia’s nuclear news coincides with global news – in that Australia’s uranium industry is looking sick, and so is the world’s nuclear industry. BHP will not make a decision on expanding Olympic Dam uranium mine until 2014, and has lost interest in its previously planned Yeelirrie uranium project in WA. Cameco has shelved its Kyntire uranium project. ERA and Cameco made losses.Meanwhile General Electric’s chief Jeff Immelt, stunned the nuclear industry by stating that it was ’hard to justify’ costly nuclear energy, and that the future energy would be gas, wind, solar.

Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact would allow national laws to be overruled by corporations

By Systemic Disorder Imagine a world in which which labor safeguards, safety rules and environmental regulations will be struck down because a multi-national corporation’s profits might be affected. A world in which measures to reign in financial speculation are illegal. A world in which the task of governments, codified in law, is to maximize corporate profits.

Imagine a world in which corporations can bypass national laws and courts when they are in a dispute with a government, and instead can have their dispute adjudicated by a closed tribunal controlled by their lawyers.

Unfortunately, the above is not dystopian science fiction; it is the reality of the top-secret Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Related: More analysis of the TPPA -- Occupy the TPPA -- Melbourne protest at TPPA negotiations


Campbell Newman: Give us a national disability insurance scheme

We're on the verge of something big: a nationwide insurance scheme to ensure that if you or your family member ever has to live with a disability, you won't simply be left to fend for yourself. It's a reform on the scale of Medicare that will save thousands of families from financial ruin.


Sydney & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 8 events from 6 August 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Mon 6 August 2012: UTS, Sydney, NSW
Our Generation film screening
Film followed by Panel session with:
* Amy McQuire, Tracker
* Jason de Santolo, UTS Jumbunna
* Paddy Gibson, UTS Jumbunna
"Panel discussion on how creativity, media and
activism can drive change for Indigenous Australians"
Event details: [scroll down page]
Further Info:
Film info:

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 16 events from 2 August 2012

Newsletter date: 2 August 2012

Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia
- 16 events from 2 August 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 2 August 2012: Monash University, Melbourne, Vic
Our Generation film screening
A group discussion of the film afterwards
Organised by Students for Indigenous Sovereignty
Event details:
Film info:
See bottom of this page for Our Generation film reviews

Event: Fri 3 August 2012: Adelaide, SA

Bringing back the Brough: 10 of the worst things Mad Mal did in office

By Chris Graham*

Mal Brough has won Liberal National Party pre-selection for the seat of Fisher, virtually guaranteeing him a seat in federal parliament in 2013… unless voters find out about his past performance, of course.

The best predictor of someone’s future behaviour is their past behaviour. Which means that with Mal Brough winning pre-selection for the federal seat of Fisher, parliament is in for a sideshow the likes of which it hasn’t seen since… well, the last time Brough was there.


Two New species of crocodiles named!

Media release – July 2012
Two new crocodile species discovered – the first new croc species named for decades!
A recent global review of the living crocodiles identified a new genus and two new species of crocodiles, being the first formally named species for decades.
The two new species are from southern New Guinea and the Northern Territory, Australia.
Both had been known as different for some years, but neither had been scientifically described and named.


Syria: Hands Off Syria! Media Release


As Syrian people in Syria continue to suffer terrorists’ attacks, and live under challenging circumstances, Syrian-Australians will rally to demonstrate their support.

When: Sunday 5 August 2012
Time: 12 noon
Where: Sydney Town Hall

Syria was known for decades as a stable, multi-ethnic Arab country. In March 2011 that all changed, with a foreign backed insurgency shooting and bombing its way through an active but mostly peaceful political reform process.

Most Syrian-Australians are horrified by the attacks on their country.

Global audit yields new snake species

Global Snake audit yields over 400 species in 75 unclassified genera.
Media release
An audit of most of the world’s advanced snakes utilizing results of several molecular studies has found more than 25 genera of unassigned or improperly assigned snake species.
A second sweep of those omitted in the first round to complete the audit added about another 50 genera, 36 of which were Blind snakes.
