
Federal court highlights FMG liability at Solomon

Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation
Thursday 16 August 2012

The Federal Court has declared that a determination of native title in favour of the Yindjibarndi People over the land affected by Fortescue Metals Group’s (FMG) Solomon Project may expose FMG to a liability to pay compensation to the Yindjibarndi People for any impairment of their native title rights and for any social disruption caused by FMG’s project.


Thousands have ditched the Big 4 banks in CHOICE campaign

More than 4,500 Australians have taken part in the CHOICE Move Your Money campaign which has inspired many more to send the big 4 banks a message they understand.

Record numbers of Australians are taking their home loans to a new lender.*

What's more, official data from March shows that smaller lenders increased home loan sales for the month by 20 per cent, whilst banks only saw a 0.5 per cent rise.

Customer dissatisfaction with the big 4 continues to grow, with the latest Roy Morgan research on bank satisfaction showing a continuous fall since January.

WGAR News: "Waste dump tender is 'putting the radioactive cart before the horse'." BNI

Newsletter date: 15 August 2012

* BNI: Waste dump tender is 'putting the radioactive cart before the horse'.
* Greens Scott Ludlam: This land is not nowhere; these people are not no-one
* NT Greens: Greens call for a unity in face of nuclear waste tender
* ABC Video: Push to make nuclear waste dump an election issue
* Upcoming Beyond Nuclear Initiative (BNI) Events
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump


- Media Release

Will Australian intelligence agencies or special forces troops find themselves operating in Syria?

By Rob Scott 15th August 2012.A report by US journalist Eric S Margolis indicates that the United States is already deeply involved in a secret operation to support the revolt currently underway in Syria. Margolis is a respected journalist whose work has appeared in The New York Times, International Herald Tribune and The Los Angeles Times. Building upon the history of secret operations by US and French forces to help the recent Libyan insurrection, Margolis has been able to construct a picture of emerging high level clandestine US support for the Syrian opposition. This support includes command and control resources, encrypted signals networks and sophisticated weaponry such as Stinger missiles.


Human Rights Alliance media release: Draconian Pacific Solution is no solution - people will die

After having read the report by the three stand alone members of the ‘Expert Panel’ we have found no grounds to suggest that any lives will be protected or saved from returning to the Pacific Solution, and in a form and manner which evidences policy more draconian than John Howard’s Pacific Solution.


Emergency Melbourne protest action: No return to the Pacific Solution, No to Offshore Processing


Wednesday 15 August, 12.30
Immigration Department building, corner Lonsdale St & Spring St, Melbourne

The Gillard government has caved in to the Liberal’s demands to kick the boot harder into refugees, and is using recommendations from its "expert panel" to introduce new legislation to parliament this week to immediately reopen offshore processing centres on the Pacific islands of Nauru and Manus Island, and deny family reunion to refugees.


Sydney & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 7 events from 15 August 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 15 August 2012: Parramatta, Sydney, NSW
Building Bridges 2012
Constitutional Recognition of ATSI People
Presenter: Sarah Maddison
Campaign for Referendum
Presenter: Aunty Sandra Lee
Legal and Strategic Considerations
Presenter: Terry Chenery
Organised by Reconciliation for Western Sydney
Event details:
Event details:

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 13 events from 14 August 2012

Newsletter date: 14 August 2012

Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia
- 13 events from 14 August 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Fri 10 - Sun 26 August 2012: Darwin, NT
Official Opening Fri 10 Aug
Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud
Photographer Jagath Dheerasekara, human rights defender
This traveling exhibition is a collaborative project with
* the Manuwangku (Muckaty) Traditional Owners,
* the Beyond Nuclear Initiative (BNI) and
* Amnesty International.
Presented by the Environment Centre NT
in association with Darwin Festival

Expert panel ignores majority of submissions and seeks return to Howard days of inhumane refugee policies

Refugee Action Collective Victoria - Media Release - 13/8/2012The expert panel on asylum seekers and offshore processing has [ignored the opposition to offshore processing in the overwhelming majority of submissions it received and] recommended policies to the government, the vast majority of which undermine refugee rights, and the spirit of the 1951 refugee convention


NT covertly drops ‘the first 4 hours of each day English only’ policy

Hi to all those who supported us in the effort to inform more people throughout Australia about the banning of Indigenous languages in the education of Indigenous children in the remote communities of the Northern Territory .

The mail out of materials went extremely well and this effort combined with actions taken within the NT itself have produced some results.


Socialist Alliance national convenor dodges issues on 'porn'

The exchange (reproduced below) of Facebook correspondence over the past week or so between myself and the Australian Socialist Alliance co-convenor Peter Boyle, on the subject of Alliance policy relating to erotica and pornography, arose from a question about Alliance policy on this issue that I put to Boyle during the discussion following his presentation of the new draft Socialist Alliance programme: 'Towards a Socialist Australia', at an Alliance/Resistance-sponsored, one-day, socialist educational conference held at the Activist Centre in East Perth a couple of weekends ago.


Media plays vital role in empowering indigenous rights

International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
08 August 2012

GENEVA. The UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples have marked the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples (9 August 2012).

Petition to end puppy mills in Australia

Puppy mills are sites of pain, fear and cruelty. Female dogs are forced to live their entire lives in small wire cages, with no human companionship or even any squeaky toys. They're kept constantly pregnant.

And in Australia, these inhumane puppy mills are still completely legal. »

Puppy factories farm puppies and sell them to pet shops and trade them online, with most animal owners unaware of the cruelty behind their puppies beginnings. 


Police want Qld taxpayers to pay Hurley's legal costs

the following report that the queensland police union is arrogantly expecting the tax-payers of qld to pay the million dollar plus costs for the whitewash of then s/s chris hurley's involvement in the death of mulrunji doomadgee in november 2004 on palm island is just another kick in the guts by qld police for the doomadgee family, his wife tracey and the whole of the palm island community.

Epping DoCS stole my autistic child when I went to them for help

Below is one of the most disgusting displays of DoCS bullying and mismanagement of families I have come across. A mother who went to DoCS NSW Epping office for help. Never, ever ever ever, never go to docs for help. This poor woman has never abused or neglected her son. Epping DoCS need to be fully investigated.
