Thousands have ditched the Big 4 banks in CHOICE campaign

More than 4,500 Australians have taken part in the CHOICE Move Your Money campaign which has inspired many more to send the big 4 banks a message they understand.

Record numbers of Australians are taking their home loans to a new lender.*

What's more, official data from March shows that smaller lenders increased home loan sales for the month by 20 per cent, whilst banks only saw a 0.5 per cent rise.

Customer dissatisfaction with the big 4 continues to grow, with the latest Roy Morgan research on bank satisfaction showing a continuous fall since January.

Further good news for consumers came on 1 July with the introduction of both easier transaction account switching and also better protections on credit cards. These are both reforms CHOICE has campaigned for and we expect will bring real benefits.

We have updated our Switching Kit to include these changes -

Please share it with your friends and family and continue to send us your stories on how you stood up to the big 4, found a better deal and Moved Your Money.

Also don't forget to check out our unbiased comparison tool Compare, Ditch and Switch for help finding a better banking deal -

Kind regards,

Matt Levey
Head of Campaigns - CHOICE

*Sydney Morning Herald, ‘Borrowers beat path away from big banks’, 9 August 2012