Petition to end puppy mills in Australia

Puppy mills are sites of pain, fear and cruelty. Female dogs are forced to live their entire lives in small wire cages, with no human companionship or even any squeaky toys. They're kept constantly pregnant.

And in Australia, these inhumane puppy mills are still completely legal. »

Puppy factories farm puppies and sell them to pet shops and trade them online, with most animal owners unaware of the cruelty behind their puppies beginnings. 

Activist Maria has started a petition to stop puppy mills in Australia. She writes:

I would like to see the cruel hidden industry behind the pet shop windows and online puppy sales exposed.Everyone needs to know exactly what happens in a puppy farm and be informed.

These loving, loyal animals deserve to be treated with compassion, not cruelty. Will you join Maria and urge Australia to ban puppy farms today? »



This is discraceful & this has only occured recently