
Climate Change activists step up opposition to coal in Hunter Valley from mine to port

A banner drop at a construction site for a new coal loader terminal at the Port of Newcastle in the New South Wales Hunter Valley ended when police instructed the 60 metre crane be lowered to the ground. The Protestors say they were not given warning of this action and alledged it imperiled their lives.

“We are dismayed with the actions of police here today.” said spokesperson Steve Phillips. “We conducted a peaceful protest, with trained and experience climbers, and safety as our priority. NSW Police responded with gross negligence and dereliction of duty, and placed two lives at risk. Our climbers were not even warned before the crane was lowered.”

Related: Climate activists do banner drops in Boggabri and Melbourne against coal rush | Climate Citizen: Climate change causing increase in extreme weather in South Pacific | Not enough water: food production, carbon sequestration and climate change | Arctic sea ice Extent drops to lowest on record and still shrinking


Pokies hypnosis

Just a quick update on the ongoing poker machine reform campaign; the past week has been a busy one and I thought you'd want to know about it. 

Dental care package-a bandaid solution

The $4 billion dental care package announced this week – said to help millions of young and low-income Australians is merely a bandaid solution.

Dentists have welcomed the Federal Government’s dental care package and millions of children and low-income patients will be able to visit the dentist for free. Yes it’s a welcome move when you consider that more than half of all six-year olds have decayed teeth. “We have basically got to a point where we are looking at Third World conditions in a country like Australia,” Consumer Health Forum chief executive Carol Bennett told 'The Age.'


WGAR News: Aboriginal issues and the Northern Territory (NT) Elections

Newsletter date: 5 September 2012

* Chris Graham: Aboriginal voters vent their fury... and change a government
* Emma Murphy: Aboriginal voters punish NT Labor
* Eva Cox: NT Labor counts the cost of federal and state indigenous policies
* Ken Parish: Arrogant Indigenous policies that toppled NT Labor is a lesson for Feds
* Patrick O’Connor: Labor loses office in the Northern Territory
* Bob Gosford: The CLP brings bush politics back to the town
* Rolf Gerritsen: Was the NT election outcome a shockwave or a regional ripple?
* NT News: Labor apology wanted

Sovereign Union of First Nations is inevitable

Left to right: Michael Ghillar Anderson, George Gaymarani Pascoe, Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra

Darwin, 3 September 2012 -- Two prominent East Arnhem Land leaders and sovereignty campaigner, Michael Anderson, have agreed in Darwin that a sovereign union of Aboriginal nations needs to grow from the grass roots.

Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra (OAM) from Galiwin'ku, George Gaymarani Pascoe, from Milingimbi and Anderson, the last survivor of the four founders of the Aboriginal Embassy in Canberra, agreed that its success can only be achieved “if our people want it”.


Climate activists do Banner drops in Boggabri and Melbourne against coal rush

Activists from Quit Coal were able to get a message across this morning: with a banner drop over the main entrance of the Victorian State parliament house. The banner said "'Coal is the single greatest threat to civilisation and all life on our planet' Prof. James Hansen, NASA. Why is Baillieu funding coal?" At the same time activists in central NSW at Boggabri climbed a coal-crusher and dropped a banner which said "Stop the Coal Rush: Protect Health, Water, Climate"

Quit Coal banner drop and lockon at Victorian Parliament

Today (Monday 3rd September), 13 Quit Coal activists have brought the truth about dirty coal to the attention of Victorians in spectacular fashion. Ted Baillieu is planning to turn Victoria into a brown coal quarry, which is predicted to triple our greenhouse gas emissions and contribute significantly to more bushfires, floods, extreme weather conditions and catastrophic climate change. Nine activists locked themselves onto the pillars of Parliament, whilst four others dropped a banner of the roof which had to be removed by Search and Rescue.


Shaking hands with the architects of Sri Lanka's Killing Fields - No one should be deported to Sri Lanka

Gerry Georgatos
Post-CHOGM Perth, a large billboard in Colombo displays Julia Gillard shaking hands with Percy Mahendra Rajapaksa. To the Sinhalese of Colombo the billboard sends a message of validation of President Rajapaksa.


De Pod 2012-08-30 mp3

Ein "deppendoerflicher" Nachrichten Kommentar mit Wolfgang

Merkel's Innenpolitik mit Bayern, Politk als Kindergarten, Angstmache der Oppositions Gruppen, $ 82.00 Wahl-Stimme, persoenliche Strafen, gruselige neue Jobs, Pussy Riot, Russland, Syrien, Iran und der Westen, mehr De Politik, US Wahl Krampf

Syria’s ‘false flag’ terrorism, Houla and the United Nations

By Tim Anderson
On top of the tragedy of the violence in Syria we have the tragedy of a deeply biased United Nations, a malignant bias which is encouraging ‘false flag’ terrorism. That is, the fundamentalists murder civilians, blame this on the government, then use these crimes as a pretext for greater foreign intervention.

Green Left Weekly backs war on Syria

By Tim Anderson
In a betrayal of all decent principles of solidarity and anti-imperialism, Green Left Weekly has jumped on the bandwagon of war against the independent nation of Syria. Apparent acceptance of the corporate media line that the ‘Assad regime’ is on its last legs seems to have encouraged this attack.


WGAR News: "What’s a group of Aboriginal elders and community leaders doing in Canberra this week?"

Newsletter date: 24 August 2012

* Bryan Andy, AIA: What’s a group of Aboriginal elders and community leaders doing in Canberra this week?
* SBS: Indigenous rents bungled under NT Intervention
* CAAMA: Amnesty’s Monica Morgan discusses Stronger Futures Bill
* Speech by Greens NSW MP Cate Faehrmann: Northern Territory Intervention
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* SBS World News: Paying the Price: The battle for James Price Point

"None of these men had to die" - Bloodied hands, souls washed in red - Stop the killing in Afghanistan

Gerry Georgatos
"None of these men had to die," said Andrew Wilkie. "To the families and friends of those who have lost loved ones to recent wars, Afghanistan and Iraq, I do extend my heartfelt sympthathies, and I grieve for your loss," Gerry Georgatos

The Tasmanian Independent Member of Parliament Andrew Wilkie is right when he said John Howard, Kevin Rudd and Prime Minister Julia Gillard have "blood on their hands" after the deaths of five Australian soldiers recently, however the bloodied mutilated souls of these three leaders of our nation are not limited in their culpability to the deaths of these five young soldiers, however to every death in Afghanistan and Iraq since colliding Australia into a manufactured war zone, now for more than a decade.
Related Swan Island Peace Convergence 2012


[WGAR-news] Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 9 events from 29 August 2012

Newsletter date: 29 August 2012

Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia
- 9 events from 29 August 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 20 August to 14 September 2012: Yeelirrie-Leonora, WA
Walkatjurra Walkabout - Walking for Country
A one month walk from Yeelirrie to Leonora
" ... is a celebration of Wangkatja country, a testament to
the strength of the community who have fought to stop
uranium mining at Yeelirrie for over forty years, and a
chance to come together to continue share our commitment to

Why The US and NATO are Losing the War in Afghanistan (Leaked Defence Report)

In this study I will examine whether NATO and the United States have failed in their War in Afghanistan against Islamic terrorism between 2001-09. To do this I will compare their objectives against measurements of effectiveness (MOE’s) as provided by both political and military sources as prescribed by the intervening forces.

As Petraeus & Amos state,

The Shortwave Report (August 31) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (August 31) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}