
Uranium Film Festival brings Australian Films to Berlin

The Uranium Film Festival from Rio de Janeiro is traveling now to Berlin - together with several films from Australian filmmakers. Next October (Oct. 4th to 12th) the Festival will screen more than 50 "nuclear" documentaries and movies in the two cinemas Eiszeit and Moviemento in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Most of the films from all continents about nuclear power, uranium mining, atomic bombs, radioactive and nuclear accidents or about depleted uranium weapons will be in English, in German or with German subtitles.

WGAR News: "Shires out, stop the Intervention - community control now!"

Newsletter date: 23 September 2012

* Kalkaringi, Daguragu and Lajamanu residents and traditional owners:
Shires out, stop the Intervention - community control now!
* ABC: Sydney work bans on welfare quarantine scheme
* Bob Gosford: Was the 2012 Northern Territory election the dirtiest ever?
* Brian Johnstone: ALP alleges vote rorts in August poll
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


WGAR News: "With constitutional change deferred, it's time to negotiate a treaty"

Newsletter date: 22 September 2012

* "With constitutional change deferred, it's time to negotiate a treaty"
* Sovereign Union: Vote "NO" To Constitutional Reform
* Greens won’t allow Constitutional Recognition to be pushed off the agenda
* Congress: Leaders must work towards full recognition
* ANTaR: Another step forward but keep end goal in sight
* Oxfam Australia: Act of Recognition a welcome step towards referendum
* Moree Champion: Tent embassy burns down
* Courier Mail: State backflip on Murri multicultural centre funding angers community

Radiation exposure looming for Wiluna

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy National Indigenous Times -
"They are going to kill our people, some will die quickly, some by a thousand cuts," said Wiluna Elder Glen Cooke.

"We don't want Maralinga all over again where our people will be hurt and die sick and young, and for decades the truth hidden."

"If they bring uranium out of the ground at Wiluna and radiation to our people many of our young children today will be tomorrow's Yami Lesters."


Protest brings about backflip for son to be allowed from prison to attend mother’s funeral

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The National Indigenous Times -

The National Indigenous Times reported last week that Western Australia’s Department of Corrective Services (DCS) had not ensured that all Aboriginal inmates attend family funerals – due to a bid to cut transport costs. This led to outrage from Elders and community and a protest was launched outside the DCS last Tuesday by affected families and community leaders.

South Australian parliament in a middle of the night ram raid smashes Aboriginal rights

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy National Indigenous Times -
“The South Australian Lower and Upper Houses snuck through a Bill to steal away Indigenous rights in winding back the clock two decades. It was racism as Indigenous people were tossed aside,” said SA Indigenous Association president and Nunga Elder, Alison Thorne.

The SA Parliament stunned its Aboriginal peoples by voting to axe the right of Aboriginal peoples – Native Title holders and claimants – to negotiate over oil and gas activities on their Traditional Lands.


Barnett's Browse Basin Bill is a Pandora's Box - Walmandan Tent Embassy continues

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy National Indigenous Times - - photo courtesy Rod Hartvigsen/Broome
The $40 billion Browse Basin gas hub project at James Price Point (Walmandan) Is teetering but not if Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett will have anything to do with it. Premier Barnett, who also holds the portfolio of State Development, has introduced into Parliament the ‘Browse (Land) Agreement Bill 2012’, presumably to confine offshore gas processing to the single site on the Kimberley coast.


WGAR News: "Coronial report highlights systemic flaws"

Newsletter date: 21 September 2012

* ANTaR & National Police Accountability Network: Coronial report highlights systemic flaws
* CAAMA: "Death in custody of Kwementyaye Briscoe"
* "Community members call for the resignation of Constable Gareth Evans"
* "Lay charges for Briscoe death"
* ABC 7.30 Video: Coroner delivers scathing report on death in custody
* SMH Editorial: Death in custody damns our indifference
* A Personal Response: Rest in Peace Kwementyaye Briscoe
* Living Black: Young People Walk For Country

Queensland cuts are devastating for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

By Melissa Sweet on "Crikey"

The cuts to Queensland's public health workforce are not only devastating for efforts to improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities; they undermine the work of individuals who have been striving to improve their skills, careers and futures.

The Shortwave Report September 21 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 21) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice of Russia, and Radio Havana Cuba.

With constitutional change deferred, it’s time to negotiate a treaty

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 21 September 2012 - - Deferment of constitutional change means politicians of all stripes and their “negative Aboriginal collaborators” must now face the truth and back calls for negotiating a treaty, writes sovereignty campaigner, Michael Ghillar Anderson.

He sees an opportunity “to focus on the real issues and not band-aid programs and objectives that serve to soothe rather than deal with the hard matters that Australia has to face up to”.


Police, media and government violence

last saturday, 15 september 2012, the very peaceful welcome to aboriginal land passport ceremony was held at the settlement, darlington, whereby a great time was had by all 300+ who attended. we were contacted by the redfern police, as is their practice when an isja event occurs, to ask if they could be of any assistance during the event. they were politely informed that we expected no trouble from any quarter and if trouble did arise, we knew where they were. we had no problems from any outsiders against our event whatsoever.

Response to Tariq Ali's article on Syria, as printed in Green Left Weekly

By Tim Anderson
the article is here
This is a letter to the GLW editor

Tariq Ali’s article on Syria (GLW 19 Sept) illustrates the irrelevance of most western Trotskyists to the dreadful conflict in that country.

Revealed: the true cost of Australia’s coal boom

Who has heard of the Galilee Basin? Virtually no one. That is the problem.

We are witnessing one of Australia’s biggest environmental emergencies unfold but it is taking place out of the public eye. And it threatens one of the world’s greatest natural treasures – the Great Barrier Reef.

Watch this video to find out more: