
Nauru - Governments normalising racism while people suffer and die - "there is the smell of death here"

Gerry Georgatos
The veils and layers of racism are myriad – a trickle of humanity flees from persecution and horrific conditions, from civil strife, to our shores and Australian Governments react with racism, fall into the trap of justifying their racist actions, deeds and words and then normalise the racism and stereotype peoples.


Planet Mars To Become Nuclear Test Site

Plans have been put forth to detonate nuclear bombs under the surface of plant Mars so as to create artificial caves, apparently human colonies will eventually be living in these artificial caves, the crust on planet Mars is alot thicker than on planet earth & thus would make a ideal underground habitat.

New Geopolitical Paintings

"Tolerance slides easily towards indifference, as the efficiency of the economy becomes the only shared commitment. Similarly, compromise turns readily into complacency, when the familiar seems safer than the unknown. 'Neutrality', it often turns out, is not neutral at all, but sides with the way things are to avoid the dissension that might lead to change for the better. Consensus, then, may come into conflict with justice." (Catherine Belsey, 'Poststructuralism')

Elder appalled by UN vote

Toowoomba, 19 October 2012 - - Aboriginal Elder and activist Michael Ghillar Anderson says he’s incredibly disappointed that Australia has been successful in its bid for a temporary seat on the United Nations Security Council.

Mr Anderson, the last surviving founder of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra and leader of the Euahlayi Nation, says he’s surprised that the UN’s member states have failed to see that Australia continues to be, under law, a colonial state of England.


Nuclear news that was - this past week


Prime Minister Gillard and uranium deal with India. Australian media , naturally, came up with joyous stories about our new great uranium-inspired relationship with India, and also about Julia Gillard falling over, due to her high heeled shoes. Apart from one admirable editorial in The Age, Australians would never read/hear about India's nuclear unsafety, and its frantic nuclear arms race.

The Shortwave Report (October 19) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (October 19) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Write to your local Woolworths about killer pokies

At the shops we're all thinking carefully about the purchases we make. Is this good for my health? Is this the right price? Have animals been treated ethically and workers fairly? The list goes on.

But sometimes the impact companies are having in our communities is hidden. Take Woolworths, for example. They promote themselves as a family friendly grocery store, but they're also the single biggest poker machine operator, taking money from the most vulnerable people in our communities.

We can do something about that. Here's the plan.

    Stop agrofuels now!

    The EU directive promoting the use of energy from renewable sources requires millions of tons of biofuels to be added to gasoline and diesel fuels for road use. A share of 10% will be required in 2020.

    Secret geoengineering in the Pacific

    Download 15 minute Radio Ecoshock interview with Jim Thomas of ETC Group here:

    Russ George, the one-man geoengineering phenomenon, strikes again! And despite an ocean dumping and geoengineering ban by 192 countries, George has help from Canada and the U.S.

    Last ditch Aboriginal effort to block UN Security Council seat

    17 October 12 - - An Aboriginal sovereignty movement is making a last ditch effort to stop Australia getting a seat on the UN Security Council, where voting begins tomorrow (Thursday).

    Michael Ghillar Anderson, Chair, Interim National Unity Government, Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia and Leader of the Euahlayi Nation, has sent the letter below to all UN Ambassadors in New York.


    More about why Merck has agreed to pay $4.85 billion to settle claims in tens of thousands of lawsuits.

    In about 96 journal publications, Ross and his colleagues discovered internal Merck documents and e-mail messages pertaining to clinical study reports and review articles, some of which were developed by the company’s marketing department, not its scientific department. In others, there is little evidence that the authors recruited for the report made substantial contribution to the research itself.

    Petition to ban extremely cruel practises under Ireland's new Animal Welfare Act

    Please sign petition to end some of the most barbaric animal cruelty practises on this planet!

    October/November 2012

    Ireland’s animal welfare laws are being updated...and we need people from around the world to tell our government to outlaw, as a matter of urgency, a number of extremely cruel practises that make life a living hell on earth for animals in Ireland. You can do this simply signing the online petition below.