
FMG/Yindjibarndi - mining deal bombshell - whistleblower blows the lid on Wirlu-murra

The National Indigenous Times has run the story of the year - reporter Gerry Georgatos covers solicitor Kerry Savas' claims which blows the lid on the Wirlu murra and FMG - circulate this story, it's the big one that may change things -
Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation—BULLETIN
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Another whistleblower drops FMG mining deal bombshell


31 October 2012



No amount of corporate spin, bulldust or threats can save Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) from the continuing revelations of whistleblowers and freedom on information documents that show the under-handed tactics and bullying they ply for profit.

    Your renewables success

    Remember that submission many of you wrote last month on renewable energy? Congratulations -- it worked!

    On Friday, the Climate Change Authority released the findings of their review into Australia’s 20% Renewable Energy Target (RET).
    We’d been worried, because journalists reported that "the process has flushed out a wave of hostility to the RET from coal-fired power stations and their allies, who want the target cut back."[1]

    "Kill us all, and bury us here" - Solidarity from Australia to the Amazon's Guarani

    Gerry Georgatos
    “Kill us all, then bury us here” is the breaking point desperation of the Amazon’s Aboriginal peoples who are being pilloried out of their country – lands, rivers and forests, from their whole way of life – by multinational giants rapaciously profiting from the mining of their lands. Not only is the Amazon’s forest rapidly diminishing but so are the numbers of its Aboriginal peoples. The Government is seeking to remove them to impoverished reserves and missions. Aboriginal leaders and rights advocates Australia-wide have sent messages of solidarity - Goolarabooloo Law Boss, Phillip Roe in his own battle with multinationals to save Walmandan (James Price Point) said of the Amazon tragedy that it is "racism and the rape of a people who have done no one any harm.”


    The call for a Royal Commission into the AWU scandal involving Julia Gillard IS LOUDER THAN EVER - Gillard, the lawyer, brought a defamation action in defence of the 'bagman' who now wants to testify 'with immunity'

    THE CALL FOR THE ROYAL COMMISSION INTO THE AWU SCANDAL INVOLVING PRIME MINISTER JULIA GILLARD IS LOUDER THAN EVER – “It was not a slush fund” says AWU accountant – it was something more sinister – new revelation – Julia Gillard, lawyer, brought on a defamation action in defence of Ralph Blewitt (“the bagman”) – enough is enough, bring on the Royal Commission and step down Julia Gillard from the Office of the Prime Minister till the RC is concluded – The nation’s reputation is on the line

    Gillard’s account of slush fund rejected – October 29, 2012 – Sydney Morning Herald


    Tarkine heritage listing – no new mines in the Tarkine

    As Launceston awakes this morning, a clear message to Heritage List the Tarkine will resonate throughout the city.
    Members of the group Groundswell have hung large banners in prominent locations in and around Launceston to highlight that Tasmanians will not allow the Tarkine to be mined.
    On the corner of Tamar and Cimitiere Street in Launceston’s CBD, high up on the red gasworks framework, a message to the Federal environment minister Tony Burke reads: “TARKINE HERITAGE LISTING”.


    Sosbee's summary of recent events on fbi

    See links to recent reports on crimes committed by the fbi.

    Press Releases
    Police & Prisons

    By GERAL, Sun, 10/28/2012

    The fbi/cia are cowardly, are global MAFIA, are homicidal and are imminent threats to all the world.

    Re: 911

    See my recent summary of the events showing how the fbi & cia (and their operatives) have ruined the usa and threaten the world by covert illegal & murderous intel operations.

    Secret reports reveal violence against prisoners in NSW

    The alarming level of violence by guards against prisoners in NSW, has been revealed this week, with the release of several secret reports.

     Fairfax media obtained the documents under FOI laws, which show that the corrective services department has covered up the problem for over a decade.

     More than 1000 violent incidents occur each year but very few are being investigated and even fewer result in discipline or charges against guards.

     Recommendations by the Ombudsman to tackle the problem have been shelved over several years.

    Save the Koorie Centre at Sydney University. Houston, we have a problem!


    The Koori Centre puts their collective view.

    The Koori Centre is a space in the University of Sydney on the ground floor of the Old Teachers' College that allows Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to gather in a community environment to study together.


    Aboriginal death in Katherine after release from custody sparks calls for inquiry, justice

    yet another tragedy coming from police intervention in the northern territory but this time in katherine where mr. lewis, an aboriginal man and an amputee with major health problems, was arrested at a card game and held for 24 hours in the katherine police cells.

    like mr. briscoe, there are claims by witnesses that mr. lewis was
    ill-treated and brutalised by the local police. he himself complained to
    his family that he had been treated roughly by the police and over the 24
    hours he had been given no food or drink and, worse, no medication for his

    European Parliament approves EU/Israel trade agreement/Letter of protest to Mrs Ashton, EU Chief Foreign Affairs


    Dear Readers,

    As you can see,
    I wrote to Mrs Ashton, EU Chief Foreign Affairs, because of the ACCA trade deal between
    EU and Israel, which is recently [on 23 october 2012] approved by the European Parliament

    See also

    Reclaim the Night Perth, 2012

    “1978 The first Reclaim the Night march takes place in Australia. Reclaim the Night is an annual march for women held on the last Friday in October to allow women to come together to speak out against violence and to celebrate strength”

    - Reclaim the Night Australia


    Forest Witness Tasmania - Groundswell Tasmania - What's happening on the ground in the north east of this wild state

    Forest Witness – North East Tasmania – 26/10/12

    This week in the North East of Tasmania, activists from the group Groundswell documented the ongoing destruction of forests located in independently verified High Conservation Value (HCV) forests.

    NL115H is an 80 Hectare logging coupe, on the Western foothills of Ben Lomond National Park at Fisher’s Tier, only 40mins drive from the Tasmanian city of Launceston. It has been left out of the 430,000Ha of ENGO nominated reserve, but is within the 572,000ha of independently verified HCV forest.


    PHILIPPINES: On the Bangsamoro Framework Agreement

    The Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) joins the Filipino people, especially the Bangsamoros in Mindanao, in welcoming, although guardedly, the historic signing today of the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro between the Philippine government (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).