Urgent: Rescue forests deal

The negotiations to protect Tasmania's forests are in crisis. Retailers Harvey Norman and Bunnings are said to be behind a move by old-growth saw mills which have derailed the talks just as an agreement was about to be reached. Sign this urgent petition calling on Harvey Norman and Bunnings to help end the destruction of Tasmania's ancient forests: www.getup.org.au/rescue-tas-forestagreement

It was supposed to be the final night of negotiations. After two arduous years of talks the forest industry, their union and environmentalists were set to reach an agreement that would see Tasmania's magnificent ancient forests protected, and the industry restrucutured to meet modern standards.

We have it on good authority that in the final moments of negotiations one of the few remaining old-growth sawmillers said he would not support the agreement because Bunnings and Harvey Norman were unwilling to accept any less old growth timber.

The forest industry, workers, community and environment groups have been willing to adapt and compromise and had found a solution - it's time Harvey Norman and Bunnings were called on to declare whether they support or oppose a Tasmanian forest agreement.

While all of this remains behind closed doors there has been no pressure on Harvey Norman and Bunnings but if tens of thousands of us sign this petition we can hold them accountable. We'll personally deliver the petition to the companies and hold a media conference in the next week so add your name now:


So here's the state of play: We've been holding out hope that negotiators would reach an agreement that would give Tasmanian workers the best prospects for the future and protect Tasmania's globally valued forests. And they almost did. The majority of the forest industry, the relevant union and the environment groups at the table were all in agreement. But the government requires everyone to support it and a few old-growth saw mills dug their heels in and refused to allow the agreement to be signed. But in fact, the sawmills in question had their wood supply guaranteed as part of the agreement.

They claimed that Bunnings and Harvey Norman would cancel their contracts if there was any reduction in volumes - and they are two of the biggest retailers of wood from Tasmania's native forests.

What the agreement needs now is for Bunnings and Harvey Norman to publicly put their cards on the table.

This may seem like a minor detail in a long negotiation process but our outside voices will help get strategic information on the table at this crucial point.

Protecting Tasmania's forests is not just the responsibility of a few negotiators and politicians - it's the opportunity our movement of hundreds of thousands of Australians exists for.

Add your name to the Bunnings and Harvey Norman petition. As the message spreads across Australia they will have to declare whether or not they support Tasmania's forest agreement:


Thanks for all you do.
The GetUp team.