
Iraqi children need your help - 6000 Iraqi children, victims of the wars, need wheelchairs

Dear people,
Once again we are trying to urgently provide 330 wheelchairs to Iraqi children in Iraq.

Some of you have assisted in the past, we need your urgent assistance again please.

Fund raisers, donations, anything, please contact me.

Would you, your community groups, school, organisation help with urgent fundraisers or donations towards ensuring the shipment of 330 wheelchairs to Iraqi children doing it very tough in difficult circumstances in Iraq?


Death in custody petition

the family of mr. briscoe has set up a petition so that the public can join with patricia morton-thomas and the other members to declare to the nt government that the alice springs police must be sanctioned for their totally inadequate treatment of mr. briscoe when he was in their custody, supposedly for his protection because he was inebriated. he had not committed any crime nor was he charged with any.


"We smell death" - 350 bravely hunger strike in Nauru - 30 collapse

Gerry Georgatos
Heading into day four of the hunger protest on Nauru, in high temperatures, unhygienic high density conditions at the detention centre cropped by hills of disused phosphate mines and dugouts and thick jungle forest, here is the latest message from within:

More than 30 detained Asylum Seekers layed unconscious at the end of the third day of their hunger strike.


Tony Abbott rebuffs Victorian coal mining magnate Twiggy Palmcock

Did you hear that Tony Abbott got heckled at Melbourne University the other day during his red tape speech? Actually it was just two young coal businessmen keen to meet their hero! Yes, Victorian mining magnate Twiggy Palmcock, CEO of Excretum Mining and sidekick Michael Higgins Beaumont, founder of Australia's Young Coal Champions, who were both keen to meet their hero and leader of the Liberal Party .

They attended the Secure the Future Conference to thank Tony Abbott personally for his "unwavering support of the fossil fuel industry".


GetUp! - What an incredible few weeks

Update: In the past weeks GetUp members have thwarted an attempt to scrap Australia’s renewable energy target, prevented factory farming of chickens being labeled “free-range”, helped get the Tassie forest negotiations back on track, and ramped up the pressure on Woolies to stop pushing pokies on problem gamblers. 

Chilout press release - Boy attempts suicide in detention

2 November 2012
Boy attempts suicide in detention
Yesterday yet another young asylum seeker attempted suicide at Darwin Airport Lodge, as did a child, two weeks ago. Suicide attempts and self-harm are rife in Australia’s detention facilities as people grow anxious about being sent to Nauru and Manus Island.

Detention facilities are bursting at the seams with families, children and heavily pregnant mothers flown in from Christmas Island. The situation is a tinderbox.


Rockhampton mayor says nuclear “over my dead body”

Rockhampton Regional Council mayor Margaret Strelow is the first in what will probably be a long line of regional council mayors who don’t want nuclear plants in their region. But will she also oppose uranium enrichment, nuclear warships and nuclear transport in her region?

Strelow told the Morning Bulletin, “It’s not even a discussion I want to have,”

“I’m a Mum and a grandma.”

This week media report that the LNP government are reviving plants for a uranium enrichment plant in Rockhampton in the wake of the lifting of the ban on mining.

Newman says: vote for Greens

In a dazzling moment of political lucidity, Premier Newman has pointed out that if Queenslanders value the environment and their own health, they shouldn’t vote for the major parties.

Defending his u-turn on uranium policy against claims from the opposition that no economic or labour modelling was done prior to the decision, Newman told South Brisbane MP Jackie Trad that “If you do not support uranium mining, vote for the Greens”.

The uranium decision has defenders and opponents on both sides, with PM Gillard amongst it’s boosters.

Austerity - 101 ways to punish yourself mp3

Collaged Media Samples, Youtube Clips, and Electronica

In The Greek Midwinter, Financial Crisis In Greece, Greece and Germany Crisis Song, Clarke Dawe, Thomas and the EU Summit, Euro Austerity Mix, The Meaning Of Austerity, The Euro Crisis Song, Bank Enslavement Mix, The Story Of Your Enslavement - Faux Pas Electronica


The Shortwave Report 11/02/12 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (November 2) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Video report: Superstorm Sandy a wakeup call on climate change for the USA?

In the three presidential debates between Mitt Romney and Barak Obama climate change was never mentioned, despite it being raised in all previous campaigns going back to 1988. And then came Hurricane Sandy from the Caribbean. A late season category 1 tropical cyclone that combined with a north-easter from the Arctic to pummel the northern eastern coast of the United States, one of the most populous and industrialised areas on earth.

The Hurricane crossed the coast in New Jersey on Monday night, 29 October, at about 8pm not far from Atlantic City. The storm surge caused widespread flooding leaving coastal towns decimated. The winds of the hurricane caused trees to fall and whipped up a massive 3 to 4 metre storm surge. A full moon and a spring tide also exacerbated the storm surge. 10 metre waves were measured just outside New York Harbour entrance. (See Accuweather Superstorm Sandy Stats)

Related: Skeptical Science - Hurricane Sandy and the Climate Connection | Crops devastated, food crisis looms in Haiti from Hurricane Sandy | Inside Climate News: 3-D Maps Pictured Sandy's Devastation–Five Years Ago | Climate Change, Sea Level Rise and Australia

Syria – Insight... now an Australian dilemma!

By Douglas Chalmers

I am not Syrian, I am Celtic Australian ...but given Labor foreign minister Bob Carr's disgusting recent suggestion that Syria's president Assad should be assassinated, we have found ourselves embroiled in the international aspect of the argument at least. Perhaps worse, though, was prime minister Julia Gillard's signing an agreement with NATO earlier this year drawing us ever further into their ambitious neo-colonialist sphere [ ].


Children attempting suicide in Immigration custody

Gerry Georgatos

The email below this one is the news that will imminently eventuate - which would grab the attention of the news media without fail. From Christmas Island families are transferred and crowded into Detention Centres - for instance Darwin Airport Lodge, which is bursting at the seams. Children are walking around witness to abominable tensions, in witness to young adults who are swathed in bandages from physical wounds - from injuries where blood stains are fresh.


3 quick facts on pokies reform

This email isn't a call to action, just a quick update on the latest pokies announcement, and why we must keep fighting in this campaign.

You may have heard today that the Parliament has passed a set of watered-down pokies reforms. I just received an email (included below) from Karen, a GetUp member whose husband took his own life because of gambling addiction. She is urging us to keep up the fight on pokies reform, and I couldn't agree more.

Occupy Policing: A Report into the Effects and Legality of the Eviction of Occupy Melbourne from City Square on 21 October 2011

One year on from the controversial eviction of Occupy Melbourne from the City Square, the Occupy Melbourne Legal Support Team has authored and released a qualitative report, entitled Occupy Policing: A Report into the Effects and Legality of the Eviction of Occupy Melbourne from City Square on 21 October 2011.

The Report documents protesters’ experiences of policing. The Report complements these eye-witness accounts with an account of the relevant laws.

The Report makes several key findings including:
