Newman says: vote for Greens

In a dazzling moment of political lucidity, Premier Newman has pointed out that if Queenslanders value the environment and their own health, they shouldn’t vote for the major parties.

Defending his u-turn on uranium policy against claims from the opposition that no economic or labour modelling was done prior to the decision, Newman told South Brisbane MP Jackie Trad that “If you do not support uranium mining, vote for the Greens”.

The uranium decision has defenders and opponents on both sides, with PM Gillard amongst it’s boosters.

“Mr Newman is right, of course,” said Qld Greens Senate candidate, Adam Stone.

Numerous concerns are being raised about the mining, transport and possible enrichment of uranium in Queensland The nearest Port for export at Abbott Point is adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef, arguably Queensland’s biggest natural resource.

The Australian Uranium Association has admitted that Queensland ports are unprepared to export uranium and that, “it would seem most likely that any uranium mined in Queensland would be transported by road and rail to either Adelaide or Darwin for shipment out of Australia.”

Not to be outdone, Green Senate candidate Adam Stone wrote this letter to Newman responding to his fickle policy decisions: