
WGAR News: Mining Deal Bombshell - Fortescue and the Yindjibarndi (by Gerry Georgatos)

Newsletter date: 20 November 2012

* Gerry Georgatos: Mining Deal Bombshell - Fortescue and the Yindjibarndi
* Chris Graham: Beer Goggles - The politics of backing grog bans despite scant evidence they actually work
* The Wire: Aboriginal women who experience sexual violence have a new support network
* Greens Rachel Siewert: JPP [James Price Point] protection relies on Minister Burke as the WA Government greases the wheels of industrialisation
* Graham Lloyd: New action to stop $35bn gas hub [James Price Point, WA]

current ruling authorities of the United States of America.

The awful irony of our time is that the three official branches of government are now overthrown by the unofficial fourth branch, Administrative Agencies.




Harvard scholarship for an Indigenous person

2013 Roberta Sykes Harvard Club Scholarship

The Roberta Sykes Indigenous Foundation, in conjunction with the Harvard
Club of Australia, is offering a fully funded scholarship for one Indigenous
Australian to undertake a postgraduate degree at Harvard University
commencing in August 2013.

Applications for the Roberta Sykes Harvard Club Scholarship close on 15
December 2012.

Are serious flaws within the UN fatal? The global ethical human rights vision for World Peace.

Are serious flaws within the UN fatal? The global ethical human rights vision for World Peace.

Anthony Ravlich


Human Rights Council (New Zealand)

10D/15 City Rd.

Auckland City.

Ph: (0064) (09) 940 9658

The following is my response on Facebook to Jennifer Chim, President and Founder of the World Peace Elite Association, . Her post to me is at the end.

Dear Jennifer Chim,


WGAR News: Update on Aunty Isabell Coe's funeral + Adelaide Book Launch: A Decision to Discriminate

Newsletter date: 18 November 2012

Updated 22 November 2012 to include new venue for the Adelaide Book Launch

* Funeral Notice for Aunty Isabell Edie Coe:
Mon 19 November 2012
* Adelaide Book Launch - A Decision to Discriminate:
Sun 9 December 2012 (to mark International Human Right’s Day)
* A Decision to Discriminate: Speeches and pictures from the other book launches
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles

Call to Asia Social Movements Assembly in Manila

Building solidarity and strengthening our struggles to address the economic and climate crisis in the fight to change the system

Last September 17, 2012, in an inspiring expression of solidarity from the South to the North, more than 35 social movements and civil society organizations from Asia together with regional networks, international organizations and social movements, sent a letter to our brothers and sisters in Occupy Wall Street on the occasion of the first anniversary of their struggle.

Australia Is doomed

The eastern states such as Victoria, New South Wales & Queensland are riddled with roads. It seems everybody wants to own a vehicle but how are we suppose to power these vehicles, through war it seems, but war is futile, obviously more fossil fuel oil pools need to be discovered, coal may need to be converted into oil. Their is gas like coal seam gas & natural gas but little has been done in regards to producing vehicles to run on gas.


Adelaide Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 9 events from 9 December 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Updated 22 November 2012 to include new venue for the Adelaide Book Launch

Event: Sun 9 December 2012: Adelaide CBD, SA
(to mark International Human Right’s Day)
Note new date and location!
Book Launch: A Decision to Discriminate
Aboriginal Disempowerment in the Northern Territory
Launched by:
* Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra OAM
* Rosalie Kunoth Monks OAM
New venue: Pilgrim Hall, 12 Flinders St, Adelaide CBD
"This new book is an important historical record
that focuses on the Senate Committee Inquiry

Coroners request and the Police Integrity Commission

Recent findings and recommendations made by the NSW Coroner in relation to the death of a young Brazilian Boy.

Summing up the Coroner recommended that the conduct of five NSW Police Officers be referred to and for the Police Integrity Commission to investigate. Personally and from past experience I have no faith in the PIC to investigate or have the Police on behalf of the PIC investigate the conduct of any police officer, and the Ombudsman to oversight.


Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 11 events from 23 November 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 23 November 2012: University of Canberra, ACT
Media & Indigenous Policy Symposium
* Kerry McCallum
* Michael Meadows
* Lisa Waller
* Michelle Dunne Breen
* Holly Reid
Guest speakers include:
* Pat Anderson, Chair, Lowitja Institute
* Jon Altman, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, ANU
* Jack Waterford, Canberra Times
* R. Warwick Blood, University of Canberra
* Peter Putnis, University of Canberra
"The Australian News Media and Indigenous Policymaking


Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 13 events from 17 November 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 17 November - 23 December 2012: Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW
Theatrical Documentary: Beautiful One Day
"Beautiful One Day is a theatrical documentary
about the irrepressible life and times of Palm
Island. Three theatre companies (Belvoir,
Ilbijerri, and version 1.0) came together in 2011
over a shared sense of outrage at the injustices
surrounding a death in custody in 2004. But,
prompted by the Palm Island community,
Beautiful One Day looks for a way to turn outrage
into real understanding and new possibilities.

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 20 events from 17 November 2012

Newsletter date: 17 November 2012

Updated 22 November 2012 to include new venue for the Adelaide Book Launch on Sun 9 Dec 12

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 17 November - 23 December 2012: Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW
Theatrical Documentary: Beautiful One Day
"Beautiful One Day is a theatrical documentary
about the irrepressible life and times of Palm
Island. Three theatre companies (Belvoir,
Ilbijerri, and version 1.0) came together in 2011
over a shared sense of outrage at the injustices
surrounding a death in custody in 2004. But,

Unofficial fourth branch of govewrnment usurps power

See my reports on the current ruling authorities of the United States of America.

The awful irony of our time is that the three official branches of government are now overthrown by the unofficial fourth branch, Administrative Agencies





Sydney councils back West Papua

Two Sydney councils have decided to raise the banned “Morning Star” flag to commemorate the national day of West Papua.

Marrickville Council and Leichhardt Council will both hoist the West Papuan flag on their town halls on Friday November 30.

The actual West Papuan Flag Day is on December 1st and is often a time of great tension in Papua.

Indonesian forces regularly crackdown on anyone raising the Morning Star flag on December 1st.


Solidarity with grand jury resisters and response to coffee with ASIO

“I must not fear.
Fear is the mind killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.”
-Frank Herbert, Dune


Climate change implications of new study on methane emissions in coal seam gas field

Coal seam gas has been touted as a green transitional fuel, far less polluting than coal, but a new study implies it may not be as green or climate friendly as the industry makes out. It hinges on the level of fugitive emissions produced in development and production of a gas field. A study by two scientists from Southern Cross University based in Lismore, northern NSW, detected much higher levels of the strong greenhouse gas methane around the Tara gas field on the Darling Downs of Queensland west of Brisbane.

Action: Getup! have started a Dirtier than Coal? campaign calling on Federal Climate Change Minister Greg Combet to commission urgent research into the climate impacts of coal seam gas, and to make sure that CSG companies start accounting, and paying, for fugitive emissions.


The Shortwave Report 11/16/12 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (November 16) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK World Radio Japan.