For Geoff King, the Tarkine is not ‘just’ a place of natural beauty.

Since the 1880s Geoff King’s family has lived there – it’s his heritage and his livelihood.

Today Geoff’s business brings people from all over the world to appreciate the uncorrupted nature of the magnificent Tarkine.

But that's all at risk.

Plans to build as many as nine open cut mines in the middle of the Tarkine are currently on the table.

The mines won’t just threaten endangered Tassie Devil habitat, they’ll forever tarnish the Tarkine’s clean, green brand and unspoilt image.

That could spell the end for many businesses and jobs like Geoff's.

It’s pretty clear that the old way of doing things in Tasmania – digging things up and chopping things down – hasn’t delivered a stable economy.

That’s why locals are speaking up, along with food producers like David Henderson and experts like former Tourism Australia managing director Ken Boundy.

Farmers, tourism operators and investors know that the Tarkine is worth much more to Tasmania permanently protected.

Watch and share their story today to get the word out: the Tarkine is too precious to lose.

Having successfully convinced Tony Burke to let the National Heritage Listing lapse, companies like Venture Minerals are now working as fast as they can to establish massive new open cut mines in the heart of the Tarkine. These mines will only last about a decade, making their owners a nice profit, but what then?

Please share Geoff and David's story with your friends as an inspiring example of people finding a better way to build our prosperity.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Whish-Wilson
Greens Senator for Tasmania

P.S. As we’ve told you recently, on December 6 and 7 the Prime Minister and Premiers will meet with big business representatives to plan the destruction of the federal environmental laws that have historically been the last line of protection for places like the Franklin River.

It’s not too late for the Tarkine, the Reef or the other places now at risk – but we have to get the word out that caring for the environment is the only way to build an economy that cares for people. Share this video today to do just that, and we’ll be in touch soon with more ways to stop government and business leaders from gutting Australia's national environmental protections in December.

P.P.S. In Tassie and love the Tarkine? Christine and I hope to see you here.


I had the pleasure of going on Geoff's devil tour almost a decade ago. I will always remember it. Fantastic tour, fantastic guy and magnificent landscape.

There are some places that deserve protection. The Tarkine is one of them.
