
Recent nuclear news

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I recently listened to Richard Broinowski, former Australian diplomat, describing Australia’s government policy makers as “illiterate about nuclear power”. I’m appalled to find out how true this is. As well as our Federal government’s schizoid attitude about uranium sales, and nuclear proliferation, we have today a very blatant example of ignorance, in South Australia granting approval for BHP to go ahead with a new and different type of uranium mining at Olympic Dam.

WGAR News: The Wire: Influential tent embassy activist passes away [Isabel Coe]

Newsletter date: 15 November 2012

Last updated: 17 November 2012 (to include funeral notice)

* The Wire: Influential tent embassy activist passes away [Isabel Coe]
* Funeral Notice for Aunty Isabell Edie Coe
* Video: 30th anniversary of the 1982 Stolenwealth Games protests
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement
* iPetitions: Darug Tribe to regain recognition as traditional owners of Blacktown
* Interview with Shirley Nirrpurranydji: Strong community bonds the key to Indigenous student health

Texas Attorney General says DNA tests implicate Hank Skinner in '93 murders

by Brandi Grissom
November 14, 2012

DNA testing that death row inmate Hank Skinner sought for more than a decade further implicates him in the New Year’s Eve 1993 triple murder for which he was sentenced to die, according to an advisory that the Texas Attorney General’s Office filed Wednesday in Gray County state district court.

But a lawyer for Skinner, who was convicted in 1995 of the murders of his live-in girlfriend, Twila Busby, and her two adult sons in Pampa, said the DNA testing is incomplete and indicates that another person may have been at the scene of the crimes.

Roberto Curti inquest coroner finds police "reckless, careless, dangerous and excessively forceful"

by ray jackson

the nsw state coroner, ms. mary jerram, delivered her decision on wednesday 14/11 on her findings and recommendations after the 10 day inquest into the death of roberto laudisio curti. meanwhile the queensland deputy state coroner also handed down her decision arising from a lengthy inquest into the death of antonio galeano back in 2009. the two reports are similar in several ways.

Filipinos slams US over toxic dumping; renews call for abrogation of VFA

'Not the trash bin of a superpower': Philippine solons, groups denounce U.S. toxic waste dumping in Subic

Manila, Philippines: Akbayan Party today slammed the United States government for the dumping of toxic waste 20 nautical miles from Subic Bay by the tanker MT Glenn Guardian owned by Glenn Defense Marine Asia Philippines, Inc., a United States Navy contractor which services American ships. According to Akbayan Representative Walden Bello, "the action shows a wanton disregard for Philippine laws and lack of concern for environmental safety."

Beto's Blood

The NSW Police Force have as their motto 'Culpam Poena Premit Comes', which means that punishment closely follows guilt, but somehow in the case of the death of Roberto Laudisio Curti, we are unlikely to see that motto put to practice. The family of Roberto Laudisio Curti will be fighting an uphill battle to see that punishment follows guilt, with the NSW Police Force in this case being the guilty perpetrators.


Groundswell shuts down Ta Ann veneer mill in Tasmania

By Lisa Searle

Grassroots environmental group Groundswell yesterday shut down operations at
Ta Ann’s veneer mill in Smithton, with a peaceful protest. The group are
highlighting the ongoing loss of Tasmania’s forests by Ta Ann, 2 protesters
are locked onto a conveyor belt inside the mill, completely shutting down
operations. A number of other members of the group are present and holding a
banner in front of the mill, which reads; “TA ANN – SELLING TASMANIAN

Ta Ann is a Malaysian-based timber company that has been accused of human

You have to see this: Reef under threat

We just got back from filming this video in Northern Queensland and we can't believe what we saw. The damage being done to the Great Barrier Reef World World Heritage Area will shock the country.

Check out this video as we launch our summer campaign to save the Great Barrier Reef:

Another police death in custody incident has happened at Bulli

by ray jackson

another police death in custody incident has happened at bulli, nsw on 9 november 2012. details are still sketchy but it is reported that police were driving up gwyther avenue at bulli when the police stated they 'had cause' to go to the house of the victim whereby a struggle ensued as the officers attempted to arrest a man. reasons for the arrest have not been stated.

Origin Energy under scrutiny over anti-renewables stance

Origin Energy, Australia's largest energy retailer, came under intense scrutiny today from shareholders at the Annual General Meeting in Sydney over it's energy portfolio placing great emphasis on development of gas, poor investment in wind and solar power, and a campaign by Managing Director Grant King to destabilise the Renewable Energy Target.

At one stage a banner was quickly unfurled infront of the board on the stage which said "Origin: Build wind and solar, not coal and gas". It was just as quickly taken down.


The Russian Civil War: Why The Bolsheviks Won

By justin arnold

Ma Student UNSW

The Russian Civil War of 1917 to 1921 was a war launched by the former officers of the Tsarist regime against the modernisation of Russia’s political economy by the Bolsheviks. The keys to the Red Army victory and White defeat in the Civil War were,
• The leadership of Lenin of the Bolsheviks and the Bolsheviks of the working class with a unity of purpose and command.
• The winning of support amongst the urban working class and peasantry of the population of Russia by the Bolsheviks,