
When is Amnesty International going to get off its arse and campaign for the rights of mental health prisoners in WA?

When is Amnesty International going to get off its arse and campaign for the rights of mental health prisoners in WA?

-by Graham Milner


WGAR News: "Aboriginal Legal Services from around Australia welcome Justice Reinvestment Inquiry"

Newsletter date: 29 November 2012


* ALS News: Aboriginal Legal Services from around Australia welcome Justice Reinvestment Inquiry
* Congress welcomes Justice Reinvestment Inquiry
* ANTaR: Senate inquiry to explore smarter approach to crime
* Amy McQuire: Committee to probe smarter approach to tackling crime
* Greens Senator Penny Wright: Senate to investigate new approach on crime

* Original Sovereign Tribal Federation: Native Title - Who gets what and how - in simple terms
* Background to Mabo and Native Title

World expert touring Australia to warn of overfishing

A world-authority on fisheries, Dr. Daniel Pauly, is on his first-ever Australian tour. Dr Pauly is also a charismatic speaker with a powerful message.

But first, Minister Burke finally confirmed that the two year super trawler ban will hold. There will be no super trawler fishing while impacts on our fisheries and marine life are researched. The same day, Seafish began asking if they could use a slightly smaller factory freezer trawler. We thought it was clear – no super trawlers in Australia, until you can prove they are sustainable.

Sold down the Murray

By Will Mooney - posted Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Reposted here by courtesy of Graham Young at On Line Opinion.

While a final version of the divisive Murray Darling Basin Plan has been signed into law, the future of the waterways that make up this vast river system has perhaps never been more uncertain.

Locked from the outside

Last week, a fire tore through a garment factory in Bangladesh. With the emergency exits locked or blocked, hundreds of workers -- mostly women -- were trapped inside the nine-story factory. 112 people were killed.

And in the ashes of the fire, a local community leader discovered the burned labels of Walmart-brand clothes.

Australia's largest proposed wind farm on King Island to supply electricity to Victoria

Hydro Tasmania unveiled plans last night to a public meeting on King Island in Bass Strait for Australia's largest proposed wind farm - a 200 turbine wind farm project called TasWind. The wind farm will produce 600MW of power, enough to supply power for nearly half a million households. The project is estimated to be worth $2 billion.

Patchy media coverage of Indigenous issues making for poor policy

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

By Tim Roxburgh for 270+ community radio stations

The way the media cover indigenous issues sometimes leads to bad policy, according to a group of academics studying how these topics are reported.

“Research over many years has reinforced and shown time and time again that the most dominant feature of news reporting is that largely mainstream media aren’t interested in Indigenous issues at all,” the lead researcher, Kerry McCallum, told me.

Why Global Trade Is Not Working

Australia is the world's highest carbon emitter, for Australians are the world’s worst CO2 emitters per capita. The decision to ratify the Kyoto Protocol has not been enough, alot more needs to be done.

The main reason why Australia is the world’s worst CO2 emitter per capita is that Australia relies heavily on global trade.

Queensland government apologises for forced adoptions

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

By Tim Roxburgh and Ellen Leabeater
for 270+ community radio stations

The Queensland Government apologised this afternoon for forced adoptions that occurred from the late 1950s to the mid 1970s.

During this time newborn babies were taken from single mothers through both physical and psychological coercion and adopted out.

The apology follows a Senate inquiry report earlier this year recommending all states, territories and the federal government apologise for forced adoptions. Queensland was the last state to comply.

Australia will abstain from UN Palestine vote

By Josh Nicholas
for 270+ community radio stations

This Thursday the United Nations General Assembly will likely pass a resolution to give Palestine a more formal status at the United Nations.

It will give Palestine the same non-member observer status at the United Nations that the Vatican has, which will result in greater access to international institutions, and will change the way Palestine is treated under international law.

Background to the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation (YAC)

Last updated: 27 June 2013

Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation (YAC):

WGAR News: Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation: New hope for the Yindjibarndi people (27 Jun 13)
[scroll down page]

WGAR News: Ben Leahy, Pilbara Echo: Yindjibarndi sign land access with Rio Tinto (27 Jun 13)

WGAR News: Don’t abandon us as you did in other Royal Commissions (By NIT reporter Geoff Bagnall)

Newsletter date: 27 November 2012

* Geoff Bagnall: Don’t abandon us as you did in other Royal Commissions
* Gerry Georgatos: Conflict allegations surface in Yindjibarndi, Fortescue battle
* Background to the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation (YAC)
* SBS World News Australia: Indigenous domestic violence concerns UN
* Speech by Muriel Bamblett at Melbourne launch of 'A Decision to Discriminate'
* Adelaide CBD Book Launch to mark International Human Rights Day: 'A Decision to Discriminate'
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles