
Working Group for Aboriginal Rights Human Rights Day open letter to PM Julia Gillard

Media Release - 10 December 2012

Working Group for Aboriginal Rights Human Rights Day open letter to PM Julia Gillard:

Prime Minister Julia Gillard
Parliament House
Parkes ACT 2600

Prime Minister,

The Working Group for Aboriginal Rights is calling on you and your government to change direction in your policies on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs.

WGAR News: Twenty per cent increase in Indigenous women in prisons: ABC The World Today Audio

Newsletter date: 10 December 2012


* ABC The World Today Audio: Twenty per cent increase in Indigenous women in prisons
* The Wire Audio Interview: Indigenous women prisoners increased this year
* Rachel Browne, SMH: Aboriginal women in jail surge
* ISJA - Melbourne: Build the movement to Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
* ANTaR: Justice Campaign

* Herald Sun: Slavery buried in Qld mass grave: Islanders

* AHRC: Where do we draw the line between hate speech and free speech?


"Good morning, Mr Sarra" launched

Republished here by courtesy of the National Indigenous Times

The remarkable true story of one man’s fight to turn the tide of low expectations of Indigenous children.

Good Morning, Mr Sarra is the inspiring life story of an Indigenous boy from a country town who defied expectations to become one of the most outspoken and recognised educators in the country.

When Chris Sarra arrived as the first Aboriginal principal of Cherbourg State School in 1998, it was a time of high hopes but low expectations in Indigenous education.


Indigenous women prisoners increased this year

Friday, 7 December 2012 – The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that there are now more Indigenous women in prison than last year.

This is raising concerns about creating policies to address the issue.

The report shows Indigenous women prisoners increased up by 20%, compared to an increase of 3% in non-Indigenous women.

Experts worry whether there is a lack of support for Indigenous women prisoners have.

roberto curti & other dic events.

December 08, 2012 6:24 PM



whilst perhaps the following report does not come as a real surprise, it certainly does come as a shock. i am not sure if this was known during the roberto curti coronial inquest but it surely shows how much our police are out of control. especially when it comes to the use/misuse of their issued tasers

WGAR News: Alice Springs Human Rights Day Rally demands justice for Kumentjaye Briscoe: MR

Newsletter date: 9 December 2012


* Media Release: Alice Springs Human Rights Day Rally demands justice for Kumentjaye Briscoe
* Patricia Morton-Thomas: 'My Family Is Calling For Justice'
* Petition: Justice for Kwementyaye Briscoe - lay charges against police

* STICS: NT Aboriginal Elder calls for repeal of 'Stronger Futures' at Sydney Human Rights Day forum
* PressTV Video: Australia Rights Forum centers on indigenous people
* Tracker: Lessons of Redfern speech lost: Elder
* Media Release: Union leaders join Bankstown Coalition to ramp up income management campaign

Alice Springs police who bashed and left Kwementyaye Briscoe to die should be charged

attached is a letter to the nt police commissioner, john mcroberts, that calls on him to charge the officers on duty at the alice springs police station on the night that kwementyaye briscoe was picked up for protective custody only, having committed no criminal act.


WGAR News: Act of Recognition "is an absolute insult to First Nations Peoples" Michael Anderson

Newsletter date: 8 December 2012


* Sovereign Union: Act of Recognition is an insult to First Nations Peoples
* The Wire: Sovereign group says Act of Recognition is 'so insulting'
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

* NIRS: Media coverage influences Indigenous policy: Report [Demise of bilingual programs]
* Background to the use of Aboriginal languages in NT schools

* NSW Greens: Ausgrid will "get off with a modest fine" over the destruction of a significant Aboriginal site [Source: Tracker]

PHILIPPINES: The Emotional Calculus of Armed Conflict

HOW DO I TREAT THEE? Let me count the ways. Statistics from the AFP-PNP over a 33-year period (1978-2010) report an aggregate of 29,553 fatalities in the ongoing conflict between GPH and the CPP-NPA categorized thus: 13,412 Communists (45%), 8,264 military and police (28%) and 7,877 civilians (21%). This further translates into 80 deaths daily for the period: 36 Communists, 23 soldiers and police, and 21 civilians.

The Shortwave Report 12/7/2012 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (December 7) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

To show Financial Crisis stems from UN: ethical human rights required.

To show Financial Crisis stems from UN: ethical human rights required.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
(0064) (09) 940.9658

I posted the following on the social networking sites and because of its importance and ‘immediacy’ I am alerting readers to my findings before it can be fully explained.

The post states:

"Statistics show Financial Crisis (2009) was due to ideological shift at UN to Asia and greater good at the expense of trickle down and growth in West. Ethical individual human rights required".


The Ugandan anti-homosexuality bill is racing towards passage, could pass any day now

The Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill is racing towards passage -- LGBTI Ugandans are worried it could pass any day now, and are holding out hope that international corporations will speak up now against this hateful bill, before it becomes law. An incredible 100,000 of us have signed our petition calling for Pepsi to speak out unequivocally against this bill, but the corporate higher-ups at Pepsi have remained silent. Time is running out before the “Kill the Gays” bill becomes law -- so now is the time to ramp up our pressure on Pepsi.

A hard role to play - support Trish's petition

At 8.30 tonight, Trish Morton-Thomas actecd in the finale of Redfern Now on ABC 1.

The episode was brutally close to home for her. She played the mother of a young man who dies in police custody -- only months after her own nephew died in the hands of police.

For Trish, it was a difficult decision: “When I was asked to play the mother of the young man who dies, I seriously wondered if I had the strength to carry a character so brutally close to my own life.”

Assessment of August 2011 Socialist Alliance/Resistance forum in Fremantle on erotica and women's liberation

The text below appeared briefly on the Perth Indymedia wire in August 2011. When that website closed down shortly before the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting was held in Perth later in 2011, the article went with it. Along with the bulk of the contents of the site archive, several other, later, documents concerned with the issue of my expulsion from the Socialist Alliance were also 'lost'.


Adelaide events: National day of solidarity for the Kimberley + 'A Decision to Discriminate' Launch

Adelaide and SA Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 12 events from 8 December 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 8 December 2012:
Broome, Perth, Adelaide & Melbourne
(Inter)national day of solidarity for the Kimberley
Broome No Gas Rally and Concert
- James Price Point: Pristine and Priceless
"On Saturday 8 December, the local community
in Broome, Western Australia, will hold a rally
and concert to oppose the construction of
a giant gas hub on their doorstep.
On the same day, we'll be holding events

West Australia events: National day of solidarity for the Kimberley + Broome No Gas Rally & Concert

Perth and WA Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 11 events from 8 December 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 8 December 2012:
Broome, Perth, Adelaide & Melbourne
(Inter)national day of solidarity for the Kimberley
Broome No Gas Rally and Concert
- James Price Point: Pristine and Priceless
"On Saturday 8 December, the local community
in Broome, Western Australia, will hold a rally
and concert to oppose the construction of
a giant gas hub on their doorstep.
On the same day, we'll be holding events

Melbourne events: (Inter)national day of solidarity for the Kimberley + Redfern Speech 20 years on

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 15 events from 6 December 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 6 December 2012:
Footscray, East Melbourne, Melbourne CBD, & Elsternwick, Vic
74th Anniversary of Australian Aborigines
League Walk & William Cooper Book Launch
"On the 6th of December 1938, William Cooper
and members of the Australian Aborigines League
walked from his home in Footscray to the German
Consulate to present a resolution condemning the
treatment of Jews. On this day in 2012, the walk
