A gift for Mother Nature

Rettet den Regenwald e.V.
Forest of Intag in northern Ecuador
Dear friends of the rainforests,

“Our mountain forests are home to thousands of different plants and animals,” writes Carlos Zorilla of the Ecuadorian environmental group DECOIN. “We have been successful in protecting these unique habitats against mining interests, and we would especially like to thank Rainforest Rescue for its support. Your donations have helped us buy no less than 3,000 hectares of forest and put it under protection. That’s the best strategy for preventing gold and copper mining in our homeland.”

The mountain forests of Intag in northern Ecuador are among the most biodiverse environments on the planet. Yet this Andean landscape is equally rich in natural resources. Mining companies have wanted to exploit them for many years, but the staunch solidarity of the farmers has thwarted every such advance to date.

With its campaigns and donations, Rainforest Rescue is a long-standing supporter of the people of Intag. Our DECOIN partners use the money to buy plots of forest in a variety of sizes that they defend and protect together with the villagers. In doing so, forty communities have been able to preserve their vital drinking water sources. They have also put their livelihoods on a more solid foundation with community projects such as ecotourism and the production of organic coffee.

“We will never allow business interests to destroy our environment,” said Carlos Zorilla. “Everyone should know that we will defend our unspoiled nature.”

Give the rainforest a gift: With only five euros, you can help the Intag residents buy and protect 100 square meters of forest.

Or surprise your family and friends with a rainforest certificate: For a donation of 20 euros, we will e-mail you a certificate in your choice of design, personalized with the name of the recipient.

Of course, you can also support our other projects, or make a general donation to protect the rainforests and the people, animals and plants that live in them. For more ideas, please visit www.rainforest-rescue.org

Thank you for your support in 2012.
Kind regards,

Reinhard Behrend
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)


Rainforest Rescue

Jupiterweg 15, 22391 Hamburg, Germany
info@rainforest-rescue.org  •  www.rainforest-rescue.org

Donation account:
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE11430609672025054100

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