
Anarchists mourn fallen officer

"The Australian people made heroes of none, and raised no idols, except perhaps Ned Kelly, an outlaw.. "
Brian Fitzpatrick

On December 6 police were called to a property in Oakville Sydney over a neighbourhood dispute about a bird aviary.


Is non-sniffable fuel really the answer?

Gerry Georgatos
The Western Australian remote Aboriginal community of Jigalong is renewing calls for non-sniffable fuel to combat substance abuse and anti-social behaviour, however some ask is this really the answer. Jigalong is near the heart of the mining boom and yet the majority of its Aboriginal peoples languish - they say 'what mining boom?'

Researcher argues new generation of deals can finally empower Aboriginal communities

Gerry Georgatos
Lily O'Neill is a PhD student with the Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements Project, an Australian Research project at the University of Melbourne and she argues the case that agreements such as the Kimberley LNG deal are the way forward for Aboriginal communities otherwise languishing in poverty.

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 28 events from 23 December 2012

Newsletter date: 23 December 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 10 December 2012 to 10 January 2013: Online
Our Generation film
Film released free online
"To mark the International Day for Human Rights
(10 Dec), we have uploaded the original version
of the film to watch for free online.
It will be available to view until 10 Jan 2013."
Event details:
About the film:
Film Reviews:

WGAR News: Wilderness Society takes WA EPA to Court [over proposed Kimberley gas hub]

Newsletter date: 22 December 2012


* The Wilderness Society: Wilderness Society takes WA EPA to Court
* ABC AM: Wilderness Society launches legal action against JPP gas hub environmental approval
* SBS World News Video: WA government taken to court over gas hub approval
* Greens MP Chapple calls on EPA Chief to resign
* Hands Off Country: EPA's Deception of Community
* Law Below the Top Soil, by Dr. Peter Botsman - a concise history of the flawed proposal to develop Browse Gas at James Price Point
* News re legal action against environmental approval of JPP gas hub

Evolutionary swarm robotics basics

In days gone by & still in these days & hopefully for many years into the future the demoscene has stamped its way into computer immortality. Using complex discrete mathamatics computer programmers are able to push the limits of computational power & produce awe inspiring display hacks.

What started out as abit of tinkering with computers by enthusiasts & hobbyists resulted in attaining government & corporate sponsorship, however has government & corporate sponsorship reduced the creativity of the demoscene ?

A year of nuclear bungles

The nuclear industry inflicts far more damage on itself than its opponents could ever hope to. The mere mention of the easily-preventable Fukushima disaster probably suffices to establish that point, but there are many more examples. To make the task manageable, this snapshot of recent nuclear shenanigans, jiggery-pokery, goings-on and own-goals is restricted to countries that Australia sells uranium to (or plans to sell uranium to).

WGAR News: UN Human Rights Committee asks Australia to explain human rights record: HRLC

Newsletter date: 21 December 2012


* HRLC: UN Human Rights Committee asks Australia to explain human rights record
* Background: Calls for 'Stronger Futures' laws to be subject to Human Rights scrutiny
* Background to Aboriginal imprisonment and Deaths in Custody

* 3CR Community Radio interviews with activists Robbie Thorpe and Gary Foley
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

* Phillip Adams, Late Night Live, interviews Prof's. Marcia Langton and Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh on Native Title 20 years on
* Background to Mabo and Native Title


another warrior lost

i have been informed that we have lost another warrior from the tent embassy in canberra.

gungalidda elder wadjularbinna nullyarimma has passed on. she was a staunch supporter of the tent embassy and her real passion for social justice issues is well known and she was/is much respected for her stand on these issues.

Sorry, we need that back

Two nights ago it was leaked that the Government is considering cutting $375 million in foreign aid. It would mean taking back money that literally saves hundreds of thousands of lives, all so the Government can pay for detaining more asylum seekers.

Do they even know it's Christmas?

It's so cruel you'd think it could only come from a Dickens Christmas tale. But this isn't fiction.

Late on Monday night (17th Dec) it was leaked that the Government is considering robbing one of their most desperately needed programs to pay for one of their cruelest: half a billion dollars would be stripped from our aid to the world's poorest, to pay for locking up asylum seekers.

Australia's foreign aid program saves 250,000 lives and sends 1,000,000 children to school every year. Cut that? Cut it so we can lock up families in detention centres? Merry Christmas indeed.

Great news: Toro stopped (for now...)

Your emails to Minister Burke may have helped influence his decision to delay the assessment of Toro’s uranium mine in Wiluna, Western Australia.

While Minister Burke has not rejected the proposal, he has demanded that more information be provided on key issues of concern. He has extended the deadline for a decision to be made to 31 March 2013. However if the company continues to be vague regarding its waste and water management plans, the decision next year should be a resounding 'no'.

Two great speeches to reflect on human rights in our country

If you’d like to reflect on human rights in Australia, in particular as they concern Indigenous people and refugees, I recommend to you two speeches pointed out to me by the Concerned Australians group campaigning against the Northern Territory intervention.

You will need about one and a half hours to listen to both, but you’ll find in them a wealth of context away from the frantic 24-hour news cycle and plenty of useful arguments.

WGAR News: Government cuts a major blow to the territory's vulnerable children and families: SNAICC

Newsletter date: 19 December 2012


* SNAICC News: Government cuts a major blow to the territory’s vulnerable children and families

* Jon Altman and Susie Russell, Evidence Base Journal:
Too much 'Dreaming': Evaluations of the Northern Territory National Emergency Response Intervention 2007-2012
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

* 2012 National Congress meeting in Alice Springs: Speeches, Videos and Photos
* Background to National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples