Christmas on the poverty line?


Send a Christmas message to Bill Shorten: keeping people below the poverty line at Christmas is not ok
Send a Christmas card

Have you ever tried to stick to a budget at Christmas time? Food, presents, visiting family – it gets expensive.

Imagine if your budget was only $17 a day.

Newstart recipients have only $17 a day to live on after they’ve paid their rent. That’s less than $17 a day for all other expenses, including food, transport, power bills and other utilities, let alone Christmas treats.

Such a small budget means that people struggle to afford fresh fruit and vegetables, clothes and shoes or even fuel to visit family and friends. These are things that many of us take for granted but that people on Newstart can’t afford.

Let Minister Bill Shorten know: keeping people below the poverty line at Christmas is not ok

Recently the Senate Inquiry into Newstart delivered its report, clearly stating that the payment is inadequate. In fact it is so low it is below the poverty line.

But despite substantial evidence in favour of increasing the rate of Newstart by $50 a week the Government is still failing to act.

A $50 per week increase to Newstart would make someone’s Christmas. Make that happen today: write Minister Shorten a Christmas message.

It gets worse. From January 1st, the Government will make things even harder for over 84,000 single parents who will be pushed off parenting payments and onto Newstart.

This will reduce their income by $60-$100 per week, right in the middle of school holidays and before back to school costs come in.

This policy won’t help people return to work faster. It will only further entrench them in poverty.

The Government should be helping people, not punishing them during hard times.

Christmas is a time for celebration, to give thanks for what we have and spend time with loved ones. So please take a moment to tell the Government you care about poverty in Australia - and they should too.

Kind regards,


PS: We’ve had lots of people write to us to tell us what living on Newstart has meant to them. You can read their stories here.




All government payments appear to be below the poverty line.
It'disgraceful considering the politicians continue to give themselves raises.
Work is what everybody does,just that some don;t get paid.
I'm tired of the mean spiritedness of Australian politics.
Of course NewStart and all the pensions should be raised.
Too many with toolittle,while some have a lot, and a few have a very big lot.