Great news: Toro stopped (for now...)

Your emails to Minister Burke may have helped influence his decision to delay the assessment of Toro’s uranium mine in Wiluna, Western Australia.

While Minister Burke has not rejected the proposal, he has demanded that more information be provided on key issues of concern. He has extended the deadline for a decision to be made to 31 March 2013. However if the company continues to be vague regarding its waste and water management plans, the decision next year should be a resounding 'no'.

“In the wake of Toro's decision to delay capital raising in the face of low uranium prices and the slow collapse of the global nuclear industry, it has been a bad few weeks for the company,” Senator Ludlam said.

Let’s keep the pressure on by keeping the messages of concern coming…

Forward this link to friends and encourage them to help STOP TORO

Read more:

Rachel Pemberton
Communications and Campaigns Officer
Office of Scott Ludlam | Australian Greens Senator for Western Australia