Reporter deaths spike in 2012, online journos hit harder than ever

 LogoAccess Express | 12/21/12

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Reporter deaths spike in 2012, online journos hit harder than ever

The number of journalists killed in the line of duty rose sharply in 2012. Internet journalists were hit harder than ever, while the proportion of freelancers was again higher than the historical average...

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The Digital Security Hotline: Protecting activists on the front lines

In 2013, we're creating a rapid-response system to quickly react to some of the greatest digital threats facing citizens in some of the most dangerous regions in the world. Help us expand our efforts by contributing today...

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WCIT WATCH: Analysis of the new ITRs

While the ITRs were certainly in need of updating, the government-controlled conference produced a text that crossed the red lines of several states. Still, many of the most problematic proposals failed to make it into the final draft...

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From the Access CommunityArticle photo

Turkey: Landmark European Court Decision finds blanket Google ban was a violation of freedom of expression

“This decision is a victory for online freedoms at a time when governments around the world increasingly seek to regulate the Internet” says...

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TeliaSonera’s troubles mount; considers expanding into Burma

Many multinational telecoms struggle to balance their human rights responsibilities -- enshrined in the UN’s Ruggie Framework -- with the realities of working in politically oppressive environments. However, TeliaSonera seems to be having more trouble...

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FCC launches tool to ward off mobile security threats

Someone in the U.S. loses their cellphone every 3.5 seconds, which adds up to more than $30 billion in losses each year. Not to mention the losses associated with mobile security theft, password hacks...

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China: 10 Best Weibo Stories of 2012

The Chinese internet is a fascinating place. Stories break online everyday. Despite the strong censorship, Chinese internet users are able to keep their sense of humor (and the censors at bay) by creating different buzzwords and memes...

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Lessons from Peru: A tough start to regulating ISP liability (Eng / Esp)

About half of all Latin American countries have signed free trade agreements with the United States. As part of the bilateral commitments, Peru and others agreed to pass more restrictive copyright enforcement laws. Peruvian lawmakers said...

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As Digital Rights Advocates Mobilize Around the TPP Negotiations, Process Becomes Even Less Transparent

The 15th round of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement negotiations in New Zealand concluded this week, locking out civil society participation in an unprecedented way. The TPP is a trade agreement between eleven Pacific nations...

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Don't blame Instagram users -- blame Instagram

After two days of increasingly loud arguments, the flap over Instagram's new terms of service has started to quiet down...

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Latin America and the Caribbean Netizen Report: Detention Edition

This month, detentions of netizens in Latin America and the Caribbean appear to have increased, with bloggers and activists in Ecuador, Colombia, and Cuba being punished by authorities for their online activities...

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Cybercrime law threatens online expression at site of ITU meeting

Earlier in November, United Arab Emirates (UAE) President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahayan issued a Federal Law by Decree with undeniable potential to chill protected speech and political participation. The measures criminalize those who...

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