
WGAR News: Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump in NT, Australia

Newsletter date: 6 January 2013

Background info page:
Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump in NT, Australia:

* Muckaty Radioactive Waste Dump web-resources
* Recent Muckaty Waste Dump News (31 March 2012 - 13 December 2012)
* Background Muckaty Waste Dump News (From 2 March 2010)


YouTube: Muckaty Voices
-Australia's nuclear waste dump story


Yahoo! now supporting HTTPS globally for their mail and messaging services

Today, Yahoo! told us that they're now supporting HTTPS globally for their mail and messaging services, an important and overdue step for the security and privacy of their users. Their decision comes on the heels of Access members publicly calling for the switch, as well as an open letter by civil society and security experts sent to new CEO Marissa Mayer pushing for the company to support HTTPS.

Centenary of Canberra celebrates First Australians + Canberra memorial corroboree for Isabell Coe

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 25 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 25 January - 25 May 2013: Canberra, ACT
Centenary of Canberra celebrates First Australians
"As we celebrate Canberra's 100th birthday in 2013,
we recognise Aboriginal people's continuing connection
to this place, a connection that spans some 20,000 years."
Includes Kevin Gilbert (1933-1993) Art Retrospective:


Bushfires strike with extreme heatwave blanketing most of Australia

Jan 8: Climate Change: Records tumble in extreme heatwave as temperature scale adjusted upwards

Jan 8: Julia Gillard links intensity of bushfires with climate change as NSW survives catastrophic fire conditions

Jan 5: Tasmanian Bushfires catastrophic but no confirmed loss of life

Jan 4: Hobart recorded it's highest recorded minimum temperature Thursday night and highest recorded daytime temperature on Friday. Bushfires are currently raging in Tasmania destroying houses and forcing evacuations (see below).

Jan 3: Elevated temperatures in an extreme heatwave are occuring across a brought sweep of Australia, with the heatwave expected to last at least a week. It is very unusual that a heat wave covers such a large area of the continent at one time, according to Karl Braganza, manager of climate monitoring at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Australia's weather has switched to hot and dry after one of the wettest two year periods in Australia's history influenced by an extremely strong La Nina event.

Related: Scientists outline health limits of heat stress with Climate Change (May 2010) | Flooding rains now burning plains - Bushfire risk and climate change (Oct 2011) | Logging of Victorian mountain ash forests increases bushfire risk (Oct 2011) | Intact native Forests mitigate bushfire in a warming climate (Nov 2011) | CSIRO - Climate change impacts on fire weather


WA marine heatwave - Elevated sea surface temps & marine biodiversity

Dec 29, 2012: High sea surface temperatures (SST) of up to five degrees above normal are currently being experienced off the north-western Australian coast in a marine heatwave event. Like the extreme marine heatwave event in 2011 this will change marine ecosystems causing coral bleaching and fish mortality and impact on fisheries management and biodiversity.

A similar event occurred over several weeks during the 2010/2011 summer which impacted seafood stocks and marine ecosystems and was associated with an extremely strong La Niña event and a record strength Leeuwin Current down the Western Australian coast.


un covenant on civil and political rights

attached is the 6th periodic report put to the australian government by the united nations (un) asking how, and if, the australian government is implementing or complying with the above named covenant of which australia is still to incorporate the covenant into domestic law.
questions asked are relative to several areas of human rights that are under international law.

Queensland events: ANTaR Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health Award + State of Emergency Exhibition

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 14, 15 and 16 January 2013: Brisbane, Qld
Show your support at the
Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry
"Please come and support key Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander child and family advocates
calling for proficient Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander child protection framework with greater
responsibility, accountability and authority
held by the community."
Event details:

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 38 events from 5 January 2013

Newsletter date: 5 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 10am Sat 5 January 2013: Post Office Square, Brisbane, Qld
Dundalli Remembrance
Resistance leader for his land, people and culture - executed 1855
All welcome!
Facebook: Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: 10 December 2012 to 10 January 2013: Online
Our Generation film
Film released free online
"To mark the International Day for Human Rights
(10 Dec), we have uploaded the original version

The Shortwave Report 01/04/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (January 4) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

WGAR News: "I could live on $6321 a week" John Passant [Minister Macklin is paid $6321 a week]

Newsletter date: 4 January 2013


* NITV News Video: Living Allowance Row
* Bianca Hall, The Age: ACOSS calls on Macklin to 'please do your job'
* Greens Acting Leader, Adam Bandt: Join me on the dole, Minister
* Senator Rachel Siewert: Greens urge Minister Macklin to live on Newstart
* Greens MPs Petition: Could you really live on $35 a day, Minister?
* John Passant, En Passant: I could live on $6321 a week
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

Women’s rights: Turning point in India, triumph in Manila

Women’s rights have been in the forefront of international concern over the last few weeks.

Up in arms against rape

Making the biggest headlines were the massive demonstrations in New Delhi and other cities in India provoked by the brutal gang-rape by six men of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student in a moving bus in the Indian capital. The crime, which saw the victim suffer extremely serious wounds in her genitals and intestines, proved to be the trigger for the release of popular anger that had built up over the years over the rise in violence against women.

About WGAR News - Sample WGAR News e-newsletters

Last updated: 2 June 2014

About WGAR News (Working Group for Aboriginal Rights - Australia)
Main Contents Page:


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 83 events from 2 June 2014


About WGAR News - WGAR events postings

Last updated: 2 June 2014

About WGAR News (Working Group for Aboriginal Rights - Australia)
Main Contents Page:



WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 83 events from 2 June 2014

Adelaide and South Australia events:

About WGAR News - WGAR background info web-pages

Last updated: 1 June 2014

About WGAR News (Working Group for Aboriginal Rights - Australia)
Main Contents Page:


Background to 'Keeping Them Home': Campaign against Forced Aboriginal Adoption in the NT, Australia
(Last updated: 1 June 2014)

About WGAR News - About WGAR News e-newsletters

Last updated: 1 December 2013

About WGAR News (Working Group for Aboriginal Rights - Australia)
Main Contents Page:


Subscription to 'WGAR News' is free.

'WGAR News' monitors the media, including alternative media, focusing on:

* the Australian Federal government intervention into Northern Territory (NT) Aboriginal communities;
* the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies;

RAC media release - "people disappear in Sri Lanka"


Refugee supporters will join Tamil groups to protest outside
tomorrow’s SCG cricket match to call for a sporting boycott of the Sri
Lankan cricket team, and for Australia to welcome refugees fleeing
that country’s repressive regime.

Protesters will gather at 9.30am, Thursday 3 January, on Driver
Avenue, outside the main gates into the Sydney Cricket Ground.

Almost years after the end of the country’s civil war, when government
forces massacred over 40,000 Tamils, the regime of President Mahinda


Western Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (WANFA)

Last updated: 16 May 2014

Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies
Main Contents Page:

WGAR News: David Novak, 3CR Community Radio: Radioactive Show: "We speak with Kado Muir about the fourth annual Walkatjurra Walkabout" (16 May 14)
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