
WGAR News: Child abuse inquiry lacks Indigenous focus: Greens (SBS World News Video & newsTracker)

Newsletter date: 15 January 2013


* SBS World News Video & newsTracker: Child abuse inquiry lacks Indigenous focus: Greens
* Australian Greens Leader Senator Christine Milne: Greens welcome Royal Commission

* Amnesty: DPP’s failure to investigate Briscoe's death: a blight on the justice system
* Background to the justice for Kumentjaye Briscoe campaign

* NIRS: New support for Perth domestic violence sufferers announced
* Augusta-Margaret River Mail: New service a stand against 'Aboriginal inequalities'

“Japan Sasago Syndrome” and “African infernal overflow” as evidences of hot expanding earth theory [global warming, geophysics and cosmology]





Time to cease expansion of coal to reduce climate change says Ad

Prominent scientists and environmental organisations have published a full page ad in Monday's Australian Financial Review calling for the cessation of the expansion of coal exports from Australia.

Background: Read Melbourne University Associate Professor Peter Christoff's article on Why Australia must stop exporting coal. Or watch this 2010 lecture by Dr. Guy Pearse from the University of Queensland on Queensland's coal addiction | Greens Leader says 'Look at the damage to humanity caused by people who bankroll coalmines' | Australian Heatwave part of global warming trend says IPCC head Pachauri


WGAR News: Background: Calls for 'Stronger Futures' laws to be subject to Human Rights scrutiny

Newsletter date: 14 January 2013

Background info page:
Background: Calls for 'Stronger Futures' laws to be subject to Human Rights scrutiny:


* Take Action regarding Human Rights compliance for 'Stronger Futures' laws
(Last updated: 18 July 2012)

* Media Releases, Letters, Statements calling for 'Stronger Futures' Human Rights compliance


On line petition for solidarity with Villa Amalias squat in Athens/Greece

Solidarity with Villa Amalias Squat – Let us Resist the Social Cannibalism

All of us signing this declaration of solidarity with Villa Amalias Squat are aware of the fierce attack unleashed by the Greek state on free spaces and every other expression of social/political resistance.

Solidarity with Squat raids in Athens from Brisbane

Photographs of 2 banners placed at the Brisbane Anarchist Summer School, held from 12-13 January 2013. As far away as Australia we look to the occupied social spaces such as Villa Amalias, Skaramagka, and the ASOEE steki in Greece as a source of inspiration in our struggle against the existent. With solidarity as our weapon we actively resist the isolation this society attempts to impose on us. You are not alone.

Comrades from the other side of the world


Our last day of freedom - A ceremony to honour our Nyoongar Yorga Boodja

The Nyoongar Tent embassy was established in February 2012 in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Canberra Aboriginal Tent Embassy. We are an independent part of the national and international movement for the recognition of Tribal Sovereignty in Australia.

WGAR News: Government must do the right thing by Maralinga victims: Greens Senator Scott Ludlam

Newsletter date: 13 January 2013


* Greens Senator Scott Ludlam: Government must do the right thing by Maralinga victims
* ABC: No way forward for Maralinga victims

* Brisbane Times: Aborigines' claim on Musgrave Park set to be tested in court
* Adelaide Now: [Brisbane] Tent embassy land 'for Aboriginal use'
* Background to Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy, Musgrave Park, South Brisbane, Qld

* NIRS: Ramindjeri lawman slams SA Government for destruction of burial site
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

Are the Old Ones taking the land back?

Once Aboriginal people were no longer able to tend their country, it became overgrown and vulnerable to the hugely damaging bushfires we now experience. And what we think of as virgin bush in a national park is nothing of the kind.

That's the core of a book by historian, Professor Bill Gammage, who examined written and visual records of the Australian landscape for more than a decade.

A relevant graphic

Here's a graphic created by SchNEWS ( in the UK a number of years ago, incase you haven't seen it. It's copyleft I believe so its reusable.

As an outsider looking on from rainy England*, and hoping the fires stop soon with minimal further loss, I just wonder how the climate change deniers will try to stop the public making the connection between this and climate change? There's a chance that enough idiots will vote Tony Abbott in next time, who appears to be an old-school climate change denier from another era.


Reduce mankind to a fearful, trembling species

Most Indymedia groups refuse to publish any of my reports and many now *hide some of my posts. Why is the truth so feared by media authorities? Perhaps my most **recent report referenced in the Indymedia groups shown below with two asterisks ( and reposted below in this post) proves my point: that the NWO under the direction of fbi/cia/mossad/MI6, Sûreté , etc. is hell bent on reducing mankind to an ignorant, fearful, & trembling species as may be needed to control earth and space.


The world's most senseless war -- exciting update

Last year some of you signed a campaign to end the war on drugs. We delivered it to Ban Ki Moon and since then there have been exciting advances -- Colorado and Washington state have legalised marijuana in the US and Heads of State like Guatemala's President Molina, Costa Rica's President Chinchilla and Colombia's President Santos are discussing global regulation. 

Adelaide: Kimberley film screening + Survival Day Concert + Justice and Peace Candle Light Walk

Adelaide and South Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 26 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 26 January 2013: Adelaide, SA
National Aboriginal Cultural Institute Tandanya presents:
Survival Day Concert 2013
Free Event
Event details:
Event summary:

Event: Sat 26 January 2013: Adelaide, SA
145th Justice and Peace Candle Light Walk

WA events: Survival Day Concert + Kimberley volunteers update + Walk the Lurujarri Dreaming Trail

Perth and Western Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 25 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 25 January 2013: East Perth, WA
Nyoongar Tent Embassy: Last day of Freedom
"Activities at Matagarup (Heirrison Island) hosted
by the Nyoongar Tent Embassy. Includes BBQ
(for donation) and music. ...
(Named for being the last day before invasion day.)"
"Preliminary Launch of Curtin University’s
Research on Media Reporting on the NTE"

Fire the U.S. Congress for treason: How many blatant favors for the AIPAC Israel lobby?

By Ron Russell

How many times will U.S. elected Representatives of the U.S. House and Senate have to kiss Israel’s ass, and in how many ways, before “our” country will build a true national security team—that is one actually focused on U.S. security and not primarily on Israel’s?

“Aboriginal embassy event on 26th is not ours”

Coonamble, central-western NSW, 11 January 2013 - - Aboriginal sovereignty activist, Michael Ghillar Anderson, makes clear that an event being organised by the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples (NCAFP ) for 26 January at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra, is NOT an Aboriginal Embassy initiative.

The last survivor of the four men who set up the embassy in 1972 and spokesperson for the Sovereign Union of First Nations, emphasises that the NCAFP is a government funded organisation that has not gained the majority support of grassroots Aboriginal people.

WGAR News: Briscoe family condemns NT prosecutor decision on anniversary of Briscoe death: MR

Newsletter date: 12 January 2013


* Briscoe family condemns NT prosecutor decision on anniversary of Briscoe death: Media Release
* Tracker: Family, lawyers condemn DPP decision over Briscoe death
* Tracker: NT denies closing door on Briscoe talks
* Background to the justice for Kumentjaye Briscoe campaign

* NIRS: Incarceration should be "matter of last resort"
* ABC: Indigenous leader urges action on jail 'time bomb' [call for a national summit]
* ABC The World Today Audio: Jobs not jail for troubled Indigenous youths: Mundine [call for a national summit]

WGAR Events: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 45 events from 11 January 2013

Newsletter date: 11 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 11 until Sat 19 January 2013: Footscray, Melbourne, Vic
Wominjeka 2013
Koorie Space - Footscray Community Arts Centre
"Wominjeka means 'welcome' in the language
of the Kulin Nation. Wominjeka has developed as
FCAC’s annual celebration of Australia’s
Indigenous artistic and cultural practices;
and the launch of the Centre’s annual program."
Event details:
[From this link there are links to other activities, including:

The Shortwave Report 1/11/13 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (January 11) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}