
Sydney events: STICS meeting: Guest speaker from the NT: Marie Ellis + 'Lurujarri Dreaming' doco

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Mon 4 February 2013: Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW
Stop the Intervention Collective special meeting:
Guest speaker from the NT:
Marie Ellis, President Amoonguna community
"Marie Ellis has been a leading Aboriginal voice
opposing the Intervention and the devastation it
has caused at Amoonguna, her community near
Alice Springs. At this special STICS meeting,
Marie will give us the latest news from the NT
and discuss the struggle to re-establish community

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 39 events from 4 February 2013

Newsletter date: 3 February 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Mon 4 February 2013: Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW
Stop the Intervention Collective special meeting:
Guest speaker from the NT:
Marie Ellis, President Amoonguna community
"Marie Ellis has been a leading Aboriginal voice
opposing the Intervention and the devastation it
has caused at Amoonguna, her community near
Alice Springs. At this special STICS meeting,
Marie will give us the latest news from the NT
and discuss the struggle to re-establish community

50 Shades of Black with Karla Hart & Della Rae Morrison

The Blue Room Theatre Summernights & Yorga Waabiny Productions in association with Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company and PICA are bringing on:

Fifty Shades of Black
By Karla Hart
Co-created with Della Rae Morrison & Monica Main

PICA Performance Space
Mon 11 Feb – Thurs 14 Feb & Sat 16 Feb @ 6.30

Media Contact:
Charley Caruso: 0427 477 370

Two of Western Australia’s finest and funniest female Noongar performers, bringing the laughs upfront, honest and straight from the heart.

American naval ship crashes into Philippine world heritage site

The Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) dared President Aquino to relentlessly pursue his declaration that, despite the apology issued for the reckless grounding of an American ship on Tubbataha Reef, the US Navy has undoubtedly violated Philippine laws and therefore must be meted out with appropriate punishment.

Responding to media questions on whether the apology was already enough, Aquino, in a
surprisingly I’m-not-a-US-puppet-posturing, was quoted as saying: “that doesn’t exempt them
from having to comply with our laws … Excuse me, may nasira sa amin, eh. Gano’n na lang

Senior law boss Phillip Roe would die first than surrender Goolarabooloo country

Photo (by Julia Rau) - Goolarabooloo Matriarch Teresa Roe with son, Senior Law Boss Phillip Roe who said he would die first before surrendering Goolabaraloo Country to the proposed LNG hub. They stand on sand dunes where there are burial sites within proximity of the proposed gas hub.

WGAR News: UN intervention called for at James Price Point: Hands off country

Newsletter date: 2 February 2013


* Hands Off Country: UN Intervention called for at James Price Point
* The West: Push for UN to visit gas hub
* Respect and Listen: Save the Kimberley: Report on Walmadany - James Price Point
* Hands Off Country: Video: Barnett Blooms in Broome
* The West: Premier coy on ways to stop FLNG
* Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign - James Price Point, north of Broome, WA

* NIRS: Income management admin costs over a million a year: Report
[sic - actually the amount is over one hundred million a year]

The Shortwave Report (February 1) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (February 2) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

List of children killed by US drone strikes

How many children will Obama kill in his remote controlled drone war?

How many kids can become “collateral damage” before we demand a halt?

Why should we believe the CIA who runs the drone program?

Is it legal or moral for the CIA to act as judge, jury and executioner, with no legal process what so ever?

List of Children Killed by US (Drone Strikes) in Yemen and Pakistan

The following list was issued by DRONES WATCH on 20 January 2013. The names were compiled from The Bureau of Investigative Journalism reports.

Karoly Says Fierce Aussie Weather a Warning to the World

Our opening guest this week on Radio Ecoshock is Dr. David J. Karoly. He's been a lead IPCC author and advises the Australian government through the Climate Change Authority. After a stint teaching Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma, Karoly is now at the School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne.

in CD quality:

In Lo-Fi:


WGAR News: The burning issue of deaths in custody: Gerry Georgatos, Indymedia Australia

Newsletter date: 31 January 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, Indymedia Australia: The burning issue of deaths in custody - Aboriginal people die 5 times the rate of Apartheid South Africa
* Background to Aboriginal imprisonment and Deaths in Custody

* The West: Offshore Browse move hard to stop: EPA
* Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign - James Price Point, north of Broome, WA

* Tracker: Nova Peris wins NT Senate pre-selection
* ABC PM Audio: Nova Peris endorsed
* Tracker: Peris choice is 'extremely positive': Albo

MILF to CPP: Judge not by your way

Mindanao, Philippines: The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has been mum on the criticisms hurled against it by the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). We know it is not beneficial to both organizations if they are dragged into the verbal tussle. However, it is not good either if the MILF allows the one-way verbal assault continues. There must be a brake to it by way of this explanation.

On the misuse of the Philippine Senate MOOE fund

The Party of the Laboring Masses (Partido Lakas ng Masa - PLM) is spearheading a campaign to eradicate corruption, patronage politics and shamelessness among government officials. The picket today at the Senate is only the first of the PLM campaign to pursue transparency in government.

Solidarity with Koori fighters

On the evening of the 25th of January 2013 a banner of solidarity was hung on the Sydney University fence. This was the evening before the day of celebration that takes part across Australia.

Yabun is a near by celebratory event of survival for Koori people. It is a patch in the geography of the larger space, a country that is dominated that day by celebrations that are void of the recognition of Koori struggle, the celebrated colonial nationalism or ‘Aussi racist culture’.


My 3 days in the Pilbara with Fortescue CEO: “Gerry, you’ll see for yourself, and nothing is off the record”

National Indigenous Times award winning journalist, PhD researcher, an academic
with expertise in understanding racism and long-time social justice campaigner Gerry Georgatos has reflected on a recent look-in of Fortescue Metals Group operations.

Jandamarra’s grand-daughter speaks out for Women’s Country

Gerry Georgatos - The Native Title process is being called into question with a public stoush in the West Kimberley that for far too long has languished and has been kept out of the light of day. There is a divide between the Bunaba and Nyikina peoples in terms of Native Title claims and connection to Country – particularly over historical Women’s Country . A point of contention is whether the great warrior Jandamarra was Bunaba or Nikyina.

WGAR News: Broome 'army ready' for war on Kimberley gas hub: Save The Kimberley

Newsletter date: 30 January 2013


* Save The Kimberley: Broome 'army ready' for war on Kimberley gas hub
* Broome Community No Gas Campaign: Decision "insulting joke" to Aboriginal heritage
* Perth Now: Broome and the gas hub - a town divided
* The West: Premier heckled by protesters
* Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign - James Price Point, north of Broome, WA

* 'concerned Australians': Stronger Futures Legislation passed into Law on 29 June, 2012
* Paddy Gibson, Solidarity: NT Liberals betray Aboriginal communities with cuts and more cops

The burning issue of deaths in custody - Aboriginal people die 5 times the rate of Apartheid South Africa

PHOTO: Roebourne Prison inmates - for crimes like ‘absconding’ from ‘blackbirding’ - slavery. Those who resisted strongly were sent to Wadjemup (Rottnest Island) and Fremantle Prison - most never to return. The word they used for policeman was “Marndamarangga” and means “chainhand” and is still used today. (Photo: Battye Library, WA)


Queensland 2013 bigwet floods, tornados and climate change

Ex-tropical cyclone Oswald has left a trail of damage and destruction from it's origins in the Gulf of Carpentaria to crossing Cape York and working it's way down the Queensland Coast. The storms brought destructive winds, tornados, rough seas, storm surge and torrential rain, followed by flooding. Quite a few rain records were broken for 24 and 48 hour periods in Rockhampton, Gladstone and Bundaberg with some rain gauges recording well over one metre of rain in 48 hours. Now flood level records are being broken for many river basins and towns like Bunderberg and Gympie.


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 33 events from 29 January 2013

Newsletter date: 29 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 29 January 2013: Petersham, Sydney, NSW
Invasion Day Special Screening and Fundraiser
The Inner West Film Forum
"In the wake of Invasion Day 2013
we present two important screenings …
* The Invasion Continues… Video from the NT Intervention.
Presented by Paddy Gibson
* One People Sing Freedom (1988)"
"Assisting STICS to continue its fight against the
Northern Territory Intervention"
STICS (Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney)