
Australia: we're paying for floods and fires

Dear friends across Australia,

Almost 50 degrees one week, floods the next! Climate change is here, but our government continues to give billions a year in petrol credits to mining companies. Enough is enough. Let’s turn up the heat on the government this election year to end these polluter handouts! Sign now.

Tarkine: The other 96%

Environment Minister Tony Burke has just announced that he's backing down from protecting Tasmania's Tarkine wilderness, ignoring the recommendations of the Australian Heritage Council and instead allowing mining to expand. Click here to write a letter to your MP asking that they support Heritage Listing for the Tarkine:

It's not what we expected to hear. In fact it is far worse than even our worst fears.

WGAR News: "Federal Court win by Yindjibarndi means Fortescue must negotiate with them"

Newsletter date: 17 February 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, Indymedia Australia: Federal Court win by Yindjibarndi means Fortescue must negotiate with them
* CAAMA: Yindjibarndi 1 - Fortescue Metals Group 0 - court ruling favours the mob !
* YAC: Cause to come home - Yindjibarndi Federal Court win
* YAC: Truth is the Best Defense - Yindjibarndi Federal Court win
* ABC Indigenous: Yindjibarndi court decision brings 'tears of joy'
* NIRS: Former FMG employee allegedly threatens to sue National Indigenous Times
* Background to the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation (YAC)

WGAR News: Let's Talk: Live Broadcast 5th Anniversary of the Apology Link-Up Event

Newsletter date: 16 February 2013


* Let's Talk: Live Broadcast 5th Anniversary of the Apology Link-Up Event
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Chris Graham about the National Apology
* NIRS: Chris Graham slams lack of compensation and change for Stolen Generations
* Shelter SA: Mr Rudd, why aren’t you talking about self-determination
* Fiona Arney, The Conversation: Making the national apology count for Indigenous children
* Greens MLC Tammy Franks: Five or Fifteen Years After Saying Sorry is High Time to Make Amends


WGAR News: Sovereign Union serves the Crown with formal objection to the Act of Recognition

Newsletter date: 15 February 2013


* Sovereign Union serves the Crown with formal objection to the Act of Recognition
* Sovereign Union: Open Letter to the Governor-General: Sovereign Treaty not the Act of Recognition
* NIRS: Sovereignty campaigner disappointed by Act of Recognition passing
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

* Congress: Congress calls for hard yards on substantive Constitutional reform
* Background to National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples

* News on Act of Recognition passing Lower House

Top NZ Labour MP support for global ethical human rights approach to replace neoliberalism.

Top NZ Labour MP support for global ethical human rights approach to replace neoliberalism.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.,
Auckland City.
Ph: (0064) (09) 940 9658

Member of Parliament, David Cunliffe, who recently challenged for the New Zealand Labour Party Leadership, was supportive of my recent article, ‘Increasing dissent, and global ethical human rights truth, taking NZ from a ‘stupid culture’ to a ‘thinking culture’(see anthony ravlich’s blog, guerilla media).


Letter to the Governor-General, all MPs and the United Nations about Aboriginal sovereignty never ceded

    Sovereign Union

     of First Nations and Peoples in Australia

      Asserting Australia's First Nations Sovereignty into Governance


                                                                                                                        13 February 2013



Dear Governor-General,


Re: Sovereign Treaty not the Act of Recognition


WGAR News: Muckaty Northern Territory exhibition to open at Adelaide Fringe festival: BNI

Newsletter date: 14 February 2013


* BNI: Nuclear waste in the spotlight, Muckaty in the frame: Northern Territory exhibition to open at Adelaide Fringe festival
* Event: Exhibition by Human Rights Activist, Jagath Dheerrasekara: Manuwangku - Under the Nuclear Cloud: 14 Feb - 22 Mar 13
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump

* SNAICC News: Know your rights - Resource on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)

* Sovereign Union: The Apology is still an empty vessel

Call for an end to logging in the South West - tax payer charade - $106 million in losses

Gerry Georgatos - Western Australia could profit by over $400 million a year by the ending of logging in its native forests according to new research by the Australia Institute. The report confirmed logging is not only harmful to the environment, but also costs the State millions in potential profits.


Federal Court win by Yindjibarndi means Fortescue must negotiate with them

Gerry Georgatos - On Tuesday February 12, the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation (YAC) won a huge outcome in the Federal Court with Justice Neil Kerracher stating that only the YAC are authorised to negotiate with mining companies over certain Yindjibarndi Country. The claim area includes the vacant Crown land where Fortescue Metals Group is developing the Firetail mine site.


Environment minister approves fossil fuel projects increasing carbon emissions 8% per year

Maules Creek and Boggabri coal mines, and the Gloucester CSG Field in New South Wales get conditional go ahead from the Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke increasing Australia's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Decision strongly condemned by the local community and conservationists, with court challenge being flagged as possible.

Environment Minister Tony Burke has conditionally approved the Whitehaven Maules Creek open cut coal mine near Narrabri in the Leard State Forest as well as the four fold expansion of the neighboring Idemitsu Boggabri coal mine, and a major Coal Seam Gas field near Gloucester being undertaken by AGL Energy.

Related: Sydney's water supply under threat from BHP Longwall coal mine extension | Coal Seam Gas Field proposal for Pilliga Scrub withdrawn by Santos
