Tarkine: The other 96%

Environment Minister Tony Burke has just announced that he's backing down from protecting Tasmania's Tarkine wilderness, ignoring the recommendations of the Australian Heritage Council and instead allowing mining to expand. Click here to write a letter to your MP asking that they support Heritage Listing for the Tarkine: www.getup.org.au/tarkine-heritage

It's not what we expected to hear. In fact it is far worse than even our worst fears.

Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke has just announced that he will ignore the recommendations of the Australian Heritage Council who have recommended the Tarkine be protected and instead open it up for the mining industry. 96% of the Tarkine wilderness the Australian Heritage Council said should be protected will now face an uncertain future.

Now, Australia's largest remaining single tract of Gondwanan rainforest could be dug up for short-term mines. Some of these mines will only operate for 2 years, but will leave permanent scars on the landscape. Earlier today I spoke to a tourism operator in the area, Darvis, who is devastated by the outcome; he's built up a world class business which attracts visitors from around the world. But he hasn't lost hope. He knows that you, along with the GetUp movement can help save the area - particularly in an election year.

Tony Burke said to media that “I simply haven't been able to find a way to recognise the natural heritage values with a boundary that will find a balance.” That's just not good enough. If the Coalition hear from enough people there is a chance they will move to do better for the Tarkine. Please write letter to your local Coalition MP now and find out where they stand on the Tarkine:


Last year GetUp members like Nicole lobbied their local MP urging them to protect the Tarkine - home to the last known population of healthy Tasmanian devils. A Liberal MP wrote back to Nicole saying:

"The Coalition is concerned about the health of Tasmanian Devils, not only in the Tarkine region but across Tasmania and is keen to see their well-being protected.

The protection of the sensitive environmental areas of the Tarkine is important and we understand the Government is currently considering the application for World Heritage listing for the area."

It's now up to us to find out where the Coalition stands on the Tarkine and the existence in the wild of the Tasmanian devil. Diet, can you please write a letter to your local Coalition or Independent MP and let them know that you support the protection of the Tarkine and ask for their position on the issue?


When you receive a response from your MP please send it through to us at messages@getup.org.au and we'll make all the responses public on our website - building pressure on all parties to do better for the Tarkine.

Our perseverance and determination can see this area saved.

Thanks for all that you do,
Paul, for the GetUp team.

GetUp is an independent, not-for-profit community campaigning group. We use new technology to empower Australians to have their say on important national issues. We receive no political party or government funding, and every campaign we run is entirely supported by voluntary donations. If you'd like to contribute to help fund GetUp's work, please donate now!  Authorised by Sam Mclean, Level 2, 104 Commonwealth Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010.