
Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman ends his hunger strike – but still needs your support

Australian Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman, serving 20 years in Sofia/Bulgaria for defending two Roma boys from a racist mob, was on hunger strike from the 13th January 2013. The Director of the Central Sofia Prison had ordered another punishment measure because of Jock´s activist work as chairman of the Bulgarian Prisoner´s Association. Due to this punishment Jock is now not allowed to finish his studies which is very important to him.

Senate moves for stronger government action against the Japanese whaling fleet

The Australian Government has an official policy of opposing the Japanese whaling operation in the southern ocean whale sanctuary, but officially it is very quiet. Not so much as a peep from the media releases on the Federal Minister for the Environment Tony Burke MP or the Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Senator Bob Carr's websites. This is despite several ship collisions between ships of the Japanese whaling fleet and 3 Sea Shepherd Australia vessels that have already occurred near Antarctica in the Australian Antarctic Territory and in Australia's marine search and rescue zone.

Premier Campbell Newman opens up logging destruction in Queensland native forests

The Queensland Premier and Government have reopened logging in native forests with 2 million hectares of state forest being made initially available for environmental destruction. This will impact on habitat for endangered species, biodiversity and the huge carbon stores locked up in mature forests. Mature forests also tend to hold more moisture and are less susceptible to bushfire, and absorb more water during floods - providing a natural flood mitigation service, a natural service that is all the more needed with the increase in rainfall and extreme whether events with climate change. See Leaked Document (PDF).


WGAR News: "20,000 turn out to save the Kimberley" "A concert and march in the heart of Fremantle"

Newsletter date: 27 February 2013


* Alex Bainbridge, Green Left: 20,000 turn out to save the Kimberley
* The Wilderness Society: Concert for the Kimberley - A concert and march in the heart of Fremantle
* The West Australian: Stars fire up gas hub protest
* ABC: Greens demand gas hub management plan details
* Hands off Country: Tony Burke is called upon to call a Public Inquiry
* The Stringer: Fifteen thousand call on Burke to stop the destruction of Aboriginal burial grounds at James Price Point
* ABC Radio National: Red Dirt Dreaming Part One - The Kimberley

Japanese whalers escalate dangerous attacks on Sea Shepherd in refueling attempt

More ship collisions have occurred in the Southern ocean with the Nisshin Maru ramming the Bob Barker up against the fuel tanker Sun Laurel while blasting the ship with water cannon to try and flood their engines and exploding concussion grenades on the decks of the Bob Barker and the Sun Laurel.

Related: Sea Shepherd: Whaling Factory ship rams Korean Fuel Tanker and 3 activist ships | Video: Nisshin Maru whaling factory ship bearing down on Sea Shepherd Sam Simon | Whaling Fleet committed multiple breaches of international law says Sea Shepherd Director Bob Brown | Human rights of Tanker crew under question as Japan suspends Whaling in Antarctica

We need your support on this one!

Dear All,
With Nicola Roxon gone, we need the new Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus, to support the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill through Commonwealth Parliament before September, or the Coalition is most likely to demolish it. If you only sign one electronic petition this year, please make it this one?

Five levels of justice

it is beyond time for me to stop stamping my left foot in frustration and anger and muttering "damn mine eyes"! and begin catching up with my report on the tj hickey rally and its aftermath.

Video available: Captured UN's decision means peaceful revolutions justified.

Video available: Captured UN's decision means peaceful revolutions justified.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.,
Ph: (0064) (09) 940 9658

Readers may be interested in listening to the following interview on the Vinny Eastwood Show. I explain the ‘permanent’ global rebalancing of power from the West to Developing Asia (including China and India) with peaceful revolutions justified in Western States.


UN Declaration “complete return to colonial subjugation”

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 25 February 13 – Indigenous sovereignty campaigner, Michael Ghillar Anderson, accuses Les Malezer “and his co-conspirators” of brokering “a complete and comprehensive return to the colonial subjugation” in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

WGAR News: Australia's horrific incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples: The Stringer

Newsletter date: 26 February 2013


* The Stringer: International Prisoners Justice Day highlights Australia's horrific incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples
* Background to Aboriginal imprisonment and Deaths in Custody

* Dr Alice Clark, The Stringer: Housing and homelessness issues for Aboriginal and Islander Peoples living in South Australia

* The Stringer: One of Australia's worst massacres - 150 Yaburara men, women and children slaughtered

* Paddy Gibson, Solidarity Online: "Captain's pick" Nova Peris will make NT Labor's problems worse

Sydney rally against police corruption, brutality and other crimes

The Indigenous Social Justice Association - Sydney (ISJA) as part of the National Day of Action for Justice for Rex Bellotti in Perth, WA, is organizing a rally outside the office of the Police Integrity Commission (PIC) NSW, where complaints against police officers charged with corruption, brutality against the public, among other criminal issues, hold their legal hearings.

WGAR News: Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel - Marcia Langton's Boyer Lectures: arena

Newsletter date: 25 February 2013


* arena: Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel - Marcia Langton’s Boyer Lectures
* Andrew Crook, Crikey: Marcia Langton defends non-disclosure on mining cash before Boyers
* ABC Radio National: 2012 Boyer Lectures

* NIT: Native Title win
* Background to the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation (YAC)

* The Wire: Little steps towards closing the gap in tertiary education
* The Wire: Taking books out bush


- Analysis / Opinion

Federal election Oz 2013


Beds are not the only things burning now.

The roof, the roof, the roof....

Highlighting Australia's current climate of political mendacity and opacity, when PM Julia Gillard announced the federal election date as September 14 disingenuous Jews with right-wing agendas broke cover waving yarmulkes and ridiculously complaining they were being disenfranchised because it coincides with Yom Kippur, the  curious cultural phenomenon when no "observant" Jew is permitted to move, breathe or shit.

Oh, duh!


Australia's Murdoch University awards Walden Bello Honorary Doctorate for advocacy on social justice & human rights

At its commencement exercises in Perth, Australia, on February 19, Murdoch University conferred a doctorate degree, honoris causa, on Akbayan Representative to the Philippine Congress Walden Bello.

One of the country's leading institutions of higher learning, Murdoch University was founded in 1970 and named after Sir Walter Murdoch, a preeminent Australian philosopher and advocate of free speech.

Integra Revolucio. Towards an international ideological and political space

(see also at the other issues of the call at the website)


Revolution: radical transformation in the values and structures that are the foundations of society.

Integral: comprehensive, that which comprises all the elements it needs to have to be complete.

Vincent Emanuele, a US veteran of the Iraq war, will speak in Sydney on Tues Feb 26

Vincent Emanuele, a US veteran of the Iraq war, will speak in Sydney on Tues Feb 26.  

He will be in Sydney for a short time to promote a film 'On the Bridge', which is to be screened at the 'Big Picture Film Festival' later next week.


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 40 events from 24 February 2013

Newsletter date: 24 February 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sun 24 February 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WA
Concert for the Kimberley:
A concert and march in the heart of Fremantle
The Wilderness Society WA
"Join us in Fremantle on Sunday 24 February 2013
for a free, open-air concert featuring the
John Butler Trio, Missy Higgins, Ball Park Music,
special guest Dr Bob Brown, and others."
"This concert and rally is a call to arms for
all West Australians to stand up and protect
one of our finest national treasures,