whoever is elected, we will remain ungovernable
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 07/09/2013 - 3:25pmThe current border policies of the ruling elite are cruel, oppressive, revanchist. Over the course of the elction campaign we have vandalised the electorate offices of Kelvin Thomson, Martin Ferguson, Josh Frydenberg, Anna Bourke, Brendan O'Connor, Simon Crean, Mark Dreyfus, Kelly O'Dwyer, Mike Symon and Andrew Robb; they are complicit.
Federal election Oz 2013
Submitted by MAX GROSS on Sun, 24/02/2013 - 5:28amTHE FIBERAL SCAM OF THE CENTURY: FEDERAL ELECTION OZ 2013
Beds are not the only things burning now.
The roof, the roof, the roof....
Highlighting Australia's current climate of political mendacity and opacity, when PM Julia Gillard announced the federal election date as September 14 disingenuous Jews with right-wing agendas broke cover waving yarmulkes and ridiculously complaining they were being disenfranchised because it coincides with Yom Kippur, the curious cultural phenomenon when no "observant" Jew is permitted to move, breathe or shit.
Oh, duh!
Brumby acts to neutralise climate change issue for Victorian election
Submitted by takver on Sun, 05/09/2010 - 4:25pmThe Victorian parliament tackled climate change on Friday with a climate bill passed in the Legislative Council with support of Liberals and Greens members to set a 20 percent emissions reduction based upon 2000 levels by 2020. "This is a significant Bill which has the potential to stabilise and then drive down our greenhouse emissions, while also creating certainty for investors and industry, and many new jobs across the state," said Friends of the Earth (FoE) campaigns co-ordinator Cam Walker.
Wahlkampf Kaos in Australien mp 3 [German]
Submitted by huxwell on Fri, 27/08/2010 - 11:24amhttp://media.libsyn.com/media/kaputtradio/kr_de_wahlkampf_kaos.mp3
Bericht ueber die unentschiedene Wahl in Australien
13:45 min 128 kbps stereo 12.6 MB
Choose Nuclear Free
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/08/2010 - 1:05amCHOOSE NUCLEAR FREE
Choose Nuclear Free is an initiative of the Medical Association for Prevention of War, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, and Friends of the Earth, Australia.
The www.choosenuclearfree.net website contains a wide range of resources − details of political parties' nuclear policies and an animated policy graphic; a summary of key nuclear issues; videos, cartoons and music; and election resources to help Australians to 'Choose Nuclear Free'.
electionWIRE on YouTube! Young Australian voices on the 2010 election
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 22/07/2010 - 3:20pmVibewire and YouTube team up on electionWIRE to bring fresh video reporting to the Australian federal election
electionWIRE on YouTube is calling citizen reporters to report the election their way.
It’s Election Time! The airwaves are buzzing with politics. Who will win? What do the parties and candidates represent? Who cares?
Today, Vibewire Youth Inc announces the launch of electionWIRE on YouTube, a dedicated channel for young Australians to have their say and to report the news of the Federal election their way.
Prime Minister avoids climate protest and talk of climate change
Submitted by takver on Thu, 15/07/2010 - 7:54pmThe missing words at Julia Gillard's first address as Prime Minister to the National Press Club was "climate change". Outside the building Climate activists from Rising Tide Newcastle had dumped a ute full of coal at the entrance. The protesters called on the Gillard Government to announce a climate change policy that addresses Australia's principal source of greenhouse pollution - coal.