
Crucial climate numbers

It's official. This was the hottest summer in Australian history.1 January was the hottest month. January 7 was the hottest day.

Here's today's report from Australia's top climate scientists2by the numbers:

  • 123 extreme weather records broken;
  • 40.3 degrees average temperature across Australia on Jan 7;
  • 70% of Australia experienced extreme temperatures during this summer's heatwave;

Shocking video of police brutality at Mardi Gras

Warning: the below video contains violence.

Dear friends,

Have you seen this?

A shocking video has emerged of police brutality at this weekend's Mardi Gras. A young man is handcuffed, manhandled, and violently thrown to the ground.

Onlookers film his blood smeared on the concrete. Officers tell them to stop filming "because I say so."

Sydney events: Rex Bellotti + Kimberley Festival + Unsettling Suite + This Heaven + Shane Phillips

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 6 March 2013: Sydney, NSW
Part of the National Day of Action for
Justice for Rex Bellotti in Perth, WA
Rally outside office of Police Integrity Commission (PIC) NSW
Organised by Indigenous Social Justice Association - Sydney (ISJA)
Event details:
ISJA Statement:

Western Australia Aboriginal rights events: National Close the Gap Day + Lurujarri Dreaming Trail

Perth and Western Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 21 or Fri 22 March 2013: Western Australia
National Close the Gap Day
"A day for Australians to join together and remind
political leaders to close the life expectancy gap
between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians
within a generation." ATSI Support
"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
still die 10-17 years younger than other Australians.
Closing this health gap cannot be done overnight.

Melbourne & Vic events: Waradgerie Weaver exhibition + Intern'l Women's Day + Reflect Exhibition

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 25 January - 10 March 2013: Ararat, Vic
Exhibition: Waradgerie Weaver - Lorraine Connelly-Northey
"The material she chooses for her artwork
has a strong personal significance.
She initially considered working with plants and
grasses, but decided that it was not appropriate
to use such materials as they did not express
the areas that bordered the different language
groups around her mother’s country."
"For this reason, she turned to the discarded


Northern Territory events: Ghost Citizens: Witnessing the Intervention + National Close the Gap Day

Northern Territory Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 22 March - 20 April 2013: Parap, Darwin, NT
Cross Art Projects's exhibition:
Ghost Citizens: Witnessing the Intervention
Hosted by: 24HR Art
Opening at 6pm Fri 22 March 2013
"Ghost Citizens: Witnessing the Intervention
is about the removal of citizen rights by the
Federal Government Intervention in the Northern Territory
(2007 to 2012) seen through the practices of
Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists."

Cuts to single parent payments could violate international laws


The Federal Government has been questioned by the United Nations over cuts to single parent payments. A letter from the United Nations special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights says the allowance could be a violation of several international laws that Australia is party to.

Canberra events: Police, protests, prisons + Inter'l Day for Elimination of Racial Discrim'n Panel

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 7 March 2013: ANU, Canberra, ACT
Police, protests, prisons: The repressive neoliberal state
"As police attacks on and high imprisonment
rates of indigenous people show, the police
are an instrument too of racist oppression."
Organised by Socialist Alternative
Event details:


Qld events: Ration Shed Tour + ANTaR Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health Award + Close the Gap Day

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 16 March 2013: Cherbourg, Qld
Ration Shed Tour
"When our Elders were moved off the land and
taken to Cherbourg they were cut off from their
traditional sources of food and were given
weekly rations of mainly flour, sugar, tea, sago,
rice, split peas and meat. The rations were
given from a wooden shed which we have
restored and call The Ration Shed Museum.
We use the Ration Shed as a space to tell our stories."

Qld events: Ration Shed Tour + ANTaR Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health Award + Close the Gap Day

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 16 March 2013: Cherbourg, Qld
Ration Shed Tour
"When our Elders were moved off the land and
taken to Cherbourg they were cut off from their
traditional sources of food and were given
weekly rations of mainly flour, sugar, tea, sago,
rice, split peas and meat. The rations were
given from a wooden shed which we have
restored and call The Ration Shed Museum.
We use the Ration Shed as a space to tell our stories."

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 46 events from 5 March 2013

Newsletter date: 5 March 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 23 February - 10 March 2013: Eveleigh, Sydney, NSW
'Unsettling Suite' - Performance Space
"Performance Space is delighted to present
Sarah-Jane Norman's installation and performance
project bringing together her entire Unsettling Suite
project into a dramatically charged exhibition
and series of live performances."
"Through works that are both beguiling and disturbing,
Unsettling Suite explores the ways that Australia's
history of colonisation plays out on the body, and

Creative Sparks Program bringing New Hope to Karen Community in Wyndham.

A creative outlet, aimed at promoting positive community engagement and individual empowerment will be provided for newly settled refugee children in Wyndham in March thanks to Melbourne based NGO Aware.

Aware’s Creative Sparks Program in 2013 will build on the success of the program achieved in 2012 in partnership with the Werribee refugee advocacy and welfare agency the New Hope Foundation.


Australia still struggles with concept of a fair go

Civil liberties have not progressed far in the past 225 years.

Australia was founded as a penal colony by Britain 225 years ago. There were no expectations on the part of Britain that it would ever amount to much more.

However, enterprise and greed, on the part of administrators, soldiers and released convicts saw commercial activity and farming gradually established; all at the expense of the original Aboriginal inhabitants who not unnaturally saw the move to permanent settlement as an invasion.

WGAR News: Evidently: Finding the truth in the employment gap: Jon Altman, Tracker

Newsletter date: 4 March 2013


* Jon Altman, Tracker: Evidently: Finding the truth in the employment gap

* Amy McQuire, Tracker: We have your back [strong Aboriginal women on the frontline]

* NACCHO: Positive health gains for Aboriginal community controlled health organisations

* Jeff McMullen, Tracker: The Way Ahead: The Aboriginal Voice

* Amy McQuire, Tracker: Behind Enemy Lines: Taking sentencing out of the court of public opinion
* Peter Robson, Green Left: NT introduces new mandatory sentencing laws

Indigenous kids in out-of-home care are at risk

The Wire
Indigenous kids in out-of-home care are at risk  
Friday, 1 March 2013

Produced by Eduardo Jordan

Story audio:

Indigenous kids are being let down by the system they most rely upon, according to a new report.
Indigenous kids in out-of-home care are six times more likely to be moved than non-indigenous,
and experts believe this is due to a number of reasons.