
WGAR News: Goolarabooloo calls for protection of cultural sites: The Stringer

Newsletter date: 18 March 2013


* The Stringer: Goolarabooloo calls for protection of cultural sites
* ABC Radio National Awaye!: Lurujarri Dreaming
* Walk the Lurujarri Dreaming Trail in 2013
* An LNG Plant at James Price Point?
* Hands off Country: Woodside are back in Country 2013
* Hands off Country: If Woodside enter the sand dunes through the Monsoonal Vine Thickets they will be acting out side the law
* The Stringer: Kimberley voters send strong message - "do not build the Gas Hub"

Coal dust and climate change: Newcastle residents march against proposed T4 coal loader

Up to 1500 people attended a rally in Newcastle today in opposition to a fourth coal loading terminal being built. Gathering at Customs house at 10am, people marched to Civic Park, chanting 'our water, our health, more precious than your wealth' and 'one two three four, no to T4'. Protestors are concerned with the impact of coal mining on agriculture and water resources, coal dust pollution risks to public health, environmental concerns, and contribution to global climate change.


WGAR News: Embassy warriors found 'Not Guilty': Brisbane Aboriginal-Sovereign Embassy

Newsletter date: 17 March 2013


* Brisbane Aboriginal-Sovereign Embassy: Brisbane Sovereign Embassy warriors found 'Not Guilty'
* NIRS Audio: Brisbane Embassy members have charges dropped
* Christine Flatley, Brisbane Times: Aboriginal tent embassy charges dropped
* Background to the Aboriginal tent embassies

* SNAICC News: New approaches are needed to child protection - or we risk another Stolen Generation

* Indigenous radio station 98.9FM Brisbane: Let's Talk Interviews
- Nicole Watson, researcher with Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning

Anarchist intervention in the Sydney Uni strike

In the early hours of March 7 some anarchists broke into the abandoned St Michaels College building on City rd on the Sydney Uni campus.

(For three months in 2011 this large abandoned space, renamed the “Chapel of the Insurrection” was liberated from the Catholic Church, their bullshit morality and their vast landholdings. Inside dozens of comrades, students, street youth and wage slaves experimented with new ways of living and found love, laughter and joy. Inside we built barricades and outside a large vegetable garden.)*

Quality of life for Australians 2nd only to Norway, but for Aboriginal peoples 122nd

by Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer -
Photo (Publik15): Community Leader and Utopia resident Rosalie Kunoth Monks told Salil Shetty, that her people want to stay on the land, but are forced to deal with overcrowding, and lack of access to basic facilities like electricity and water


Greens propose boost to funding for Antarctic and Southern Ocean marine research

Hobart as an important scientific hub and gateway for Antarctic and southern ocean marine research, not only for Australia but for other national scientific expeditions. That is the vision of a new policy initiative launched by the Greens today to boost the research and logistics capacity of Australian Antarctic, climate and marine scientists based in Hobart.

WGAR News: Greatest challenge for Giles is to remedy the ills resulting from intervention: SMH

Newsletter date: 16 March 2013


* NIRS Audio: Adam Giles first Indigenous head of state
* The Wire Audio: Chief Making History
* The Wire Audio: A new image for CLP
* SBS Audio Radionews: NT leadership shock makes history
* SBS Audio Radionews: Reaction to NT leadership coup
* SBS World News Video: Giles becomes first Indigenous head of government
* SBS World News Video: NT chief minister changes govt policies
* Jeff McMullen, SMH: Greatest challenge for Giles is to remedy the ills resulting from intervention

The Shortwave Report 3/15/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (March 15) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

De Pod [ audio ]

Nachrichten Kommentar aus Australien mit Chibo

Lokale Coal Seam Gas Firma zieht sich zurueck, Deutsche Kannabis Nachrichten, Australische Polizei brutalisiert Bevoelkerung, Australische Medien Gesetzgebung und die reaktionaere Reaktion, Flughaefen und Bahnhoefe in Deutschland, Schuld Generation in Europa, media clips

Fortescue dirty tricks claim two more heads

YINDJIBARNDI ABORIGINAL CORPORATION, 14 March 2013 - Fortescue dirty tricks claim two more heads

Yesterday the National Indigenous Times (NIT) reported that Bruce Woodley, chairman of the Wirlu-Murra Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation (WMYAC), was “bullied and intimidated” into standing down because he told ABC’s 7.30 and the NIT that FMG and its “snake in the grass” agent, Michael Gallagher, controlled WMYAC; and because he sent letters complaining of malfeasance at WMYAC to ORIC and ASIC.

"Lots of children are really depressed, they saw lots of people harming themselves"

"Honestly, my life is like a hell in here...

The children... you can see that lots of them are really depressed... they saw lots of people that were harming themselves... It's so terrible and terrifying.

Whenever I just think about my future I can not find anything. How long am I going to stay in here, 5 years, 6 years? No one knows."

Melbourne & Vic events: National Close the Gap Day + Marxism Conference + Radioactive Exposure Tour

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 21 or Fri 22 March 2013: Victoria
National Close the Gap Day
"A day for Australians to join together and remind
political leaders to close the life expectancy gap
between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians
within a generation." ATSI Support
"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
still die 10-17 years younger than other Australians.
Closing this health gap cannot be done overnight.
We need a long-term commitment with adequate
