
Death from RITALIN

MATTHEW’S STORY: Matthew was a teenager who had been on Ritalin for seven years. He died suddenly in March 2000. Although he had no history of heart problems, the autopsy revealed clear signs of small-vessel damage. His parents were told by one of the medical examiners that the heart of a healthy, fully grown man weighs about 350 grams. Matthew’s heart weighed 402 grams. His death certificate reads: “Death caused from long-term use of methylphenidate (Ritalin).”

Call for closer cooperation of the wind sector in the CIS countries

Kiev/Bonn (WWEA/UWEA) – The key event in the wind energy industries of the CIS and Eastern Europe countries CISWIND2013 "Wind power in the CIS and Eastern Europe" took place on 28-29 March 2013 in the Conference Center at the National Sports Complex “Olimpiyskiy”, Kiev, Ukraine. Delegations from 15 countries participated in the conference and exhibition, including: Austria, Belarus, France, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Russia, Spain, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Ukraine.

It's tough being super wealthy

We're one of the forgotten minority groups actually: the wealthiest 1%. Even the gays are at 4%. It's lucky my good mates Joel Fitzgibbon and Tony Abbott are sticking up for us. And Simon Crean I guess, but recently he's a bit of a liability. Poor bloke.


Tasmania feels the autumn heat breaking March temperature records

Tasmania, that small island state of Australia that protrudes into the Southern Ocean, has recorded it's hottest March on record in over 100 years of temperature record keeping.

The mean March temperature across the state was 15.7C, breaking the 1974 record by 0.3 degrees and 2.2 °C above normal. The Bureau of Meteorology said in a statement "The state average maximum temperature was a March record of 21.0 (2.9 °C above normal and 0.9 °C above the previous record from 1974), and minimum temperatures were the 3rd-warmest for March at 10.3 °C (1.6 °C above normal)."

Moringa tree as a climate change mitigation strategy?

For hundreds of millions of people the threat of famine is connected to the change of the climate. The planting of trees, including the planting of the Moringa tree, can play one important role in mitigating the effects of climate change.There has been a time in history when humans used tens of thousands of vegetables, cereals, etc but today we rely on just a few cereals.

Cuts to single parent payments lead to hardship

Courtesy of The Stringer -
Gerry Georgatos - There are 630,000 Australian lone parent families with dependents – 84 per cent are single mothers and 16 per cent are single fathers. 54 per cent of these single parents have a youngest child less than nine years of age. Of the parents with a child less than 9 years of age 59 per cent were in some form of employment end of June 2011 according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011).


Aborigines declare themselves an independent republic

The Murrawarri flag

The brown and blue represent mother earth, the sky where Murrawarri spirits wait until their return on the falling star, water and the people, the white star represents the return of the Ancestors’ spirits on which they return to earth and the eight points on the star represents the eight clan groups of the Murrawarri Nation and the future provinces that will make up the Murrawarri Republic.

CSG: enough is enough

Did you see Four Corners last night? We’ve known for a long time that coal seam gas poses unacceptable risks to our water, food, farmers, and climate – but this was a new low.

Police investigating police rally 26 APRIL 2013 and Greg Smith

beyond time to polish up the eyeballs once more and to allow our members and supporters to catch up with what isja has planned to once again highlight the futility of police investigating other police and the absolute need to call for and end to police brutality and corruption.


WGAR News: The Wire interview with Professor Jon Altman on Remote communities' land in NT

Newsletter date: 2 April 2013


* The Wire Audio: Remote communities' land in NT could be open to privatization

* PS News: NT community living under microscope
* 'concerned Australians' Chart including comments on Land Reform
* FaHCSIA: Community Living Area Land Reform in the Northern Territory
* The Hon Jenny Macklin MP & Warren Snowdon MP: Discussion paper on community living area land reform
* Amanda Midlam, On Line Opinion: The current state of the Northern Territory intervention (31 Jan 12)


International Issues [ audio ]

North Korea, Cyprus, Australia, Mars - satirical review

David Feldman, Clarke Dawe, Now Show samples, Cruel Alibis by Mustered Courage, sounds by Banda Black Miss Cheryl, Herbie Hanckock, Djavan, Wayne Shorter

29:00 min stereo 28 MB


Letting your roof for solar power

Have you ever thought about producing solar power with the house you own or rent? A new not-for-profit green campaign is promoting an idea attractive to home owners and tenants. 

It’s to lease roofs to companies that install solar panels, which after a few years become the house owner’s property. The panels cut power bills, which has to be good for renters, owners and the environment. 


Kevin Trenbeth on the 2011 sea level bump and Australia's wettest 2 year period

Did you know that during 2011 sea level rise went into reverse and lost 5mm from the global oceans? No? How about that since then, much to the chagrin of climate deniers, sea level rise has accelerated from 3.18mm per year - the rate from 1993 to 2010 - to increase to 10mm per year over the last two years. This acceleration more than makes up for the pothole. The primary cause of this sea level 'speed bump' was the back to back La Nina which moved a phenomenal amount of water from the global oceans to the land. The water has since been making its way back into the world's oceans.

The question arises, does this explain the 10mm per year increase in sea level rise over the last 2 years? Is ocean thermal expansion or ice sheet melting perhaps contributing more? This may also be the start to an exponential sea level rise which NASA climatologist James Hansen has argued is a possibility. Rob Painting on Skeptical Science says that there is no evidence yet to suggest that ice loss from Greenland or Antarctica has added to the speed bump in any significant manner. We will have to wait and see what the impact of future El Nino or La Nina (ENSO) will be on sea level rise, and keep watching the rate of mass loss from the ice sheets.

The Stringer weekly newsletter - March 30

Welcome to The Stringer’s weekly newsletter

The Stringer went live February 20 -
Some of our stories from the last week include:

Australia’s pathway to poverty – bridging visas

March 30, 2013
The Australian Government’s hard on refugees policy is creating an underclass of people – many condemned to an itinerant lifestyle and many condemned to living on the streets.

According to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship since November 25, 2011, 12,765 people have been released from the detention centres and into community on bridging visas.

Australia’s pathway to poverty – bridging visas

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - Photo - courtesy of The UN, Dadaab refugee camp, Kenya
The Australian Government’s hard on refugees policy is creating an underclass of people – many condemned to an itinerant lifestyle and many condemned to living on the streets.

According to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship since November 25, 2011, 12,765 people have been released from the detention centres and into community on bridging visas.


Antarctic Peninsula summer melt season prolonged by global warming

The melt season on the Antarctic Peninsula has been getting much longer over the last 60 years, at some locations doubling in length according to the research lead by Dr Nick Barrand of the British Antarctic Survey. Increased melting season increases the melting stress of ice shelves which hold back significant glacier discharge and sea level rise.

WGAR News: Jagath Dheerasekara: Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud: burn magazine

Newsletter date: 31 March 2013


* burn magazine: Jagath Dheerasekara: Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud
* Canberra opening of 'Manuwangku - Under the Nuclear Cloud': Sun 7 April 2013
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump

* Helen Musa, Canberra CityNews: Exhibition honours true believer
* Canberra opening of 'I Do Have a Belief' - Kevin Gilbert (1933-1993) Art Retrospective: Sat 6 April 2013
* Sovereign Union: The Murrawarri Republic declaration
* NITV News: Aboriginal activists meet Black Power founders