PS News - NT community living under microscope

WGAR News: The Wire interview with Professor Jon Altman on Remote communities' land in NT

Newsletter date: 2 April 2013


* The Wire Audio: Remote communities' land in NT could be open to privatization

* PS News: NT community living under microscope
* 'concerned Australians' Chart including comments on Land Reform
* FaHCSIA: Community Living Area Land Reform in the Northern Territory
* The Hon Jenny Macklin MP & Warren Snowdon MP: Discussion paper on community living area land reform
* Amanda Midlam, On Line Opinion: The current state of the Northern Territory intervention (31 Jan 12)


WGAR News: Tracker: Dept hampered native title inquiry: report

Newsletter date: 23 March 2013


* Tracker: Dept hampered native title inquiry: report
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Professor Jon Altman re Native Title Act Proposed Amendments
* NITV News: Native Title changes reverse burden of proof to government
* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: Onus of proof reversal is essential to native title reform
* Background to Mabo and Native Title

* CAAMA: Cross Cultural Program Acknowledges Aboriginal Law

* The Wilderness Society: WildCountry and Aboriginal Australia