
Winter Chill: Fruit and nut trees feeling the heat of global warming

Climate change affecting safe winter chill for orchard trees.

A new study says that global warming will impact fruit and nut tree productivity in Australia and globally. Most fruit and nut trees have evolved in cool temperate climates and go through a dormant winter phase and require a certain amount of winter chill to trigger their spring growth and fruit production. But with strong trends in many regions for warming winter minimum temperatures and reduced number of 'winter chill' days, the heat is on our orchards.

Victorian Premier places coal development on agenda with public service shakeup

The new Premier of Victoria Denis Napthine today announced a major restructure of the Victorian Public service, with a new Department of State Development, Business and Innovation. The Premier highlighted that Energy and Resources portfolio would be brought into the new Department. This includes development of Victorian's notoriously dirty and carbon intensive brown coal.


Antarctic Peninsula: nonlinear intensification of melt unprecedented in last 1000 years

A new study analysing an Antarctic Peninsula ice core has determined that there has been a ten fold increase in melt intensity over the last 600 years. I reported recently that the Antarctic Peninsula summer melt season prolonged by global warming according to research from the British Antarctic Survey.

Coping with Climate Despair: Rosemary Randall

What if you woke up one morning and realized humans really have changed the world's climate? We show no signs of stopping this unfolding catastrophe. Maybe you already see it, and cannot bear knowing.

We need help. And a pioneering psychotherapist from Britain says we can help each other. Starting in 2005, Rosemary Randall was was part of a team founding a movement called "Carbon Conversations".

We have a conversation with her now on Radio Ecoshock.
Listen to/download that 29 minute interview here.

WGAR News: How Are The Children In Hakea Being Treated?: Michelle Lovegrove, SBS Living Black

Newsletter date: 16 April 2013


* Michelle Lovegrove, SBS Living Black Audio: How Are The Children In Hakea Being Treated?
* The Stringer: Egg on face for State Government over children in adult jail
* Australian Human Rights Commission: Commission seeks to intervene in juvenile detention case
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Human Rights Commission to intervene in Hakea children court case
* Tracker: WA judge orders juvenile jail evidence
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Australian Bureau of Statistics on prison rates

Class action to end polluter handouts

It’s not every day that a bunch of primary school-aged kids get to take on an energy sector spokesman trying to sell the line that fossil fuels are good for people and good for the economy.

But in Help the Kids End Polluter Handouts , a funny and poignant video about a mock classroom scene in which a group of switched on children challenge “BHT-Tinto’s, Mr Whinehart”, they do just that- and to great effect.


Anyone, anywhere, can create the change they want to see.

It's a simple idea: a world where no one is powerless and anyone, anywhere, can create the change they want to see.

Australians are using to save their local bus route, tackle homophobia in the AFL, win safer conditions for Coles factory workers, and stop trees being cut down at a primary school -- bringing that vision to life across the country.

Labor to spend $13,850,000,000 subsidising fossil fuel burnt by big miners

By Christine Milne

Labor plans to spend $13,850,000,000 on fossil fuel subsidies for big mining companies in the next four years. Let's change that.

The Greens would end these subsidies and use the money to care for people - not for big mining corporations. Please, sign our petition to cut them in this year’s Budget.

Labor is forcing families into poverty by cutting vital support for single parents, sometimes by up to $100 a week. Planning to give nearly $14 billion to some of the most profitable companies in history at the same time is the symptom of a moral crisis.

Arrogant and brazen: the right-wing lays out their plan for Australia

It was the most exclusive of events: a glittering $500 minimum per head gala fundraising dinner last week for a right-wing think tank. Tony Abbott, Gina Rinehart and Rupert Mudoch took turns sharing the stage. Andrew Bolt was MC. Tony praised his fellow key-note speakers, especially Rupert, and promised the crowd a "big yes" to many of the think tank's list of 75 policies to radically transform Australia.

So what, exactly, is on this think tank's wish list?
Public broadcasting - gone. The ABC to be broken up and sold off, SBS to be fully privatised.


Woodside shelves proposed gas processing hub at James Price Point in WA

Great news! Woodside announced that it is shelving its plans for a gas processing hub at James Price Point.

Woodside would have built a huge industrial development in the middle of whale calving grounds, threatening dugong habitats and burial sites – against the wishes of many traditional custodians and community members.

This is a huge victory for a place that is too precious to lose, and for a community that has such a strong relationship with this magnificent country. Both of us have been in Broome this week, and it’s fantastic to be celebrating this news with relieved locals.

Paris judge rejects attempt to halt auction of Hopi sacred objects

Robert Redford amongst many who had asked for auction to be scrapped

A Paris judge has thrown out a bid by Survival International to block a controversial auction of sacred objects of Arizona’s Hopi tribe. The judge ruled that ‘in spite of their sacredness to the Hopi these masks are not a representation of any creature, alive or dead.’

The auction house Neret-Minet Tessier & Sarrou had turned down repeated requests by the tribe to postpone the sale, which will now take place in Paris today.

Monsanto v Mother Earth

It’s unbelievable, but Monsanto and Co. are at it again. These profit-hungry biotech companies have found a way to gain exclusive control over the seeds of life – the source of our food. They’re trying to patent away varieties of our everyday vegetables and fruits like cucumber, broccoli and melons, forcing growers to pay them for seed and risk being sued if they don’t.

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander service in the Australian Defence Force - an overview

By Gary Oakley

Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders have served Australia in the military from before the Boer War to the present day. It will probably never be known how many Indigenous Australians have served in the ADF this is due to the fact that ethnicity was never required to be documented when joining up. Even today in the ADF it is only voluntary to tick the box are you “Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander”?

WGAR News: We must continue calls for Treaty: Nicole Watson, Tracker

Newsletter date: 15 April 2013


* Nicole Watson, Tracker: We must continue calls for Treaty
* Greg Dyett and Jeremy Geia, SBS Radionews Audio: Claim renews sovereignty campaign
* NIRS: Call to charge up sovereignty campaign
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies

* The Stringer: Department changes from Indigenous to Aboriginal

* Croakey: We must do far more as a country to acknowledge the First Australians: Prof Lesley Barclay

* Jeremy Geia, NITV News: Row over Canberra's traditional owners

* Other articles

The Stringer weekly newsletter - April 14

Welcome to The Stringer’s weekly newsletter - April 14 -

The Stringer went live February 20 - If you would like to subscribe to The Stringer's newsletter and updates please email or go to the subscribe tab on the home page.

President Vladimir Putin ended up into NBI's Suspected Person Register

President Vladimir Putin ended up into NBI's Suspected Person Register because of his 'connections' to Russia Hell Angels

Head Chief of Police Command, Mikki Paatero, stated that there is nothing to compare when it comes down to this data seepage, not even data snooping attempts on skier Mika Myllylä or Anneli Auer cases. /1/

Jutta Urpiainen (Social Democrat Party), Ministry of Finance Treasury, made a statement according to which ”it has been embarrassing” that President Valdimir Putins name got into Central Criminal Police Black List. /2/

WA events: Walkatjurra Walkabout + Bookings for 2013 Lurujarri Heritage Trails in August now open

Western Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 4 until 29 May 2013: Yeelirrie to Leonora, WA
Walkatjurra Walkabout - Yeelirrie to Leonora
"The walk will continue to be a celebration of
Wangkatja country, a testament to the strength
of the community who have fought to stop
uranium mining at Yeelirrie for over forty years,
and a chance to come together and continue
to share our commitment to a sustainable
future without nuclear. It is a chance to
reconnect with the land, and to revive the

South Australia events: Good Strong Powerful Exhibition + Case Against Compulsory Income Management

Adelaide and South Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 16 February - Sun 21 April 2013: Adelaide, SA
Exhibition: Good Strong Powerful
"In partnership with Arts Access Darwin,
this touring exhibition will showcase the extraordinary
works that have been produced through Art Centres
in the Northern Territory by established and
emerging Indigenous artists with disabilities."
"The exhibition includes artists from
Ngaruwanajirri on Bathurst (Tiwi) Island,

Canberra events: Indigenous disability + Influencing policies on youth and petrol sniffing

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 28 March to Sun 14 April 2013: Belconnen, Canberra, ACT
I Do Have a Belief:
Kevin Gilbert (1933-1993) Art Retrospective
Location: Belconnen Arts Centre
Producer: Gilbert Family
"I Do Have a Belief is an exhibition and events
celebrating the life of Kevin Gilbert and his contribution
to the local community, advancing human and political
rights and Aboriginal sovereignty at a national and
international level."
"The showcasing of his creative work includes
