
Coping with Climate Despair: Rosemary Randall

What if you woke up one morning and realized humans really have changed the world's climate? We show no signs of stopping this unfolding catastrophe. Maybe you already see it, and cannot bear knowing.

We need help. And a pioneering psychotherapist from Britain says we can help each other. Starting in 2005, Rosemary Randall was was part of a team founding a movement called "Carbon Conversations".

We have a conversation with her now on Radio Ecoshock.
Listen to/download that 29 minute interview here.

Permaculture, Peak Oil, Climate Change and the Soul of the World.

Permaculture, Peak Oil, Climate Change and the Soul of the World. Anima Mundi DVD now available in Australia. Visit Features David Holmgren, John Seed, Michael C Ruppert, Michael Reynolds, Vandana Shiva, Noam Chomsky, Stephan Harding, Permablitz and others. A United Natures Independent Media production (Australia). Directed by Peter Charles Downey
