Welcome to The Stringer’s weekly newsletter - April 14 - http://thestringer.com.au/
The Stringer went live February 20 - If you would like to subscribe to The Stringer's newsletter and updates please email contact@thestringer.com.au or go to the subscribe tab on the home page.
NEWS update: On Wednesday we will present the second o our interviews with our political leaders – rather than always analysing what our nation’s leaders have to say and are doing, we have been interviewing them. Last week, The Stringer presented its interview with the Leader of the Coalition, Tony Abbott. This week we present our interview with the Leader of the Australian Greens, Senator Christine Milne.
There will be future interviews with both leaders on the myriad issues affecting Australians – including on our Asylum Seekers, homelessness, the economy and so on. Similarly, The Stringer will bring to you interviews with all our political leaders – the ALP, the Greens, Liberals, Nationals, the Independents and so on.
We are also keen to share with you that in the 47 days we have been bringing to you The Stringer we have been reaching an audience in such high numbers that it was beyond our expectations for where we are at now. We are establishing both a healthy national reach but also an international social reach.
On a regular basis we are reaching an audience in excess of 100,000, and we will continue to do our best to reach many more people.
Some of our stories from the last week include:
The next big issue
April 13, 2013
As an advocate in the area of multiculturalism and the advancement of the community generally one of the things that I often ponder revolves around the subject of what is going to be the next ‘big’ issues or problem area.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/the-next-big-issue/#.UWnydrWnCaU
Time for Independent Police Inspectorate
April 13, 2013
Two and half years ago Noongar Kevin Spratt’s tragic maltreatment at the hands of police officers made headlines around the world. CCTV footage caught out police officers who indiscriminately tasered and bullied Kevin Spratt.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/time-for-independent-police-inspectorate/#.UWn...
Australian Bureau of Statistics on prison rates
April 12, 2013
Prior imprisonment was a major concern for Aboriginal prisoners.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/australian-bureau-of-statistics-on-prison-rate...
Department changes from Indigenous to Aboriginal
April 12, 2013
“So the change reflects the will of Aboriginal people across Western Australia and I’m delighted we have made that change.”
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/department-changes-from-indigenous-to-aborigin...
Woodside dumps gas hub
April 12, 2013
“We are celebrating, we are overjoyed, we gave up so much of our time and fought a long battle. I gave up my job to save Country. I did it for my people, for my father’s legacy, for everything he taught us,” said Goolarabooloo Law Boss, Phillip Roe.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/woodside-dumps-gas-hub-2/#.UWn1hLWnCaU
Egg on face for State Government over children in adult jail
April 11, 2013
But not only have judges, lawyers and the families railed against Premier Barnett over the decision to detain 141 children at Hakea so too have the Australian Human Rights Commission and effectively the WA Supreme Court.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/egg-on-face-for-state-government-over-children...
The Stringer’s interview with tony Abbott – his must do list for Aboriginal Australia
April 10, 2013
The Leader of the Coalition, Tony Abbott has drawn up a ‘must do list’ he said he would implement from the first day he become Prime Minister to deliver Aboriginal peoples from abject poverty.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/prime-minister-of-indigenous-affairs-tony-abbo...
Human Rights Commission to intervene in Hakea children court case
April 10, 2013
The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has entered the fray over the 141 children being held in Perth’s Hakea, an adult prison.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/human-rights-commission-to-intervene-in-hakea-...
Gas hub in the balance, but one source said, “It will not happen.”
April 9, 2013
We revealed last year that board members and executives of Woodside, Chevron and Shell were dissatisfied with the manner in which Premier Barnett had handled the settlement of the land use agreement between the Goolarabooloo and Jabirr Jabirr and the Woodside-led joint venture group.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/is-australia-a-racist-country/#.UWn3j7WnCaU
Is Australia a racist country?
April 7, 2013
By Suresh Rajan – This is a question I, along with many others, have pondered at length.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/is-australia-a-racist-country/#.UWn3j7WnCaU
Some of The Stringer’s most widely read stories include:
Cuts to single parent payments lead to hardship
April 2, 2013
“With one in six children living in poverty in Australia, it is unfathomable that, in the face of such a letter of concern from the UN Special Rapporteur, the Federal Government still went ahead with these cuts.”
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/cuts-to-single-parent-payments-lead-to-hardshi...
Australia’s pathway to poverty – bridging visas
March 30, 2013
The Australian Government’s hard on refugees policy is creating an underclass of people – many condemned to an itinerant lifestyle and many condemned to living on the streets.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/australias-pathway-to-poverty-bridging-visas/#...
Rising Renters Stress – 2/3rds of Australians live in rent
March 23, 2013
“Housing stress is most severe for renters.”
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/rising-renters-stress-23rds-of-australians-liv...
Australia’s Aboriginal children – The world’s highest suicide rate
February 27, 2013
2012’s total spend on Aboriginal communities reached $25 billion yet Australia’s Aboriginal youth suicide rates remain high – cruelly disproportionate to the rest of the Australian population.
This horror is played out the world over for Indigenous peoples but Australia’s Aboriginal peoples are at the top of this tragic list.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/australias-aboriginal-children-the-worlds-high...
There are scores more stories, localised, national and international, you can choose from to read – and share with others - http://thestringer.com.au/
The Stringer’s ‘soundcloud’ lists an array of radio and audio interviews – in the near future we will bringing interviews from our nation’s political figures, from the rising voices of various cultural waves and from voices who deserve to have more voice.
Anyone who would like to assist with Wheelchairs for Kids please contact us – the organisation builds hardened up wheelchairs for children in countries devastated by war, civil strife, abject poverty and it has reached 61 countries and 25,000 children. Millions more wait. – You can quickly find out more at our latest news video on the home page of The Stringer news site and in several articles on The Stringer.
Your feedback, news tips, ideas for stories and your own submissions are welcome – you can send any of these into us via the various links on the news site.
If you would like to subscribe to The Stringer's weekly newsletter please email us at contact@thestringer.com.au
The Stringer’s people thank you.