Message Sticks Festival 19-24 March 2013 at the Sydney Opera House


Celebrating the world's first peoples with music, free events, experiences, theatre, conversations...

Many events are connected with Woollarawarre Bennelong and his achievements...


Opening Ceremony: Singing Up Country

Western Broadwalk
22 March, Free event

The perfect beginning to your festival experience, this mesmerizing modern corroboree of music, dance and song, also honours 200 years since the passing of Woollarawarre Bennelong. More Info

Free Event



Western Broadwalk
22 - 24 March, Free event

Dance from across the ages for all ages; street styles, island rhythms and the world's oldest song cycles combine in a choreographic corroboree crossing time, place and space.
More Info

Free Event


Late Nights at Bar Badu

Western Broadwalk
22 - 24 March, Free event

A unique opportunity to relax, kick back and get up close to the artists and music celebrated in the festival with residents Microwave Jenny, Troy Brady, Hui-A, Street Warriors and guests; creating an intimate song circle under the stars to cast their spell. More Info

Free Event



Stan Grant: the Bennelong Memorial Address

23 March, Free Event

Logie award-winning international broadcaster Stan Grant reflects on his work in war torn areas and refugee camps; disturbed by the fact that much of Aboriginal Australia live in similar conditions, he argues for more rigorous investigative approaches to Aboriginal news reporting while challenging the prevailing standards in indigenous media. More Info

Free Event


Identity: lancing the boil

23 March, Free Event

Visual Artist Fiona Foley goes head-to-head with curator, art historian and provocateur Djon Mundine in a no-holds-barred conversation about trad Abs, rad Abs, self proclaimed identity, pigeon-holing, fashion and the "Ooga Booga" art of old. More Info

Free Event


Bennelong at the Opera

24 March, Free Event

Travel with historian Dr Keith Vincent Smith as he recounts Bennelong's lost years in London, what he saw and how he survived. Keith joined by fellow historian Professor John Maynard discusses one of the most misunderstood men in our combined histories, Woollarawarre Bennelong. More Info

Free Event



Woollarawarre Bennelong of the Wangal

Western Foyer
From 19 March, Free event

From Bennelong's Hut 1789 to Sydney Opera House 2013, this free exhibition weaves historical documentation, conversations and paintings together to tell of Bennelong's brutal kidnapping by the British, his travels to London and back home again, creating an epic legacy of resilience and survival. More Info

Free Event

Film Screenings


Festival Free Films: Saturday

23 March, Free event

Three important, groundbreaking and utterly engaging documentaries tell three stories of indigenous struggle, resilience and survival: Croker Island Exodus, Coniston and
Black Man's Houses
. Each free screening is followed by a Q&A with guest speakers.
More Info

Free Event


Festival Free Films: Sunday

24 March, Free event

We kick-off Sunday with a duet of doco screenings where you'll explore the 'defining moments' of two of our best-loved artists, Emma Donovan and Kerrianne Cox. The afternoon session will follow with three films from three countries through the eyes of their first peoples; Apekathe from Australia, Mauri from New Zealand and Canada's Unnatural and Accidental. Each free screening is followed by a Q&A with guest speakers. More Info