
Katanning's shame - time to stand up to child sexual abuse

From the age of seven up until she was thirteen years old Elizabeth Johns was molested, sexually abused and raped by one of the town’s community stalwarts – a Noongar man. Many in the town, Noongar and non-Aboriginal knew but did nothing – such was the pervasive culture of silence.

The whole story is here:

WGAR News: We must renew calls for national land rights: Amy McQuire, Tracker Editorial

Newsletter date: 3 March 2013


* Amy McQuire, Tracker Editorial: We must renew calls for national land rights
* Chris Munro, Tracker: Aboriginal Ink: Voices of the voiceless
* Brian Johnstone, Tracker: Land Rights: Breaking new ground
* Emma Murphy, Green Left: NT Shale gas boom set to meet resistance
* Tracker: NSWALC councillors confront protestors at head office
* Gary Foley, Tracker: The Contrarian: How Bob Hawke killed land rights
* Brian Johnstone, Tracker: Cabinet documents reveal Hawke backtrack on land rights
* Background to Mabo and Native Title

Nuclear and Climate News for the past week


Uranium – still being hyped up by the industry, and a few politicians – and yet – even the Australian Uranium Association is now admitting that the prospects for the industry in Queensland, in particular, are not good. By their own reckoning Queensland’s uranium would fetch less than $4 billion at the current rate for Australian uranium sales. The $4 billion figure is of little relevance since the uranium price is too low for any mines to be viable in Queensland.

WGAR News: Australia's Aboriginal children - The world's highest suicide rate: The Stringer

Newsletter date: 2 March 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Australia’s Aboriginal children - The world’s highest suicide rate
* The Stringer: Youth suicides - toll higher than Afghan war deaths

* NIRS: Higher rates of severe disability for Indigenous Australians: Research

* SBS Living Black: Heal Our Youth - Or Jail Them?
* NIRS: Gooda: "Stop locking Aboriginal people up who don't need to be locked up"
* ABC Radio Australia: Call for NSW intervention program to include indigenous youth
* Background to Aboriginal imprisonment and Deaths in Custody

Helping the poorest of the poor

By Tracker,

A small contingent from the NSW Aboriginal Land Council is travelling through the Philippines this month on a 14-day study tour of one that nation’s most respected Non-Government Organisations (NGO).

Gawad Kalinga (GK) – literally to “give care” – is an aid organisation famous for lifting more than 2,000 Philippine communities out of poverty.

NSWALC is investigating whether the GK model can be transplanted to Aboriginal communities in Australia.

The Shortwave Report 3/1/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend, 
            The latest Shortwave Report (March 1) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
   (If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

We're banned from Manus

From one hell to another. Children as young as 10 are fleeing extreme violence only to find out that what's on the other side is more uncertainty, more suffering. These are the children of Australia's Manus Island detention centre.

I was hoping to be bringing you news today from PNG, where asylum seekers inside the Manus Island detention centre asked GetUp and child advocacy group ChilOut to visit. We had our immunisations and started our anti-malarials, but we've just been refused visas to visit the asylum seekers.

WGAR News: Fears raised over burial sites near James Price Point: Tracker

Newsletter date: 1 March 2013

* The Wilderness Society: Broome takes over Sydney’s Martin Place
* Tracker: Fears raised over burial sites near James Price Point
* YouTube: Christine Milne on James Price Point - AustralianGreens
* YouTube: Rally For the Kimberley, Images Robin Chapple and Red Broome - Red Hand
* Robin Chapple MLC: Greens name and shame our biggest carbon emitters
* Perth Now: Sleeping giants square off in gas wars
* Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign - James Price Point, north of Broome, WA

* Other articles


WGAR News: Aboriginal youth could be silent victims in mandatory sentencing: The Wire

Newsletter date: 28 February 2013


* The Wire: Aboriginal youth could be silent victims in mandatory sentencing
* Amy McQuire, Tracker: Legal service slams WA govt’s "despicable" plans for mandatory sentencing
* The Stringer: Feed the little children
* The Stringer: Sansbury and Franks say "enough" and time for the SA Government to act
* Background to Aboriginal imprisonment and Deaths in Custody

* The Stringer: Aboriginal peoples finally to be included in SA Constitution - but 'no' to Treaty

Aboriginal youth could be silent victims in mandatory sentencing

It is feared that the proposed expansion of Western Australia’s tough mandatory sentencing laws will spark a jump in the number of Aboriginal children in detention, and will do nothing to break the cycle of youth offending.

Human rights advocates say they’re alarmed by the Liberal-National Barnett government’s plan to extend mandatory sentencing laws.

The raft of changes would make it possible for kids as young as 11 to be put in detention for 2 years.

Newstart especially bad news for the income-managed

Newstart allowance changes aren't popular with single mums generally but it's even worse for Aboriginal single mums in the Nnorthern Territory.

Income management already reduces their payments. The changes to Newstart reduce them even further.

Aboriginal activist and single mother of two, Barbara Shaw in Alice Springs explains what the cuts mean in an interview offered to 270 community radio stations.

DOJ, FBI admit to guilty knowledge

Employees of doj, fbi, cia and other government agencies have participated in or covered up ( and thereby served as accomplices to) multiple and ongoing felonies against my person for at least two decades, such offenses including aggravated assault, attempted murder, torture, etc.

The doj’s (and fbi’s ) own lawyer, Sara R. Robinson, by her own words of admission to guilty knowledge should be disbarred and prosecuted for her part in the fbi’s crime spree as outlined at

See her statement at
