
Qld events: Ration Shed Tour + ANTaR Closing the Gap Award + Close the Gap Day + Embassy Corroboree

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 16 March 2013: Cherbourg, Qld
Ration Shed Tour
"When our Elders were moved off the land and
taken to Cherbourg they were cut off from their
traditional sources of food and were given
weekly rations of mainly flour, sugar, tea, sago,
rice, split peas and meat. The rations were
given from a wooden shed which we have
restored and call The Ration Shed Museum.
We use the Ration Shed as a space to tell our stories."

Nuclear industry a big issue in German election this year

"Fukushima is everywhere, switch off nuclear power stations now," says the banner.

Germans demonstrated against nuclear industry in more than 190 locations across their country to mark the second anniversary of the Fukushima catastrophe in Japan on the 11th of March.

Already on Saturday, in mainly foul weather, more than 28.000 turned up at nuclear power stations at Grohnde, Günzburg and Neckarwestheim and a uranium enrichment plant at Gronau.

Demonstrators argued that a lot more lessons need to b e learned from Fukushima than have been so far.

Sydney events: Justice for The Bowraville Children March + Book Launch: A Decision to Discriminate

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 13 March 2013: Sydney, NSW
Lecture meeting: Dr Mike Donaldson - on the ancient art
sites of the Pilbara and Kimberley regions of WA
Event summary:
Event summary:
Event details:

Event: 13 February - 13 March 2013: Bathurst, NSW
Strong Spirit Strong People Strong Culture
"The name of the exhibition is borrowed from

Canberra events: First Australians Resistance Exhibition + Elimination of Racial Discrim'n Panel

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: from 13 March 2013: Canberra, ACT
Exhibition now showing:
First Australians - Resistance
"The lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
peoples were profoundly changed by the arrival
of British colonists in 1788. Lives were lost
and land taken as the colonisers attempted to
impose new social, economic and religious
orders. ... "
"Indigenous people responded in a variety of ways.
Some fought back with weapons. Others


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 44 events from 13 March 2013

Newsletter date: 13 March 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: from 13 March 2013: Canberra, ACT
Exhibition now showing:
First Australians - Resistance
"The lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
peoples were profoundly changed by the arrival
of British colonists in 1788. Lives were lost
and land taken as the colonisers attempted to
impose new social, economic and religious
orders. ... "
"Indigenous people responded in a variety of ways.
Some fought back with weapons. Others
developed different strategies to survive this

ILC keeping Aboriginal men In The Long Grass

Today in the Northern Territory along the Roper Bar road on the Aboriginal Alawa people owned Station of Warrigundu you will find no activity. The part time Aboriginal station staff was sat down in early December last year by the lease holders of the property, the Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC). While sitting down for two or three months over a wet period is nothing new in the top end, the pay systems the Aboriginal boys operate under within the ILC is.


Poisoned flag: US sailors nuked by Fukushima


Two U.S. sailors tell their stories of being poisoned with radioactivity aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan during the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan.

Quartermasters Maurice Enis, and Jaime Plym, now out of the Navy, speak in New York City, at a press
conference organized by the Helen Caldicott Foundation and the Physicians for Social Responsibility on March 11th, 2013, two years after the triple melt down in Japan.

In addition to the sailors, we hear from Jeff Patterson, president of PSR, Helen Caldicott, and Robert Alvarez.

Melbourne heatwave a sizzling autumn end to an 'angry summer'

Monday was the 8th consecutive day of above 30C heat with a forecast of at least two more days of temperatures in the mid 30s. That will make 10 continuous days before a cool change is expected late on Wednesday brings down temperatures to a milder high 20s. The previous record for any month was 8 continuous days set in February 1961. For the month of March, seven consecutive days above 30C is the record set in 1995.


Whitehaven Tarrawonga coal mine disrupted by protest

Frontline Action on Coal in the Leard State Forest claimed today that production at Whitehaven's Tarrawonga coal mine was disrupted due to a protester sitting on a tree platform with ropes attached to the front gate. Another twenty people supported the protestor.

The person up the tree was Jonathon Moylan who issued the ANZ hoax letter in January to garner attention on ANZ Bank financing to the tune of $1.2billion the Maule Creek coal mine.


More evidence of Indigenous sovereignty gathered

Coonamble, NSW, 11 March 2013 – Indigenous sovereignty campaigner Michael Ghillar Anderson has been collating more practical examples of Australia recognising Indigenous sovereignty despite itself.

He notes in a media release that they constitute “admissions against their own interest” which he argues have one of the highest evidence values in court.

WGAR News: Broome community calls on Shell to protect burial grounds: The Stringer

Newsletter date: 12 March 2013


* The Stringer: Broome community calls on Shell to protect burial grounds
* Alex Bainbridge, Green Left: Kimberley rally forces response from Labor and Liberal
* The Stringer: Broome voters send a strong message - don’t build the gas hub
* SMH: Hot contest in Kimberley gas hub seat
* Independent Australia: Kimberley's gas hub to become industrial wasteland - Greens
* WA 2013 Vote: Barnett Woodside Gang Up on Broome Community
* WA 2013 Vote: Liberal Bloom Admits James Price Point Start About Complete Kimberley Resource Development

WGAR News: Stronger Futures 'fundamentally racist': Ada Lee, South Sydney Herald

Newsletter date: 11 March 2013


* Ada Lee, South Sydney Herald: Stronger Futures 'fundamentally racist'
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

* YouTube: Letters Patent Protest, South Australia - MAV Media

* PShift: Traditional owner - james bonner - supports tent embassy in Musgrave Park
* YouTube: Sovereignty is an Australian question - SovereignEmbassy
* Brisbane City Council Heritage Citation: Musgrave Park

The company rapes children

We can't be a perfect nation, there have been none prior to us throughout history, and there will be none after us that are. There is nothing in the universe that is without some flaw or having its own deficiencies. But, it becomes dangerous when people running any great nation become corrupt and take advantage of the good will of the people of a given country for themselves.

Citizens Lobby with Life on the Brink

Kiss your old climate good-bye. That's the word from scientists and measuring agencies on all fronts.

Download/listen to this Radio Ecoshock program (1 hour) in CD quality here (56 MB):

Or try the faster loading, lower quality Lo-Fi version (14 MB) here:

John Vidal of the Guardian was among the first to report that measurements of CO2 in the atmosphere at Hawaii's Mauna Loa observatory hit an all-time new high in February 2013 at 396.8 parts per million.

The IPA and a strong left voice

The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) is a body formed to push a right wing agenda. let us say that their agenda is very right wing. The believe in the smallest of government, individual liberty, private wealth, low taxation, and the market economy, unencumbered by government regulation.

I write about this group because I see a chasm between who is being represented int he main stream media. The IPA floods the media with opinion pieces which oft are printed. There is no balance of contributions from the left.
