Bradley Manning has taken responsibility for releasing files to WikiLeaks

'I Wanted The American Public To Know'



Bradley Manning has taken responsibility for releasing files to WikiLeaks and explained why he did so. The young analyst's account makes it clear he was acting on conscience, writes Nathan Fuller

What would you do if you had evidence of war crimes? What would you do if "following orders" meant participating in grave abuses that you opposed? Would you have the courage to risk everything — even your life — to do the right thing?

Most of us would keep our mouths shut. Not Bradley Manning.

In a 10,000-word statement that he read aloud last month at a pre-trial hearing in Fort Meade, Maryland, Bradley Manning detailed how his conscience led him to expose crimes, abuse, and corruption, by releasing the Iraq and Afghan War Logs, the Collateral Murder video, State Department cables, Guantanamo Bay files, and more to WikiLeaks.

The full story is at