Philippines: Stop the power plant that threatens rare cockatoos

The already endangered Philippine cockatoo's survival is at a risk
Dear friends of the rainforests,

the Philippine cockatoo is an inhabitant of the Philippine archipelago. These majestic birds are near the top of the IUCN Red List of threatened species, with only around a thousand still living in the wild. The largest population of these cockatoos inhabits Rasa, a small coral island separated from the much larger island of Palawan by a strait only 500 meters wide.

The Philippine government is now planning a coal-fired power plant exactly opposite Rasa. The plant and its sooty smokestacks would block the birds’ route to their feeding grounds on Palawan, thus jeopardizing the remaining 250 Philippine cockatoos on Rasa.

Please add your signature to the letter by Philippine environmentalists protesting the power plant.

Thanks for being involved,

Reinhard Behrend
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)