The Future Fund are ending their investment in Big Tobacco - A win for The Greens


The Greens have had a win.

The Future Fund are ending their investment in Big Tobacco.

Watch the video

The Future Fund are ending their investment in Big Tobacco.

Hundreds of you wrote to the board of the Future Fund to ask them to divest from big companies like Philip Morris and BA Tobacco, responsible for decades of abuse of science and thousands of deaths. Thank you for your action.

We have shown the Future Fund, an $80 billion government fund, that Australians don’t want their tax dollars invested in the killer tobacco industry. I’ve recorded a short video to say thanks: could you watch it and share it with your friends?

During our year-long campaign, I’ve moved a Bill in Parliament for ethical investment of Future Fund money, quizzed the Fund in Senate estimates hearings, and worked with all of you and community groups to pressure the ALP and the Fund into action. It’s worked.

In my time as a doctor, I saw hundreds of patients suffering from tobacco-related diseases. Helping to end taxpayers’ dollars being invested in Big Tobacco companies which lobbied hard against regulation of their deadly products is a real achievement – so thank you.

With gratitude,


Greens Health Spokesperson

Senator for Victoria

P.S. We’ve seen the worst in Australian politics today with Scott Morrison’s comments vilifying refugees. On a day like today, it’s also good to share the good news about what the Greens and the community can achieve together. If you’re on Facebook, please share this graphic about the Future Fund with your friends.