Indigenous kids in out-of-home care are at risk

The Wire
Indigenous kids in out-of-home care are at risk  
Friday, 1 March 2013

Produced by Eduardo Jordan

Story audio:

Indigenous kids are being let down by the system they most rely upon, according to a new report.
Indigenous kids in out-of-home care are six times more likely to be moved than non-indigenous,
and experts believe this is due to a number of reasons.

Imagine you are a child and have nowhere else to go, but a foster care centre. You'll receive
education and a place to sleep at night. Once you get used to it, you're forced to move out and
get another foster care centre. And again, and again. This is what's happening with our kids in
out-of-home care. (image of children performing "Sorry Day" dance by electicnerve on Flickr)

Featured in story
Dr Joseph McDowall - Director of the CREATE Foundation and consultant of 2013 report